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.To accommodateinternal Apache logic, you should avoid trailing slashes in directory.ErrorDocument http coreSet Alternative Response Document for HTTP ErrorsSyntax: http-code actionhttpd.conf.htaccessAuthConfigExample:LimitsOptionsDefault:FileInfoIndexesSince: Apache 1.0Papersize: (US letter)Cropmarks: (AWL repro) 4.3 Configuration Reference 79In the event of a problem or error, Apache can be configured to doUse to one of four things: (1) output a simple, hard-coded error message, (2)create custom erroroutput a dynamic customized message, (3) redirect to a local URL tomessages.handle the problem, or (4) redirect to an external URL to handle theproblem.The first option is the default.The other three options areconfigured using the directive, which is followed bythe HTTP response code http-core and a text message or URL action.Messages in this context consist of a quoted string for action.URLs foraction can begin with a slash (  ) for local URLs or be fully qualifiedURLs that force an HTTP redirect.ErrorLog http coreServer Log File for ErrorsSyntax: targethttpd.conf.htaccessAuthConfigExample:LimitsOptionsDefault:FileInfoIndexesSince: Apache 1.0This directive sets the target to which the server will log any errorsit encounters.If target is a file name and does not begin with a slash In case of anyproblems, always look(  ), then it is assumed to be relative to.If it begins with ainto the log filepipe (  ), then it is assumed to be a command that spawns the errors.specified viafor details, first.Alternatively, target can be  facility , which enables loggingvia syslog(3) if the system supports it.The default is to use syslogfacility.Group http coreEffective Group ID for Server ProcessSyntax: gidhttpd.conf.htaccessAuthConfigExample:LimitsOptionsDefault:FileInfoIndexesSince: Apache 1.0This directive sets the (UNIX) group under which the server processwill run and answer requests.To use this directive, the stand-aloneserver must be run initially as  root.The argument gid is either agroup name or   followed by a numerical group ID.The use of thisdirective in requires a properly configured suEXECwrapper.When used inside a in this manner, the di-rective affects only the group runs as CGI processes.All other types ofrequests are processed as the group specified in the main server.Papersize: (US letter)Cropmarks: (AWL repro) 80 Chapter 4: Configuring ApacheHostnameLookups http coreResolution of IP Addresses to Host NamesSyntax: typehttpd.conf.htaccessAuthConfigExample:LimitsOptionsDefault:FileInfoIndexesSince: Apache 1.1This directive specifies whether and how IP addresses of clients are re-To speed up runtime solved to their corresponding host names via reverse DNS lookups, soprocessing, you canthat clients can be logged and passed to the CGI/SSI environment.Theuse argument type can be   to enable full resolving,   to disable re-and .solving, or   to enable double-reverse DNS lookups.In the latter approach, after a reverse lookup is performed, an ad-ditional forward lookup is carried out on that result.At least oneof the IP addresses in the forward lookup must match the originaladdress in a double-revers DNS lookup.Regardless of the setting,when is used for controlling access by host name, a double-reverse lookup will be always performed for security reasons.IdentityCheck http corePerform User Name Identification LookupsSyntax: booleanhttpd.conf.htaccessAuthConfigExample:LimitsOptionsDefault:FileInfoIndexesSince: Apache 1.0This directive supports RFC 1413-compliant user identification lookups,Spread your server which can be used to log the remote user name for each connection.Itconfiguration overworks only if the remote host runs or something similar.Themultiple files thewithhelp of the information is logged in the access log file and should not be trusted indirective.any way except as part of rudimentary usage tracking.Note that thisdirective can create serious latency problems in accessing your server,because every request causes a lookup to be performed.Include http coreInclude Another Configuration FileSyntax: filehttpd.conf.htaccessAuthConfigExample:LimitsOptionsDefault:FileInfoIndexesSince: Apache 1.3This directive allows the inclusion of another configuration file, givenin the argument file.Use it with caution inside sections,because the directive is applied to the surrounding context.Papersize: (US letter)Cropmarks: (AWL repro) 4.3 Configuration Reference 81KeepAlive http coreHTTP Keep-Alive FacilitySyntax: booleanhttpd.conf.htaccessAuthConfigExample:LimitsOptionsDefault:FileInfoIndexesSince: Apache 1.1This directive indicates whether the HTTP Keep-Alive facility is sup-ported  that is, whether the client can establish persistent HTTP con-nections.Use of this directive is recommended, because it speeds uprequest processing.KeepAliveTimeout http coreSet the Timeout for HTTP Keep-Alive ConnectionsSyntax: secondshttpd.conf [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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