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.Life is a creative journey.We can justlet life happen to us, or we can fully participate as co-creators with Spirit.The question is, whatkind of life do I want? I have the capacity to shape my experience of life.And I know that I do notdo it alone.The labyrinth is where free from old self-de nitions of what we have been or pressures ofwhat we should be we can allow the owering of who we re meant to be.Until we know what wedream for, yearn for, we can t work with Spirit to manifest it.We can walk in the labyrinth withsuch intentions as:What is my high dream for my life, my heart s desire?If I won the lottery and money and time were no longer issues, what would I do that wouldbring me joy, creative fulfillment, life?Walking in this manner need not be reserved for the  big dreams. You can walk the labyrinthfor help in envisioning a new job, a new work project, a new house whatever it is that will allowyou to live life more fully and abundantly.Once you ve gured out what you want, from something as mundane as how you d like yournext apartment to look, to something as grand as a soul mate or spiritual path, you can use thelabyrinth, as Neal Harris calls it, as a  playground of the Spirit to help manifest your heart sdesire.Manifesting in this way is not an act of will or  forcing the universe to give you what you want.It is about attuning to your dreams, getting out of your own way, and allowing the energy of yourclarity to help manifest your dream if it is for your own highest good.The manifestation walk helps put your body and soul in alignment with your vision in apowerful way.Find a place to be quiet and center in.Close your eyes, take several deep breaths,and ask for a symbol of your heart s desire.When you receive the symbol, draw it or simply write the word for it on a slip of paper.Then go out to your labyrinth and place the symbol in thecenter.Return to the entrance and ask for help in symbolically attaining your goal and becoming awareof whatever hinders you, internally or externally, from reaching that goal.Walk mindfully towardthe center, staying aware of how it feels, body and soul, to walk toward your goal.As you walk,notice what feelings surface: excitement? anxiety? anger? fear? relief? joy? Breathe into each one,acknowledging it, and continue your walk.If a feeling feels  big, stop for a moment and breatheinto it.Let yourself really feel it; move to it if you wish: Skip for joy, crouch in fear.Let your body and soul direct you in how you get to the center and to your dream.Don t reachthe center until you re really ready to embrace your dream.Once in the center, pick up yoursymbol.Look at it; breathe into it.Imagine bringing the symbol, and your dream, into your heart.Welcome it into your life.Stay with this until you feel as if you now carry this symbol in yourheart.Notice how you carry yourself differently with the symbol inside you.When the symbol feels integrated, you can either leave the piece of paper at the center of thelabyrinth as an altar o ering, or carry it out with you.Now walk out from the center.Imaginewalking into your own life with this dream come true, as if it had already happened.Notice howyou walk differently with this dream now a reality.WALKING INTO A COMMITMENTnother way to work with your heart s desire is to make a commitment to it. Until one iscommitted, there is hesitancy, always ine ectiveness, the German poet Goethe once wrote. The moment one de nitely commits oneself, then Providence moves, too.A whole streamAof events issues from the decision, raising in one s favor all manner of unforeseenincidents and meetings and material assistance.Commitment to a dream opens doors that otherwise might remain shut.Commitment to a dreamor a goal, just as in commitment to an intimate relationship, allows depths to unfold andsynchronicities to occur.Often life begins to move dreamward only after a rm heart commitmenthas been made.Making a commitment to a dream will ush out any inner blocks to its realization so that youcan deal with them consciously rather than have them drive you at an unconscious level.You canuse the labyrinth as a way of a rming your commitment to your heart s desire and releasing anyinternal roadblocks you carry to realizing your dreams.To begin the  commitment walk, rst take some time to re ect on what you are committing to,and why.Explore how realizing this dream will not only make you a better person but help othersaround you as well.When you are ready, stand at the entrance to the labyrinth and ask for help inmaking a heart commitment to your dream.As you walk toward the center, imagine walking withyour dream.Notice feelings, images, thoughts that arise as you walk.Breathe through them all [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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