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.When this link occurs between the nativities of opposite sexes of theappropriate age, it can denote the presence of a strong sex attraction, though not necessarily of atrue love relationship.Mars in the 9thWhen the man's Mars falls in the ninth house of his female partner's horoscope, he will be able tosupply a stimulus to her thinking and challenge her way of looking at life, so that she becomes awareof the necessity to clarify her ideas and give greater force to her arguments.He will want to knowwhat she thinks about issues that he is interested in and he may use her as a "sounding board" for the pur-pose of clarifying his own ideas so that even when he asks her advice it may only be tomeasure it against what he had already decided to do.He may expect her to have clearly definedviews on a variety of subjects and attempt to use her as an encyclopedia.This link encourages afrank interchange of views, but if Mars is much afflicted at birth and the cross-aspects are discordant, the partners' philosophies of life may be so much at variance that true communication becomesimpossible.In some cases, the one whose Mars is involved may be the means of speeding up theother's travel arrangements or place him under the necessity of traveling more than usual.Mars in the 10thWhen the man's Mars falls in the tenth house of his female partner's horoscope and more particularly,when it falls in conjunction with her Midheaven (this is where Mars is naturally exalted), he willchallenge her to show that she is worthy of her reputation and by so doing help her to produce herbest level of performance.He can provide her with a constant stimulus to achievement and mayexpect her to make strenuous efforts to realize her aims.He will give her his energetic support if he feels she will make a reciprocal effort to achieve success.In some way he may play a fatherly roletowards her and he may congratulate himself for his perspicacity in singling her out forencouragement if she subsequently enhances her reputation.This interest in her career may extendto making suggestions as to the most suitable employment for her to follow.If Mars is afflicted at birth or the cross-aspects are difficult, this may signify a measure of rivalry and even antagonism betweenthe two, but such enmity may spur her on to make greater efforts.He may seek to gain prestige at herexpense and, in extreme cases, he may deliberately try to damage her reputation.An employerwhose Mars falls in the tenth house of his employee's horoscope will be apt to be rather demandingtowards that employee, but unless the cross-aspects are discordant he will usually be prepared toreward achievement appropriately.Mars in the 11thWhen the man's Mars falls in the eleventh house of his female partner's horoscope he may go out ofhis way to seek her friendship and may be instrumental in encouraging her to take practical stepstowards making her dreams come true.Her aspirations may fire his enthusiasm, which in turn givesher more hope of achieving them.If Mars is much afflicted at birth she may devote time and energy tothe sorting out of his problems as a gesture of friendship, or she may be very concerned about himbecause of his ill health or difficult circumstances.If the cross-aspects are discordant, little good may come from such a contact and he may be responsible for frustrating one of her most cherishedaspirations.Mars in the 12thWhen the man's Mars falls in the twelfth house of his female partner's horoscope a very criticalrelationship may exist between the two and unless the cross-aspects to Mars are preponderantlyfavorable, he may not only discover her Achilles' heel but use the knowledge for his own benefit.Hemay know just how to play on her psychological weaknesses in order to upset her.Experiencesresulting from this type of contact may lead her to make a more effective appraisal of herself andchallenge her to be completely honest about herself, while cultivating a straightforward approach toothers.Any attempt to cover up her weaknesses may make her seem insincere to her partner.If hisMars is well aspected at birth and the cross-aspects are harmonious, he may be able to help her towork on her weak points and fortify them, shielding her from attack in her more vulnerable areas until she is able to fend more effectively for herself, acting as her champion until he has encouraged her to develop enough self-sufficiency to stand on her own feet.JUPITER IN THE HOUSESJupiter in the native's horoscope shows his capacity for helping and sustaining others in all thosematters signified by the house in which it falls in their horoscope.It denotes his ability to expand their resources, bringing them fresh hope and a more buoyant approach to their problems as a result of hisown benevolent attitude.It indicates his willingness to give helpful and constructive advice based on a philosophy molded by his own experience.If the contact is discordant, he may be instrumental inmaking the other person over-optimistic or extravagant.He may make promises that he is not in aposition to keep (if Jupiter is much afflicted at birth) or he may act in bad faith and over-dependence on such support may encourage the other to grow careless or to embark upon foolish ad-ventures asa result of the misleading advice he had been given.Jupiter in the 1st HouseWhen the man's Jupiter falls in the first house of his female partner's horoscope and moreparticularly, when it falls in con-junction with her Ascendant, her personality will encourage him totake a benevolent interest in her, resulting in the formation of a rewarding friendship.She will be likely to receive favors from him and his company will always put her in a good humor so that she feelscompletely relaxed with him.Very often they will find that they share common aspirations and arespect for each other's qualities.She may be doing him a favor by providing an outlet for his altruistic instincts.He will usually be willing to make allowances for her if she occasionally falls short of the standards that he has come to expect of her, but she may need to be on guard against taking undueadvantage of his tolerance and goodwill.He will always be happy to give her advice and assistance ifhe is in a position to do so.If Jupiter is much afflicted at birth and the cross-aspects are discordant, she may be tempted to presume too much on his generosity or she may grow careless, relying onhim to rectify any mistakes she may make.He may encourage her to be more extravagant than herresources permit or to be over-indulgent in other ways, or his advice may either mislead her or bemisinterpreted by her [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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