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.The install-info program is used to maintain this list ofavailable topics.If you decice to remove info files manually, you need to delete the topic in the index file aswell.This program is used for that.It also works the other way around when you add info documents.makeinfoThe makeinfo program translates Texinfo source documents into various formats.Available formats are: infofiles, plain text and HTML.texi2dviThe texi2dvi program prints Texinfo documentsInstalling Texinfo 108 Linux From ScratchtexindexThe texindex program is used to sort Texinfo index files.texindex 109 Installing AutoconfInstallation of AutoconfInstall Autoconf by running the following commands:root:autoconf-2.13#./configure --prefix=/usrroot:autoconf-2.13# makeroot:autoconf-2.13# make installContentsThe Autoconf package contains the autoconf, autoheader, autoreconf, autoscan, autoupdate and ifnamesprogramsDescriptionautoconfAutoconf is a tool for producing shell scripts that automatically configure software source code packages toadapt to many kinds of UNIX-like systems.The configuration scripts produced by Autoconf are independentof Autoconf when they are run, so their users do not need to have Autoconf.autoheaderThe autoheader program can create a template file of C #define statements for configure to useautoreconfIf you have a lot of Autoconf-generated configure scripts, the autoreconf program can save you some work.It runs autoconf (and autoheader, where appropriate) repeatedly to remake the Autoconf configure scripts andconfiguration header templates in the directory tree rooted at the current directory.autoscanThe autoscan program can help you create a configure.in file for a software package.autoscan examinessource files in the directory tree rooted at a directory given as a command line argument, or the currentdirectory if none is given.It searches the source files for common portability problems and creates a fileInstalling Autoconf 110 Linux From Scratchconfigure.scan which is a preliminary configure.in for that package.autoupdateThe autoupdate program updates a configure.in file that calls Autoconf macros by their old names to use thecurrent macro names.ifnamesifnames can help when writing a configure.in for a software package.It prints the identifiers that the packagealready uses in C preprocessor conditionals.If a package has already been set up to have some portability,this program can help you figure out what its configure needs to check for.It may help fill in some gaps in aconfigure.in generated by autoscan.autoupdate 111 Installing AutomakeInstallation of AutomakeInstall Automake by running the following commands:root:automake-1.4#./configure --prefix=/usrroot:automake-1.4# make installContentsThe Automake package contains the aclocal and automake programsDescriptionaclocalAutomake includes a number of Autoconf macros which can be used in your package; some of them areactually required by Automake in certain situations.These macros must be defined in your aclocal.m4;otherwise they will not be seen by autoconf.The aclocal program will automatically generate aclocal.m4 files based on the contents of configure.in.Thisprovides a convenient way to get Automake-provided macros, without having to search around.Also, theaclocal mechanism is extensible for use by other packages.automakeTo create all the Makefile.in's for a package, run the automake program in the top level directory, with noarguments.automake will automatically find each appropriate Makefile.am (by scanning configure.in) andgenerate the corresponding Makefile.in.Installing Automake 112 Installing BashInstallation of BashInstall Bash by running the following commands:root:bash-2.04#./configure --prefix=/usr --with-ncursesroot:bash-2.04# makeroot:bash-2.04# make installroot:bash-2.04# logoutroot:lfs# mv $LFS/usr/bin/bash $LFS/usr/bin/bashbug $LFS/binroot:lfs# chroot $LFS env -i HOME=/root bash --loginContentsThe Bash package contains the bash programDescriptionBash is the Bourne-Again SHell, which is a widely used command interpreter on Unix systems.Bash is aprogram that reads from standard input, the keyboard.You type something and the program will evaluatewhat you have typed and do something with it, like running a program.Installing Bash 113 Installing FlexInstallation of FlexInstall Flex by running the following commands:root:flex-2.5.4a#./configure --prefix=/usrroot:flex-2.5.4a# makeroot:flex-2.5.4a# make installContentsThe Flex package contains the flex programDescriptionFlex is a tool for generating programs which regognize patterns in text.Pattern recognition is very useful inmany applications.You set up rules what to look for and flex will make a program that looks for thosepatterns.The reason people use flex is that it is much easier to set up rules for what to look for than to writethe actual program that finds the text [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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