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. Gabe, are you awake? It s Christmas. I just wanna sleep, he said in a slurred voice. I guess you don t want this boring ass book thatSanta brought you. Owen dropped the heavy book onGabe s chest, which definitely got his attention.Clutchingthe book in both hands, he lifted his head and glancedaround in confusion. Um, he said. How in the fuck did Iwind up sleeping like this? It defies all logic. Sort of like your hairstyle.Gabe lift the book and blinked his eyes until theyfocused well enough to read the title. Theories inAntigravity? Now there s a thought.Imagine sex in space.  Enjoy, Owen said.He handed Shade a long flat box. Sunglasses? Forme? Good thing.Vanessa broke my last pair when she saton my face. Nope, sorry.Had he known you would be withoutyour precious sunglasses on Christmas morning, Santawould have gone with the usual, but he was a little morecreative this year.Shade opened the box and lifted the flat cross thatdangled from a silver chain.He lifted an eyebrow at him. Trying to keep me out of trouble? Wear it over your heart, Owen said. And read theinscription on the back while you re at it. Your angel, Shade read haltingly. & is always.He scowled at the words. Close to your heart, Owen finished for him,knowing how the guy struggled with written language.Shade bit his lip. I wonder if she s awake yet.Ineed to call her.Do we have phone service yet? Heslipped the chain over his head and patted it into his chest,before peeling the panties off of his forehead and seekingclothes to make himself decent before he talked to histhree-year old daughter on Christmas morning. Yeah, we have service, Tex yelled from the backof the bus. I just called the crew.The equipment truckdidn t attempt the pass, so they re all fine.A snow plow istrying to clear the roads and they re sending up a tow truck to help stranded vehicles.Not quite a Christmas miracle, but definitely goodnews.Owen found Kelly in the driver s seat.He was wideawake, wrapped in a red plaid flannel blanket staring outat the bleak white landscape outside the bus.The snowhad stopped during the night, but the wind had piled it intohuge drifts.The sky was gray with dense clouds makingthe sunlight dim.Like Kelly s mood.Owen couldn t standto see him depressed.Especially on Christmas.He stoodbeside his chair and stared at Kelly s reflection in thewindshield for a long moment.Kelly had that familiar far-off pained look in his eyes.He didn t seem to realize thatOwen was standing at his side. You re thinking about her again, Owen said.Kelly sucked a startled breath through his nose andthen released it slowly. Christmas is tough, he saidquietly, though his gaze never moved from whatever pointin the distance held his attention.He was seeing the past.Still living in the past. Why s that? Owen asked. She said she wanted me to take her to see theChristmas tree in Times Square before she died.Owen knew Sara had died in January, so theopportunity had been there. Did you go?He shook his head almost unperceptively. I refusedto take her.I wanted her to stay in bed.All those little things she wanted to do before she went, I wouldn t let herdo them.I was so afraid of her dying that I didn t let herlive. Are you going to let yourself start living soon?Owen asked.Kelly turned his head to look up at him. You can thelp but stick your nose in other people s business, canyou? Nope. And you can t let people wallow in their misery. Nope. You know why? Nope. Nothing truly horrible has ever happened to you.Owen smiled. And I plan to keep it that way. Hepulled the last gift from his bag and tossed it on Kelly slap. Santa got you something.When you wear it, Sarawill know you re still bound to her.When you take it off,it s because you re finally ready to do what she wantedyou to do and move on.Owen hoped Kelly didn t wear the leather wrist cufffor too awfully long.He wanted it to be a constantreminder to him that Sara would want him to find someoneto love.Or at least to someone to screw properly [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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