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.I had wandered thedock for a while, trying to decide what to do, and this seemed to be the best courseof action.It was unfair of me to wake herup, but I needed answers before somethingawful happened.Her window slid open with a bang. What in the name of heaven are youdoing out there, lad? Are you in trouble?I backed several steps away from thedoor to get a better look at her. Yes.No.I don t know. Stay there. She slammed the windowshut and soon opened the door for me.I followed her into the storeroombehind the counter and sat at the tablewhile she put the teakettle on.We didn ttalk for a while as she bustled aboutcollecting cups, sugar, and tea.She placedleaves in the little metal diffuser and dropped it into the kettle. Now, tell mewhat s going on. She joined me at thetable, placing the sugar bowl between us. The demon inside me has awakened,I blurted out, not knowing how else to putit. I ve told you all your life that there isno demon.It s only a vicious rumorstarted by a miserable woman.I ran my hand through my hair. No.I m telling you, it s there.I felt it.It mademe crave violence, just like everyone haspredicted.Francine wrapped her robe closeraround her. How s it going with theLeighton girl? Francine! Did you hear mDidnt se?The demon has emerged. She smiled. Yes, I heard you loud andclear.We ll get to your demon, but first Iwant you to calm down and talk to me.How s Anna? She s good. Just good?I took a deep breath.Being aroundFrancine made me feel safe again, and herlack of panic over my revelation broughtme a modicum of comfort. She sgreat.amazing.Beyond amazing.Francine grinned. And? She s beautiful and brilliant, andwhen she kisses me, I swear I can doanything.I can fly, Francine. That s how love makes you feel, lad.Like you can fly. The teakettle whistled,and Francine left the table. Love.That was the problem.On myway from the mansion, several thingsoccurred to me.One was that the demonwas real, two was that I was in love withAnna, and three, the two things weresomehow related.Francine returned to the table with twocups of tea. Now, you and I have neverreally talked at length about this, Liam.Isimply told you my theory and I stand byit.The demon is a rumor.I shook my head. It s real. Tell me first, who did you hear itfrom and what you know about it? Shespooned some sugar into her tea. I ve heard Francine interrupted me by making atsk-tsk sound. First, start with the source. Well, villagers.I ve overheard it mywhole life.Everyone knows about it.She took a sip of her tea. So nobodyhas told you directly. Well, no, but  So you ve overheard gossip andrumor.She was trying to make me feel betterby discounting the source, but I had felt it. The story is consistent regardless of thesource.She added another spoonful of sugarand gestured to my cup with her spoon. That s getting cold.I picked up my cup. When I was born,it s said that a demon possessed me.Thatit put on my human skin but did so erroneously or was interrupted before itgot its left arm in correctly, which is whymy arm doesn t work.That my flesh isanimated by a demon and when I reach myprime, the demon will emerge, taking overmy ability to reason, and kill those I love,just like it did at my birth when Imurdered my mother. Oh, my God. The sound of Anna svoice caused me to drop my tea, spilling itall over the table and floor.I jumped tomy feet, wanting more than anything to run. We didn t hear you arrive, lass,Francine said, sopping up my tea with atowel she had pulled from the stovehandle.Anna twisted her fingers in front of her,clearly uncomfortable. When I came in, I said hello, but the teakettle was making aracket.You just didn t hear me.I took several steps back. I didn t mean to sneak up on you.I mreally sorry. She met my eyes, but Ilooked away, focusing on the utensil jaron the counter instead.How could I faceher now that she knew the truth? Well, you might as well join us sinceit concerns you too.Would you like sometou.Howea, lass? Francine asked,dropping the towel in the sink. It doesn t concern her, I said, a littlelouder than intended. No, thanks. Anna sat in a chair at thetable.I gave Francine a pleading look. It s my home, lad.I invited her, so she stays.I closed my eyes and leaned against thewall.She knew [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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