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.Jordan, Jr.is a lawyer at Akin Gump who is closely associated with the BilderbergGroup79.The expert working groups for the ISG include leaders of Bechtel, two representatives ofCitigroup, and PFC Energy80 (HAYDEN 2006).The report was on the other hand heavily attackedby conservative and neoconservative media (cf.ZAKARIA 2006), interpreting the recommenda-tions as leading towards surrender.81A rival  hawkish report was published in its final version on Jan.11, 2007, entitled ChoosingVictory, (KAGAN 2007) by the highly influential neoconservative U.S.think-tank the AmericanEnterprise Institute (AEI), pleading for ways to make America s policy goals in Iraq succeed,which have to be implemented in a short run.It recommends that more combat forces should besent into Iraq (p.1) for at least another 18 months , that the  [t]he president must request adramatic increase in reconstruction aid for Iraq and further calls for a large mobilization cam-paign:The president must request a substantial increase in ground forces end-strength.This in-crease is vital to sustaining the morale of the combat forces by ensuring that relief is on the77The ISG was a ten-person bipartisan panel appointed on March 15, 2006, by the United States Congress,charged with assessing the situation in Iraq and the U.S.-led Iraq War and making policy recommendations.Itwas led by co-chairs James Baker, III, a former Secretary of State (Republican), and Lee Hamilton, a former U.S.Representative (Democrat).In addition to Baker, the panel s Republican members were Sandra Day O'Connor(former Supreme Court Justice), Lawrence Eagleburger (Baker s successor as Secretary of State under Bush sr.),Edwin Meese III (former U.S.Attorney General), and Alan K.Simpson (former U.S.Senator from Wyoming).Inaddition to Hamilton, the panel s Democratic members were: Vernon Jordan, Jr.(business executive), Leon E.Panetta (former White House Chief of Staff, from 1994-97, under Clinton), William J.Perry (former U.S.Secre-tary of Defense, from 1994-97, under Clinton), and Charles S.Robb (former Governor and U.S.Senator fromVirginia).In order to collect opinions, numerous ISG meetings were held with Iraqi officials, current U.S.Admin-istration officials, members of Congress, foreign officials, as well as foreign experts.Among the latter group areopinion leaders, such as Thomas Friedman (New York Times), Frederick Kagan (The American Enterprise Insti-tute) and William Kristol (The Weekly Standard).78Paul Bremer was managing partner of Kissinger Associates.79For reports on the so-called Bilderberg Group, see FOSAR, Grazyna & BLUDORF, Franz (n.d.),  Die Bilder-berge.Hinter den Kulissen der Macht, http://www.fosar-bludorf.com/bilderberger/, MEDOSCH, Armin (2000), Keine Angst vor den globalen Eliten.Die Bilderberg-Konferenzen: Geheime Weltregierung oder seniler Debat-tierklub?, Telepolis, Nov.14 [URL], as well as http://www.bilderberg.org.80PFC Energy is an energy consulting firm.81The cover of the Dec.7, 2006, Rupert Murdoch-owned New York Post depicts the heads of James Baker andLee Hamilton superimposed onto the bodies of monkeys, with the headline  Surrender Monkeys: Iraq panelurges U.S.to give up.80 way.The president must issue a personal call for young Americans to volunteer to fight inthe decisive conflict of this generation. (p.2)As to Iran, the report contradicts the ISG s recommendations to engage Iraq s neighbors not-ing that these  are encouraging the violence, but they cannot stop it. (p.2) It further states that direct support through Iranian advisors for different U.S. enemy groups is likely to dramatical-ly increase when those groups will be attacked by U.S.and allied forces (p.29).Further Tehranis accused of providing  Shiite groups of all varieties with weapons, expertise, advice, and money,but at the same time the authors admit:  It will always be difficult for Iraqi Shiites to obey explicitinstructions from Iranians for cultural reasons [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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