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." int recur_type - recurrence type" int recur_interval - recurrence interval" datetime recur_enddate - recurrence end date" int recur_data - recurrence dataAll datetime entries consist of an object that contains:" int year - year" int month - month" int mday - day of month" int hour - hour" int min - minutes" int sec - seconds" int alarm - minutes before event to send an alarmThe possible values for recur_type are:907 MCAL" 0 - Indicates that this event does not recur" 1 - This event recurs daily" 2 - This event recurs on a weekly basis" 3 - This event recurs monthly on a specific day of the month (e.g.the 10th of the month)" 4 - This event recurs monthly on a sequenced day of the week (e.g.the 3rd Saturday)" 5 - This event recurs on an annual basismcal_is_leap_year (PHP 3>= 3.13, PHP 4 )Returns if the given year is a leap year or notint mcal_is_leap_year ( int year) \linebreakmcal_is_leap_year() returns 1 if the given year is a leap year, 0 if not.mcal_list_alarms (PHP 3>= 3.13, PHP 4 )Return a list of events that has an alarm triggered at the given datetimearray mcal_list_alarms ( int mcal_stream [, int begin_year [, int begin_month [, int begin_day [, int end_year[, int end_month [, int end_day]]]]]]) \linebreakReturns an array of event ID s that has an alarm going off between the start and end dates, or if just astream is given, uses the start and end dates in the global event structure.mcal_list_events() function takes in an optional beginning date and an end date for a calendar stream.An array of event id s that are between the given dates or the internal event dates are returned.mcal_list_events (PHP 3>= 3.13, PHP 4 )Return a list of IDs for a date or a range of dates.array mcal_list_events ( int mcal_stream, object begin_date [, object end_date]) \linebreakReturns an array of ID s that are between the start and end dates, or if just a stream is given, uses thestart and end dates in the global event structure.mcal_list_events() function takes in an beginning date and an optional end date for a calendarstream.An array of event id s that are between the given dates or the internal event dates are returned.mcal_next_recurrence (PHP 3>= 3.13, PHP 4 )Returns the next recurrence of the event908 MCALint mcal_next_recurrence ( int stream, int weekstart, array next) \linebreakmcal_next_recurrence() returns an object filled with the next date the event occurs, on or after thesupplied date.Returns empty date field if event does not occur or something is invalid.Usesweekstart to determine what day is considered the beginning of the week.mcal_open (PHP 3>= 3.13, PHP 4 )Opens up an MCAL connectionint mcal_open ( string calendar, string username, string password [, int options]) \linebreakReturns an MCAL stream on success,FALSEon error.mcal_open() opens up an MCAL connection to the specifiedcalendarstore.If the optionaloptionsis specified, passes theoptionsto that mailbox also.The streams internal eventstructure is also initialized upon connection.mcal_popen (PHP 3>= 3.13, PHP 4 )Opens up a persistent MCAL connectionint mcal_popen ( string calendar, string username, string password [, int options]) \linebreakReturns an MCAL stream on success,FALSEon error.mcal_popen() opens up an MCAL connection to the specifiedcalendarstore.If the optionaloptionsis specified, passes theoptionsto that mailbox also.The streams internal eventstructure is also initialized upon connection.mcal_rename_calendar (PHP 3>= 3.13, PHP 4 )Rename an MCAL calendarstring mcal_rename_calendar ( int stream, string old_name, string new_name) \linebreakRenames the calendarold_nametonew_name.mcal_reopen (PHP 3>= 3.13, PHP 4 )Reopens an MCAL connectionint mcal_reopen ( string calendar [, int options]) \linebreakReopens an MCAL stream to a new calendar.mcal_reopen() reopens an MCAL connection to the specifiedcalendarstore.If the optionaloptionsis specified, passes theoptionsto that mailbox also.909 MCALmcal_snooze (PHP 3>= 3.13, PHP 4 )Turn off an alarm for an eventint mcal_snooze ( int id) \linebreakmcal_snooze() turns off an alarm for a calendar event specified by the id.ReturnsTRUE.mcal_store_event (PHP 3>= 3.13, PHP 4 )Modify an existing event in an MCAL calendarint mcal_store_event ( int mcal_stream) \linebreakmcal_store_event() Stores the modifications to the current global event for the given stream.Returns the event id of the modified event on success andFALSEon error.mcal_time_valid (PHP 3>= 3.13, PHP 4 )ReturnsTRUEif the given year, month, day is a valid timeint mcal_time_valid ( int hour, int minutes, int seconds) \linebreakmcal_time_valid() ReturnsTRUEif the given hour, minutes and seconds is a valid time,FALSEifnot.mcal_week_of_year (PHP 4 )Returns the week number of the given dateint mcal_week_of_year ( int day, int month, int year) \linebreak910 LV.Mcrypt Encryption FunctionsWprowadzenieThis is an interface to the mcrypt library, which supports a wide variety of block algorithms such asDES, TripleDES, Blowfish (default), 3-WAY, SAFER-SK64, SAFER-SK128, TWOFISH, TEA,RC2 and GOST in CBC, OFB, CFB and ECB cipher modes.Additionally, it supports RC6 andIDEA which are considered "non-free".WymaganiaThese functions work using mcrypt (http://mcrypt.hellug.gr/).If you linked against libmcrypt 2.4.x or higher, the following additional block algorithms aresupported: CAST, LOKI97, RIJNDAEL, SAFERPLUS, SERPENT and the following streamciphers: ENIGMA (crypt), PANAMA, RC4 and WAKE.With libmcrypt 2.4.x or higher anothercipher mode is also available; nOFB.InstalacjaTo use it, download libmcrypt-x.x.tar.gz from here (http://mcrypt.hellug.gr/) and follow the includedinstallation instructions.You need to compile PHP with the--with-mcryptparameter to enablethis extension.Make sure you compile libmcrypt with the option--disable-posix-threads.Konfiguracja startowaTypy zasobówTo rozszerzenie nie definiuje żadnych rodzajów zasobów.Predefiniowane stałePoniższe stałe są zdefiniowane w tym rozszerzeniu i stają się dostępne, gdy rozszerzenie jestdokompilowane do PHP, lub załadowane dynamicznie przy starcie.Mcrypt can operate in four block cipher modes (CBC, OFB, CFB, and ECB).If linked againstlibmcrypt-2.4.x or higher the functions can also operate in the block cipher mode nOFB and inSTREAM mode.Below you find a list with all supported encryption modes together with the911 mcryptconstants that are defines for the encryption mode.For a more complete reference and discussion seeApplied Cryptography by Schneier (ISBN 0-471-11709-9)." MCRYPT_MODE_ECB (electronic codebook) is suitable for random data, such as encryptingother keys.Since data there is short and random, the disadvantages of ECB have a favorablenegative effect." MCRYPT_MODE_CBC (cipher block chaining) is especially suitable for encrypting files wherethe security is increased over ECB significantly." MCRYPT_MODE_CFB (cipher feedback) is the best mode for encrypting byte streams wheresingle bytes must be encrypted." MCRYPT_MODE_OFB (output feedback, in 8bit) is comparable to CFB, but can be used inapplications where error propagation cannot be tolerated.It s insecure (because it operates in 8bitmode) so it is not recommended to use it." MCRYPT_MODE_NOFB (output feedback, in nbit) is comparable to OFB, but more securebecause it operates on the block size of the algorithm." MCRYPT_MODE_STREAM is an extra mode to include some stream algorithms like WAKE orRC4.Some other mode and random device constants:MCRYPT_ENCRYPT(integer)MCRYPT_DECRYPT(integer)MCRYPT_DEV_RANDOM(integer)MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM(integer)MCRYPT_RAND(integer)Mcrypt ciphersHere is a list of ciphers which are currently supported by the mcrypt extension.For a complete list ofsupported ciphers, see the defines at the end ofmcrypt.h.The general rule with the mcrypt-2.2 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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