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.Latino voting numbers from author sLines: 1807 tointerview with Michael Cook, executive director, Democratic Party of Arkansas,  19 November 2002.On the potential electoral implications for the Latino vote0.0pt PgVin Arkansas s future, see Lublin, The Republican South, 226 30.  6.See Hero, Faces of Inequality, especially pp.11 15, and Suzi Parker,  HispanicsNormal PageReshape Culture of the South, Christian Science Monitor, 10 June 1999.OnPgEnds: TEXthe limitations of the increases in Latino population in Arkansas, see BrendaBlagg,  Perspective on Hispanic Influx, Morning News of Northwest Arkansas,22 September 1996.On the relative absence of diversity in the state, see Morgan[465], (83)and Wilson,  Diversity in theAmerican States. Some other ethnic diversificationis also occurring in the state that should be noted.On the Asian growth rate, seePhilip Reese,  State s Asian Population on Roll, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette,18 September 2003.Northwest Arkansas is also home to the largest populationof Marshall Islanders in the United States (Rachel Webb,  Marshallese Focusof Conference, 6 December 2003).On non-Mexican Latino growth, see Char-lie Frago and Phillip Reese,  Rural Yell County Draws Many Salvadorans,Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, 7 July 2003.7.Donald Voth,  Impact of Migration on Arkansas (lecture given in Center forArkansas and Regional Studies Lecture Series, Fayetteville, Arkansas, 15 March1984), pp.14 15, and  Selected Reference Tables.According to 2000 Census records, approximately one-half of the 10 percentof Arkansans who had lived in a different state in 1995 were residing in anothersouthern state, while just over one-fourth had arrived from a Midwestern state.8.Bumpers s quotation is from his speech to Washington County DemocraticRally, Springdale, Arkansas, 22 October 1986.On Blanche Lincoln s and Mark 466 Notes to Pages 339 341Pryor s conservatism and support for portions of Republican president GeorgeW.Bush s agenda, see Paul Barton,  Lincoln Ranks Third on List of DemocratsBacking Bush, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, 25 December 2002; David Sanders, Lincoln Reaches for Conservative Image, Arkansas News Bureau, 29 January2003; John Brummett,  Our Republican Senators, Arkansas News Bureau, 31January 2003; Alison Vekshin,  Pryor Urges Democrats to Court the Gun Vote,Arkansas News Bureau, 17 October 2003; and John Brummett,  Guns, God andMark Pryor, Arkansas News Bureau, 25 May 2004.Polling data from Jay Barth sinterview with Paul Johnson, senior advisor for Mark Pryor for Senate campaign,18 November 2002.9.On Huckabee s views on restorative justice, see Michael R.Wickline,  Huckabee:Answerable to God on Clemencies, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, 6 December[466], (84)2002.On tax increase proposal and the public s reaction to it, see John Brummett, Labels Collide in Little Rock, Arkansas News Bureau, 19 November 2002;Elizabeth Caldwell,  Callers Hot about Huckabee s Proposed Sales Tax In-Lines: 181crease, Arkansas News Bureau, 5 December 2002; Michael Rowett,  Tax-Angry  Callers Give Governor Grief, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, 5 December 2002.0pt PgOn school reform, see Governor Mike Huckabee,  State of the State Address, 14  January 2002, http://www.accessarkansas.org/governor/stateofstate.html; JasonNormal PaWhite,  Conservative Gov Pushes for Higher Taxes, Education Funding Equity,PgEnds: TEStateline.org, 12 December 2003.10.Quotation by Pat Moran, former Public Service commissioner and administrativeaide to Sen.Dale Bumpers, cited in Lamis, Two-Party South, 126.On this point,[466], (84)see also John Brummett,  The Labels Are Upside Down, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, 10 April 2003.11. Go Home! Northwest Arkansas Times, 26 January 1985.See also ArkansasDemocrat poll on Falwell visit, 21 February 1985; and  Jerry and the Dupes,Arkansas Times, April 1985.12.katv Channel 7 poll conducted 30 September 4 October 1996 by OpinionResearch Associates, Inc.; Nate Coulter for U.S.Senate campaign ad quotedin Suzi Parker,  Not Your Father s Arkansas, IntellectualCapital.com, 14 May1998.13.According to Arbitron ratings in November 1986, cited by Paul Johnson ( TheSmall Screen, Arkansas Gazette, 8 January 1987), almost all Arkansas house-holds had television service, indeed more than half had more than one televisionset in the household, and television was viewed 44.3 hours per week.Suchconnectedness to the rest of the world via modern technology has only increasedsince that date, of course.14. Tucker s Record Attacked, Northwest Arkansas Times, 5 June 1978, quoted in Notes to Pages 342 344 467StephenA.Smith and Jimmie N.Rogers,  Rhetorical Reruns: Cultural Continuityin Southern Political Arguments (University of Arkansas, 2002, typescript).15.On the final point, see Michael R.Wickline and Seth Blomeley,  Transitionbetween Staffs at Capitol Takes Toll on Constitutional Officers, ArkansasDemocrat-Gazette, 9 January 2003.16 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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