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.Hum-1984, he received the John F.Kennedy Awardphrey First Amendment Freedoms Prize.In 2003,for Lifetime Achievement.He was granted a Mel-he was a controversial choice for the Jerusalemlon Bank Award in 1991 for lifetime achievementPrize for which he wrote the speech, “Why Israelin the humanities as well as the Algur MeadowsMust Choose Justice.”355-480_Miller-p3.indd 3645/3/07 4:20:09 PMBBarley, Agnes (1970– ) The daughter of andio at Miller’s ROXSBURY, CONNECTICUT, home andarchitect, Agnes Martin Barley was born in Jack-was at his bedside on the day he died.sonville, Florida.Studying at the Parsons Schoolof Design in New York and gaining her MFA fromBarnett, Louis (ca.1860s–1943) Born and raisedthe Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, Austria,in Radomizl, the same Polish shetl as his daugh-Barley has exhibited widely in Europe as a mini-ter AUGUSTA MILLER’s future father-in-law, Sam-malist abstract painter and had her solo debut inuel Miller, Louis Barnett emigrated to the UnitedNew York in 2004.Barley describes her work asStates in the 1880s.Having done well as a clothing“attempts to crystallize harmony, to distill form intocontractor, he was able to move his family fromcareful constructs of line that reveal an internalBroome Street on the Lower East Side of New Yorkstructure and its absence” to create “constructionsto the higher-class Harlem.His business prosperedthat whisper of a horizon with both movement andas so many others in the 1920s before he, too, loststillness.” There is something of this that remindseverything and became dependent on his children.one of some of Miller’s more ambiguous later playsDespite this dependency, with his blunt Germanicand gives some credibility to the couple’s claim thatmanner, none of them ever dared to cross him.they were soul mates.Although a devout Jew, he was also a die-hardSeven months after the death of his third wife,Republican who believed that the United StatesINGE MORATH, Miller met Barley at a dinner withwould do better with a king.He reportedly threwmutual friends.Although uncertain because ofan alarm clock across the room in anger on hear-their age difference—she was 55 years his junior—ing the news that his grandson would be marryingthey began to see more of each other.As MillerMARY SLATTERY, a gentile.would tell interviewer Deborah Solomon, “I likeBarnett always wore a yarmulke and a Vandykethe company of women.Life is very boring with-beard, was vain of his appearance, and insistedout them.Women are livelier than men and morethat he be given funds to go to the barber everyinterested in people.” Despite her family’s and hisweek even when the family was destitute duringchildrens’ reservations, the two were planning tothe GREAT DEPRESSION.After his wife Rose died ofmarry shortly before his death.It was maybe of Bar-diabetes in 1928, he was shunted between his chil-ley that Miller was thinking when he has his elderlydren, living for a time in BROOKLYN with Augustaprotagonist in the 2004 novella The Turpentine Still and ISIDORE MILLER and sharing a room with thewonder about whether or not he should commit toteenaged Miller, who found his stern grandfather toa much younger girlfriend.A devoted companionbe a man so neat that he would fold his socks beforeduring his final illness, Barley had her own art stu-putting them in the laundry and who rather discon-365355-480_Miller-p3.indd 3655/3/07 4:20:09 PM366 Beckett, Samuelcertingly liked to tease Miller about his looks.Inthrough elevated language, but under the influenceTimebends: A Life, Miller asserts, “Not a word did of Beckett, Miller saw many doing it by emulatI ever hear from him that might have some attach-ing the “most common, undecorated speech.” Yet,ment to thought.” His dislike of his grandfather’seven as Beckett sheared away every metaphor or“narcissistic self-involvement” is exhibited in thesimile from his speech to create a new language,self-concerned and ignorant grandfather depictedhe did not make the mistake of leaving structurein The American Clock.behind, which is why, for Miller, his plays work bet-ter than many of his imitators.Like Miller, BeckettBeckett, Samuel (1906–1989) Samuel Barclaywas also strongly sympathetic toward beleagueredBeckett was born into an upper-middle-class Prot-Czech writer VACLAV HAVEL, for whom Beckettestant family in Dublin, but after studying languageswrote Catastrophe (1982).at college, he headed to France in 1928.In Paris, hemet James Joyce and, becoming friendly, helped himBeijing People’s Art Theater Beijing People’s Art to transcribe passages of Finnegan’s Wake (1939).Theatre is the national theatre company of China.Both were fascinated with language, wanting toFour men established it in 1952: The dramatistspush linguistic boundaries.At the onset of WORLDCao Yu; Jiao Juyin, the director; Ouyang Shanzun;WAR II, Beckett became active in the French resis-and Zhao Qiyang.In its early years, the companytance, working undercover as a farmer in Vichymounted plays mostly by Chinese dramatists.ThenFrance to avoid the Gestapo.After the war, hein the early 1980s, it embarked upon the highly suc-began to write novels in French and then translatecessful international tour of Cao Yu’s play Teahouse them into En glish in an effort to pare down his styleto Germany, France, Switzerland, Japan, Canada,and to record only what was essential.His work ofSingapore, and Hong Kong.This success encouragedthis period explored the idea of humanity in a statethem to pursue future collaborations with Westernof existence without hope or meaning—a themewriters and directors in the spirit of international cul-that he continued in his writing for the stage and atural and artistic exchange.While members of theconcept that connects him to ABSURDISM [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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