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.11) JOINING: To interact with what is.Joining is the result produced withinthe context of following.Once listening,extending, and balance is our constant state,then we follow and join whatever is presentin the exchange.When we begin to think ofproducing a result or volitional act webecome susceptible to one of the biggestdangers in chi sau practice.By pursuing aKU, LISTENING anddesire to produce a result, we leave behindEXTENDING when placed withinthe principles of being interaction andthe fluid connection previouslyoverride our ability to clearly include theestablished enable you to read andtrue condition in that very moment.Thus byexperience your partnersfocusing on doing what is necessary tomovements and intentions fromproduce the result we come from awithin his energy framework, anddisconnected state in the relationship and arein the instant they occur.Now theno longer connected and fully present in thefluid connection is established we“now” moment of the interaction.Thisuse the READING keys to getunbalanced state is ineffective and producesinside our opponent and be withopenings and opportunities for your partnerwhat he is doing as it occurs.to get in on you.True joining comes from a differentmental state to that of the competitive10) FOLLOWING: To stay with what is.win/lose dynamic fostered by the intentionto produce a result through exertion andFollowing is to move with theeffort.Joining can only come from a state ofpartner-- sticking to him if he moves awaycooperation, which is balanced andand yielding to him if he comes forward.effortless.Following can be done in countless ways,but all are done in relation to your partnerCopyright  Scott Baker 200072An implicit component of thewith the motions and intentions of theprinciple of joining is the principle ofpartner a deeper merging occurs which willneutralizing.Neutralizing is listening to andallow the intention/energy of the one to leadbalancing with the changing conditions asthat of the other.they occur within the conversationalAt first this seems to contradict theexchange.In joining we implicitly neutralizeimportant principle of not having anthe intentions of the other person in order tointention to produce a result, which ismaintain the same balanced state that existedessential to joining.But it does not.Leadingbefore motion or change occurred.Inis not forced into the exchange, but drawnneutralizing we simply maintain aout as a result of the exchange.You do notharmonious balance as we follow and join“decide” to lead another’s chi, but ratherwith the changes of our partner.This is notyour rooted flow of raising yang chi withinnecessarily an act of volition, nor is itthe exchange entices the others chi to follownecessarily passive, but is simply a responsebecause that is the nature of chi.It willthat returns balance to imbalance, harmonyalways follow energy that is directed withto disharmony.Neutralizing is implicit inclear balance and a deeper disciplined mind.joining and encompasses joiningTherefore, your energy and mind will leadcompletely, as it is the observable product ofwithout you purposefully intending such aa joined exchange.result within the flow of the exchange.Joining returns the activity to itsThe Mu-Shin no mindedness state isbalanced state and blends the motivation ofessential to the successful application of thisthe other's activity with your expressions.skill without falling into the "intention to For example if the others activity isproduce results" trap.Leading can occurmotivated by an intent to do harm, this sameinitially on the physical level when tissue isintent to harm will be blended in thejoined and balanced.All actions andresponse which serves to balance themotions are in relation and connection withexchange.In order to engage in this level ofthe movements and intentions of the partner.exchange and still remain in a balanced stateIn this balanced exchange leading comes byof being, we must give up any desirelistening to, embracing, and joining withtowards results other than abiding in, orslight initiations or imbalances produced byreturning to, harmony and balance in thethe changing dynamic in the joined context.whole interaction.In joining we merge ourIn listening to the truth of theenergy and tissue with our partners drawingexchange and perceiving these imbalanceshis tension into our root, enabling us to issueone may project his intention into thesethe yang raising chi with effortless power.imbalance areas to lead the motion, intentionand energy of your partner into directions12) LEADING: To influence what iswhich ultimately manifest these openings inphysical consequences.Leading comes out of joining.Oncethe tissues and energy of two are joined theirThe correct application of themotions, intentions and feelings becomefourth set of three principles willone.From this condition one of the partnersproduce: CONTROLLINGcan begin leading without disrupting theestablished harmony or balance [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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