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.You can use several IndexIgnore directives in the configuration file.Filenamesrm.cfgDefaultThe current directory is the only entry default ignores.ExampleThe following directive instructs the server to ignore files named README, README.html,and any file that starts with a period:IndexIgnore */README */README.htm */.*© National Instruments Corporation A-47 Internet Developers Toolkit for G Appendix A Configuration DirectivesErrorDocumentThe ErrorDocument directive points the server to a file to send instead of the built-in errormessage.SyntaxErrorDocument type filenametype is one of the following:" 302 REDIRECT" 400 BAD_REQUEST" 401 AUTH_REQUIRED" 403 FORBIDDEN" 404 NOT_FOUND" 500 SERVER_ERROR" 501 NOT_IMPLEMENTEDfilename is a path to a text/html file.If filename is relative, it is added to the end ofDocumentRoot.You can use only one ErrorDocument directive in the configuration file.Filenamesrm.cfgDefaultBy default, the compiled error messages are used.Examples" ErrorDocument 403 /error/fobidden.htm" ErrorDocument 500 /error/srvrerr.htmInternet Developers Toolkit for G A-48 © National Instruments Corporation BError CodesThis appendix lists the error codes the Internet Developers Toolkitfor G VIs return, including the error number and a description.Each VIreturns an error code that indicates whether the function was performedsuccessfully.You also can find this table in the Internet Toolkit VIsonline help.Table B-1.Error CodesCode Type Description15110 FTP 110 Restart marker reply.In this case, the text is exact and not left to theparticular implementation.It must read MARK yyyy = mmmm, where yyyy isthe user-process data stream marker, and mmmm is the server equivalent marker.Notice the spaces between markers and =.15120 FTP 120 Service ready in nnn minutes.15125 FTP 125 Data connection already open; transfer starting.15150 FTP 150 File status OK; about to open data connection.15200 FTP 200 Command OK.15202 FTP 202 Command not implemented; superfluous at this site.15211 FTP 211 System status or system help reply.15212 FTP 212 Directory status.15213 FTP 213 File status.15214 FTP 214 Help message.Provides information on how to use the server or themeaning of a particular non-standard command.This reply is useful only tothe human user.15215 FTP 215 NAME system type, where NAME is an official system name from the listin the Assigned Numbers document.15220 FTP 220 Service ready for new user.15221 FTP 221 Service closing control connection; logged out if appropriate.15225 FTP 225 Data connection open; no transfer in progress.© National Instruments Corporation B-1 Internet Developers Toolkit for G Appendix B Error CodesTable B-1.Error Codes (Continued)Code Type Description15226 FTP 226 Closing data connection; requested file action successful.15227 FTP 227 Entering passive mode (h1,h2,h3,h4,p1,p2).15230 FTP 230 User logged in; proceed.15250 FTP 250 Requested file action OK; completed.15257 FTP 257 PATHNAME created.15331 FTP 331 Username OK; need password.15332 FTP 332 Need account for login.15350 FTP 350 Requested file action pending further information.15421 FTP 421 Service not available; closing control connection.This can be a replyto any command if the service knows it must shut down.15425 FTP 425 Cannot open data connection.15426 FTP 426 Connection closed; transfer aborted.15450 FTP 450 Requested file action not taken; file unavailable.15451 FTP 451 Requested action aborted; local error in processing.15452 FTP 452 Requested action not taken; insufficient system storage.15500 FTP 500 Syntax error; command unrecognized.This can include errors suchas command line too long.15501 FTP 501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments.15502 FTP 502 Command not implemented.15503 FTP 503 Bad sequence of commands.15504 FTP 504 Command parameter not implemented.15530 FTP 530 Not logged in.15532 FTP 532 Need account for storing files.15550 FTP 550 Requested action not taken; file unavailable.15551 FTP 551 Requested action aborted; page type unknown.15552 FTP 552 Requested file action aborted; exceeded storage allocation for currentdirectory or dataset.Internet Developers Toolkit for G B-2 © National Instruments Corporation Appendix B Error CodesTable B-1.Error Codes (Continued)Code Type Description15553 FTP 553 Requested action not taken; filename not allowed.16211 SMTP 211 System status or system help reply.16214 SMTP 214 Help message.Provides information on how to use the receiver or themeaning of a particular non-standard command.This reply is useful only tothe human user.16220 SMTP 220 Service ready.16221 SMTP 221 Service closing transmission channel.16250 SMTP 250 Requested mail action OK; completed.16251 SMTP 251 User not local; will forward to.16354 SMTP 354 Start mail input; end with.16421 SMTP 421 Service not available; closing transmission channel.This can be a reply to any command if the service knows it must shut down.16450 SMTP 450 Requested mail action not taken; mailbox unavailable.16451 SMTP 451 Requested action aborted; local error in processing.16452 SMTP 452 Requested action not taken; insufficient system storage.16500 SMTP 500 Syntax error; command unrecognized.This can include errors suchas command line too long.16501 SMTP 501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments.16502 SMTP 502 Command not implemented.16503 SMTP 503 Bad sequence of commands.16504 SMTP 504 Command parameter not implemented.16550 SMTP 550 Requested action not taken; mailbox unavailable.16551 SMTP 551 User not local; please try.16552 SMTP 552 Requested mail action aborted; exceeded storage allocation.16553 SMTP 553 Requested action not taken; mailbox name not allowed.16554 SMTP 554 Transaction failed.© National Instruments Corporation B-3 Internet Developers Toolkit for G Appendix B Error CodesTable B-1 [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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