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.He came to the police sattention when they were considering him as a possible suspect in connec-tion with child pornography.In an exchange of e-mails and telephoneconversations with a University of Colorado professor, Karr had said thathe was interested in young girls, particularly six-year-olds.Using thepseudonym Daxis, he claimed to have left a garrote around JonBenet sneck too long and then hit her on the head.Karr already faced five misdemeanor counts in California for possess-ing child pornography on his computer.He had been held in SonomaCounty jail for six months in 2001, and was released.A judge issued a 356 Cold Cases: Famous Unsolved Mysteries, Crimes, and Disappearances in Americawarrant for his arrest when he failed to appear for a court date.Thecase against him in connection with the Ramsey murder collapsed twoweeks after Karr s arrest, when DNA tests refuted his claims that hehad killed her.Authorities also investigated his whereabouts at the timeof the murder in 1996, and that is when they discovered that he hadspent Christmas with his family.In July 2008, Boulder County district attorney Mary T.Lacey sent aletter to John Ramsey.She indicated that a private laboratory, BodeTechnology Group from Lorton, Virginia, tested material that had beenscraped from the waistband of the long johns that JonBenet was wear-ing the night she died.Newly developed  Touch DNA analysis lookedfor traces of genetic material that could not be detected using earlierforensic techniques.It discovered traces of an unidentified male s DNAon JonBenet s long johns that was not from a family member.It wasmost likely from the killer, who would have handled her long johns ashe removed them that night.The DNA traces matched those taken froma drop of blood found on JonBenet s underwear early on in the investiga-tion.That drop of blood was not from a member of the Ramsey family,either.In the letter, Lacey said that the results of this latest test vindi-cated the Ramsey family, but it did not solve the murder.What hap-pened inside the Ramsey home the night of December 26, 1996, remainsa mystery.FURTHER READINGDouglas, John and Mark Olshaker.The Cases That Haunt Us.New York:Pocket, 2001.Getting Away with Murder: The JonBenet Ramsey Mystery.http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0245916/.Keene-Osborn, Sherry.Pretty Baby: The Life and Death of JonBenet Ramsey.New York: Ballantine Books, 1998.Rocky Mountain News.http://www.rockymountainnews.com/news/special-reports/jonbenet/.Singular, Stephen.Presumed Guilty: An Investigation into the JonBenetRamsey Case, the Media, and the Culture of Pornography.Beverley Hills,CA: New Millennium Entertainment, 1999. Rapper/artist Tupac Shakur was killed in a drive-by shooting.Mitchell Gerber/Corbis.Rap Race: The Deathof Tupac AmaruShakur (1996) 358 Cold Cases: Famous Unsolved Mysteries, Crimes, and Disappearances in AmericaThe life and death of rap star Tupac Amaru Shakur came toprominence during the rise of gangsta rap, a style of musicassociated with lyrics that focused on inner city violence.In the last five years of his life, rapper and actor Tupac Amaru Shakurlived as violently as he died.His mother, Afeni Shakur, was a memberof the radical black power group the Black Panthers before he wasborn.In fact, she was pregnant with him while she was in prison oncharges of conspiring to bomb public buildings in New York.She andher co-defendants were acquitted in May 1971, and her son was bornthe following month on June 16, in New York City.She named himTupac Amaru after an Inca chief who was executed for leading a revoltagainst the Spaniards.In the ensuing years, he and his sister Sekyiwawere raised in poverty and at homeless shelters in the Bronx and Harlemas Afeni fought an addiction to crack.Tupac joined an acting troupe in Harlem at the age of 12, which gavehim a creative outlet and an emotional escape from the difficulties of hislife.He appeared in the play A Raisin in the Sun.When the familymoved to Baltimore, Shakur was enrolled in the Baltimore School ofthe Arts in 1986.He studied ballet and poetry, but acting proved to bewhere his creativity shone the brightest.He wrote and performed his firstrap, which was about gun control, after a friend was shot while playingwith guns.Shakur moved again two years later when he was 17.Thistime, he headed to Marin City in northern California.He dropped outof high school and began selling drugs, but later he earned a general highschool equivalency diploma.Shakur s life began to turn around when he joined the Bay Areahip hop group Digital Underground as a roadie and dancer in 1989 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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