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.If they are interested in fishing andvisiting a fishing store in that mall, why wouldthey want to come to your store to buy officesupplies? Do you see where I am coming from?Visitors most likely found the fishing store bydoing a search in the search engines for "fishing"or by following a link from another site.That ishow a potential customer will find your store aswell (by searching for "office supplies") not from"cross-traffic" in the online shopping mall orsearching for "Joe s Mall" in a search engine.Other Miscellaneous Tips" Here is a tricky and effective way of notonly increasing traffic and sales, but willdouble your chances at getting located in asearch engine as a result.In essence, youreplicate your original site with a differentdomain name.Change the title of the siteand a few sentences on the main page, andsubmit the new URL to the search engines.This has been done by a few of the onlineshopping malls.They just replicate 20 ofthe shops, copy the files, and go onlineInsider Secrets 2 - 51 NOTES:with a new presence.If you have the timeto replicate your site, it will be worth theeffort in the long run." A growing problem in the industry is that itis so easy to "steal" pages and sites.Asmany of you know, with any major webbrowser, you can view a site& then view itssource code and copy and paste that to anew file on your hard drive.Then youmodify some of the information before re-posting, and you have effectively "stolen"that webpage.There is no perfect solutionto keep this from happening to your site,but there is something you can do toprotect your investment from thecompetition by creating what is called a"published" page." The HTML editor HotDog has what s calleda "publish" command.Basically, youdesign your page through HotDog like youwould normally and when it is completeyou store it as a "published" HTML file in aseparate directory (this is "saving" option inHotDog).The only difference between yourregular HTML file and the "published"HTML file is that the published version hasall the carriage returns removed so yourfile is only one line long and seems to go onforever and ever.This makes it verydifficult to decipher because lines are notbroken into readable format and mostpeople won t bother to copy it.If they didcopy your website, they would have tospend hours and hours going throughevery "published" page adding carriagereturns manually." Subscribe to every marketing/ advertising/promotional/ publicity list you can findInsider Secrets 2 - 52 NOTES:and absorb the information there.Much ofthe information you find will be of marginaluse, but some of it will be absolutelypriceless and cutting edge information.It isobviously worth searching or diggingthrough the garbage to find an idea thatwill make you a fortune.Go tohttp://www.liszt.com for a posting of over84,000 mailing/discussion lists availableon the net." I am still dumbfounded by the fact thatthere are so many companies on the netwith a one or two page description of thecompany and a phone number to call forproducts/services and pricing.No specifictarget market, no benefits, no streamlinedand easy way to order& and probably nosales either.This is simply a ludicrouswaste of our time, search engine space andbandwidth.If you are going to set up awebpage, do it right or don t do it at all.Domain NameIt seems like everybody is in a hurry to get theirown domain name.It costs approximately$70.00 so it is cost effective, and there are a fewadvantages to setting up this way.The three main advantages to having your owndomain name are:1.You are not held hostage by yourInternet service provider (ISP), sinceyou can move your domain name to anyhost.You may find that the original ISPmay not offer the services, quality, orInsider Secrets 2 - 53 NOTES:speed you need as you grow so you wantto change your ISP.2.It makes it easy for a customer to findyou again (assuming you have a easydomain name to remember).3.If you have a "slick" domain name, itcan entice people surfing the web tovisit your site before someone else s.For example, if you performed a searchfor the keywords "Internet businessmarketing" in a search engine, in theresults you would get hundreds of sitesto visit.Let's say the following sitescome up at the top of the search results:http://www.abc.com/nrl/stevespage,http://www.zenith.com/help.html andhttp://www.marketingtips.comWhich one would you go to first? You can seethe domain name marketingtips.com explainsexactly what they are going to get when theyvisit the site, and therefore it generates far moretraffic.I should explain why I don't have a domainname for Car Secrets.When the Internet wasmuch younger (back in 1995), there were notnearly as many companies online as there arenow.Many people assume that a domain namethat ends in.com has something to sell andmost people are looking for free informationwhen they are on the Internet.By having alonger URL, it looked like I was an individualwith a simple webpage who was just giving awayinformation.That s why we have always used the URLhttp://www.igs.net/carsecrets/ for the book andsoftware package Car Secrets Revealed, asopposed to http://www.carsecrets.com.(by theInsider Secrets 2 - 54 NOTES:way, we just purchased the domainhttp://www.carsecrets.com to complement ourfirst domain purchase ofhttp://www.cartips.com).But as you can see, I ran into a problem as timewent on and the Internet changed.Once Ibecame well known on the web and everyonewas linking to me (and my URL was set up to getgreat results from the search engines), I couldn'tchange my ISP if I was unhappy with theirperformance (which luckily, I wasn t!).If I gaveup this URL to get my own domain name orchange my ISP, I would lose all those visitorsand the "foothold" I had in the market.Everyone knew me as the URLhttp://www.igs.net/carsecrets/ and all the workI did to get reciprocal links and great ranking inthe search engines was pointing to the URLhttp://www.igs.net/carsecrets/That is why Ihave never changed it [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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