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.After you create a preset Internet object, you can save it as an HTML page.Forinformation about optimizing, see  Optimizing bitmaps for the World Wide Web onpage 263.To add or customize an Internet objectTo Do the followingAdd an Internet object Click Edit Insert Internet object, andclick the object you want.Click where youwant to place the Internet object.Creating Web-enabled objects 261 To Do the followingCustomize an Internet object Do one of the following:(Windows) Right-click an Internet object,and click Properties.Inthe Objectproperties Docker window, click theInternet tab , and specify theattributes you want to add.(Mac OS) Control + click an Internetobject, and click Properties.OntheObject properties palette, chooseInternet from the list box, and specifythe attributes you want to add.Add a CGI Script address to an Internet Deselect any objects, and do one of theobject following:(Windows) Right-click, and clickProperties.Click the Form tab, andtype the CGI script address in the URLof CGI script box.Choose an HTMLequivalent method from the Method listbox and a frame type from the Target listbox.(Mac OS) Control + click, and clickProperties.Click Form from the listbox.Type the CGI script address in theURL of CGI script box.Choose anHTML equivalent method from theMethod list box and a frame type fromthe Target list box.All Internet objects, except for Java applets and embedded files, require aCGI script address to function properly after you publish a drawing to theWorld Wide Web.262 CorelDRAW: Chapter 20 To save objects to a Web-compatible format1 Click File Publish to the Web HTML.2 Choose the HTML layout from the HTML layout method list box.3 Choose a destination folder.4 Choose an image subfolder.5 Choose an export range.You can check to see whether there are any issues by clicking the Issuestab.Optimizing bitmaps for the World Wide WebYou can save objects and optimize them for the World Wide Web.When you optimize an image for the Web, you can export to a GIF, JPEG, JPEG2000, PNG 8-bit, and PNG 24-bit file type, choose a Web preset, and compare thepreviewed results.The Web presets are optimized for color, dithering, compression,and smoothing, depending on the file type you choose.You can compare up to fourfile types by viewing their download speed, image quality, file size, color range, andcompression size as well as by panning and zooming in the image.You can also add and delete Web presets of your own.To save and optimize a bitmap to Web-compatible format1 Click File Publish to the Web Web image optimizer.2 Choose a speed from the Connection speed list box.3 Choose one of the following pane display options:Single paneDouble-vertical panesDouble-horizontal panesFour panes4 Keep one pane as the original image.In one or more of the other panes, choosefrom the following list boxes below the preview window:File typeWeb presetCreating Web-enabled objects 263 You can alsoEdit preset settings for a single preview area Click Advanced.Inthe Export dialog box,customize the preset options.If you selectGIF or PNG8 file formats, you can modifythe color palette and settings in theConvert to paletted dialog box.Save the current configuration of settings Click the Save settings button for eachfor a preview area.area where you want to save the settings.Save a custom preset Click Add.Delete a preset Click Delete.Display file information below each preview Enable the Preview check box.windowPan to another section of the image Drag in the preview window of the originalimage.Zoom in the preview window Choose a magnification from the Zoomlevel list box.Some browsers require a plug-in to display JPEG 2000 files.You can compare file types with the original image by choosing Originalfrom the File type list box in one of the panes.Creating rolloversRollovers are interactive objects that change in appearance when you click or point tothem.You can create rollovers using objects.To create a rollover, you add the following rollover states:Normal  the default state of a button when no mouse activity is associated withthe buttonOver  the state of a button when the pointer passes over itDown  the state of a clicked button264 CorelDRAW: Chapter 20 To edit the rollover states, you can view the rollover states and their properties.Rollovers showing Normal (top), Over (middle), and Down (bottom) statesTo publish a rollover to the Internet, you must save the rollover to a Web-compatiblefile format by publishing to HTML or to the Macromedia Flash"! (SWF) format.Forinformation on publishing to the Web, see  Publishing to the Web on page 271.For more information about creating and editing objects such as rollovers, see Working with objects on page 73.To create a rollover object1 Select an object.2 Click Effects Rollover Create rollover.You cannot create a rollover from a clone.To edit a rollover object1 Select an object.2 Click Effects Rollover Edit rollover.3 Specify the attributes of each state.4 Click Effects Rollover Finish editing rollover.Creating Web-enabled objects 265 You cannot close a drawing in which you are editing a rollover.You mustfinish editing first.You can also edit a rollover object by clicking the Edit rollover button onthe Internet toolbar.To view the rollover states1 Do one of the following:(Windows) Click Window Toolbars More toolbars.In the Workspace,Customization list of categories, click Command bars and ensure theInternet check box is enabled.Click OK.(Mac OS) Click Window Toolbars Internet.2 On the Internet toolbar, choose between the Normal, Over, and Down statesfrom the Active rollover state list box.You can preview a rollover object s states in the drawing page by clickingView Enable rollovers.To quit previewing the rollover so that you canedit it, click View Enable rollovers.To view rollover properties1 Click Window Dockers / Palettes Object manager.2 Click the page and layer where the rollover resides.3 Click the rollover name, and expand the Normal, Over, and Down states.Creating Web-compatible textWhen you convert paragraph text to Web-compatible text, you can edit the text ofthe published document in an HTML editor.You can change text font characteristics,including the font type, size, and style.The Web-compatible text sizes, numbered 1through 7, correspond to particular point sizes between the 10-point and 48-pointrange.For more information about formatting text, see  Formatting paragraph texton page 228.The default Web font style is used automatically, unless you override it with anotherfont.If you choose to override it, the default font is used when visitors to your Website don t have the same font installed on their computers.The bold, italic, and266 CorelDRAW: Chapter 20 underline text styles are also available.You can apply uniform fills, but not outlines,to Web-compatible text.Any non-Web-compatible text in your drawing is converted to bitmaps when youpublish your drawing to the World Wide Web as HTML.To make text Web-compatibleTo Do the followingChange paragraph text to Web-compatible Select the paragraph text.Click TexttextMake text web compatible.Make new text Web-compatible Do one of the following:(Windows) Click Tools Options.Inthe list of categories, double-clickWorkspace, Text, and click Paragraph.Enable the Make all new paragraphtext frames web compatible check box.(Mac OS) Click CorelDRAW 11Preferences.In the list of categories,click Workspace, Text, and clickParagraph.Enable the Make all newparagraph text frames Webcompatible check box.Ensure that the Web-compatible text does not intersect or overlap otherobjects or extend beyond the boundaries of the drawing page; otherwise thetext will be converted to a bitmap, and it will lose its Internet properties [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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