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Scriptwriting Software 365Siegel, D.(1996).Creating killer web sites.Indianapolis, IN: Hayden Books.Thurlow, C., Laura, L., & Alice, T.(2004).Computer mediated communication: Social interaction and theinternet.London: Sage Publications Ltd.Varchal, D.J.(1996).The multimedia scriptwriting workshop.Subex Inc.Wimberly, D., & Samsel, J.(1996).Interactive writer s handbook (2nd ed).San Francisco: Carronade Group.RADIO-TV NEWSWRITINGMcCullough, V.C.(1997).Writing news for television, style and format.Iowa City, IA: Iowa StateUniversity Press.Wulfemeyer, K.T.(1993).Radio-TV newswriting, A workbook.Iowa City, IA: Iowa State University Press.ARTICLES, JOURNALS, PAPERS & NEWSPAPERSAyala, D.(2009).Google s Nexus one specs leaked.PC World, December 16 (www.pcworld.com/arti-cle/184778/googles_nexus_one_specs_leaked.html).Bray, H.(2009).The Boston Globe, August 13.Dickson, G.(2009).Broadcasting & Cable, July 6, Broadcasting & Cable, July 22.Perez, M.(2009).Information Week, accessed Aug.18, 2009, www.informationweek.com/story/showArticle.jhtml?articleID219400486.Meyer, N.(2000, April).The situation comedy script format: Its evolution from radio comedy and the tradi-tional screenplay unpublished paper.Broadcast Education Association Panel.MocoNewsNet (2009, Jan 8).Substance Abuse: The Nation s Number One Health Problem, prepared by the Institute for Health Policy,Brandeis University for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Princeton, NJ, October 1993.SCRIPTWRITING SOFTWAREFinal Draft, Final Draft Inc., 1600 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 800, Encino, CA 91436 (http://www.final-draft.com).Inspiration, Inspiration Software, Inc., 7412 SW Beaverton Hillsdale Highway, Suite 102, Portland,OR 97225-2167 (http://www.inspiration.com).Movie Magic Screenwriter, Movie Magic Dramatica, Screenplay Systems Inc., 150 E.Olive Avenue,Suite 203, Burbank, CA 91502 (http://www.screenplay.com).Movie Master, Movie Master Hollywood Cinema Software, 12A Chestnut Street, Ridgewood, NJ07450, e-mail: MMsupport@aol.com.Scriptware, Cinovation Inc.1750 30tj Street, Suite 360,Boulder CO 80301-1005 (http://www.scriptware.com).Scriptwerx, Parnassus Software, 1923 Lyans Drive, La Canada, CA 91011 (http://www.originalvision.com).StoryLinePro, Truby s Writers Studio, 1737 Midvale Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024.StoryVision, 171 Pier Avenue, Suite 204, Santa Monica, CA 90405, e-mail: storyvisn@aol.com. This page intentionally left blank Glossary(Note: Glossary entries which are also Key Terms are in italics)4:3 academy or television ratio The standard format and screen ratio for movies at the time televi-sion was invented.A sequence of images The basic narrative concept of storytelling in motion picture.A  spec script A script for an established series that is not commissioned by written by a new writerwho hopes to get a commission from a series editor or head writer.Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences This renowned industry organization, recognizing theneed for some kind of format for screenplays when sound came into motion picture, began tostandardize the screenplay format, which has led to the modern-day master scene script.Act A term borrowed from the theater to signify a key story point in motion picture narrative.Action The events and choices whose consequences impact characters and constitute the storyline;the fundamental component of visual narration in visual media.Adaptation Using a source that is a fully developed story in fiction or drama and reconceiving it fora motion picture medium.Advertising on the Internet Changes the game from linear to interactive responses and uses contex-tual targeting a click mapping.Agents Individuals or companies that represent talent of all kinds including writers.They negotiatefees and, if good, become a clearinghouse for a lot of jobs and put packages together.AI Artificial intelligence is the programmed characteristics of behavior and response of a nonhumancharacter.Analytic steps The critical thinking about a communication problem that can be summarized as sixsteps in the form of a question and answer that lead to the creative concept.Angle of acceptance A term that describes how wide or narrow a given lens frames the scene in frontof it.Antagonist Derived from the Greek word agon, meaning action, and refers to the character who isthe adversary or opponent of the PROTAGONIST [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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