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.Not that it wasdifficult anyway with the tiny shirt shewore.In the bars surrounding bases, therewere certain types of women that came in for the uniform only.And he was goodwith that.He certainly didn t want anylasting entanglements.Somehow the scene morphed intoone of his old, empty apartments.Seemedlike he was deployed all the time, so henever had time to actually furnish it.Thegirl didn t seem to mind, though.She ledhim to the one piece of furniture he didhave, a king-sized bed, and pushed himdown on the edge.Nudging him to layback, she attacked his zipper, ripping itdown and pulling him out.She had crazylong nails, but she was gentle as shehandled his erection.Immediately, warmwet heat engulfed his cock. Oh, fuck yeah, he moaned.The woman was an expert.Sheteased him just the way he liked, jacking him long and slow, bobbing on the tip ofhis cock.She teased the slit on theunderside with her tongue, then sank downhis length as far as she could go.John tried to reach down to touchher, but she guided his hand to her heavybreast, pressing into his touch.He wasokay with that.Her breasts weremagnificent.Hell, what was her name?He couldn t even remember.Amber? No.Kimber, that was it.Maybe.She fondled his balls with her secondhand, cranking his arousal.Everythingaround him faded away as she pleasuredhim, wringing feelings from him he hadn tfelt in too long.He tried to shift to takeover, but she held him down gently. Iwant you to finish like this, shewhispered. Hell, who was he to disagree?Relaxing into the mattress he let her workhis body.The combination of the wet heatof her tongue and the motion of her stronghand had him on edge within less than aminute.With another glance at her heavyhanging breasts, he was a goner.Pleasureoverwhelmed him and he shouted out,almost blacking out from his orgasm as hearched on the bed.She swallowed himdown% but continued to jack him with herhand, using his own cum as freshlubricant.His mind blanked as he as he letthe euphoria glide through him.When John opened his eyes a fewseconds later, he was surprised to feelwetness on his hand.He glanced around,not recognizing the dim room at first.He dbeen in his old apartment, he thought. Reality slowly sank in and he winced.There was no woman.Flinging the sheet from his body helooked down at his receding erection andwet hand and belly. Holy hell, he muttered.He d just come all over himself.From a fucking dream.Emotion tightened his throat as helooked again just to be sure.Yep, it waseverywhere.He laughed out loud, thensank back on the bed as tears flooded hiseyes and rolled down his temples.Theaftereffect from the great orgasm made hismuscles languid.He d masturbated in hissleep.Unbelievable.He d been out of thehospital for months and not been able toeven get an erection, let alone jack off.He laughed out loud and looked back down.Nope, it was still there.He held hisright hand up in the weak morning lightand watched it glisten.Regretfully, hereached to the bedside table for a handfulof tissues to clean himself up, thenhesitated.His cell phone was right there;maybe he should take a picture just toremind himself later.No%That s toofucking weird.He hoisted himself into the chair andwent into the bathroom to clean up,smiling the entire time.Though itcompletely creeped him out, he wanted tocall Duncan or Chad to tell them what hadhappened.Chad was always going onabout marking milestones and this wasdefinitely a milestone.First orgasm post-injury.He rolled into the bedroom to dress and noticed his cell-phone was blinking.He hit the green redial button when he sawwho had called.Excitement built in his gutas he waited for the call to be answered.  lo? Dude, he laughed,  you must haveknown I was going to call you.Chad was quiet for a minute, andJohn knew it probably shocked him tohear him laughing. Is this Gunnery Sergeant Palmer? Fuck you, Lowell.Chad snorted on the other end of theline. Yep, definitely Gunny Palmer.Whatthe hell s up with you? I don t think I veever heard you this excited.Did you getthat security job you put in for last week? No, well, don t know yet.This issomething different.Better.  Huh.I m at a loss, brother.What sup?John blinked, suddenly attacked byembarrassment.Would Chad even care?Fuck it.He had to tell somebody before hebusted his gut trying to keep it in. I just came all over my hand.Silence stretched on the other end. Uh, ok.Why d you do that? That s not the point, he growled. It was the first time since my injury.It took a minute for the words to sinkin. Oh, no way! Palmer, that s fuckingfantastic.Congratulations on your messyhand!John laughed, just because hecouldn t not.More than a fucking yearsince he d had any kind of release. Boutdamn time.  Was she hot? Ha! Well, she had nice tits, Iremember that. He tried to remember thedream he had. Totally don t rememberher face though.Chad snorted. Of course not.Well,I m happy for you.Maybe now that yourbody has remembered what to do it ll beeasier next time.If John believed in a higher power,he d pray for it to be so. We ll see.So,what s up?They talked about inconsequentialthings for solid half an hour before theyhung up.John was in a euphoric mood,and he knew he probably soundeddownright giddy compared to his normaltone.His body felt more satisfied andrelaxed than it had for a long time.He knew it was completely psychological, buthe didn t feel like a freaking eunuch.Dressing himself in shorts and a t-shirt, he headed to the gym to takeadvantage of his burst of testosterone.Hewas actually excited to get on themachines.For the past six months he dgotten disenchanted with even trying tolook decent up top.A woman on one of the stationarybikes looked up when he rolled in andgave him a smile.John was taken a littleoff guard because for more than a year,he d been a hurdle for people to workaround.Ignored.Most even avoided eyecontact.Had his demeanor actuallychanged that much with just that oneorgasm? Hell, he didn t know.But whenshe drifted over to watch him do flies with the free weights, he talked to her.Andrelished feeling like a somebody again.Leaving the gym an hour later, hemarveled at how much his life hadchanged in the past few hours.And itchanged yet again when he rounded thecorner to his ground floor apartment.Duncan Wilde leaned against the doorjamb to his place, a slender black cane athis side.John jerked to a stop, shocked to seehis old roommate on his feet.For monthshe d laid in the bed beside his own,recovering.John had never actually seenhim vertical.Hearing it on the phone andseeing it were two completely differentthings.Duncan smiled, obviously relishingthe surprise. John couldn t help but laugh.Today,for some reason, fate had given himbounties beyond what he d ever hadbefore.As he coasted to his door, helooked Duncan up and down. Didn trealize you were such a tall fucker.Duncan slapped him on the back andwent so far as to lean down and give hima manly hug.He picked up a carry-out bagfrom the floor. I brought Chinese andbeer.Open the door.John unlocked the door and glidedinside, cringing at the sight of his unkemptapartment.He certainly hadn t expectedcompany.Shoving clothes off the couchand clearing trash from the coffee table, hewheeled one-handed from mess to mess,cleaning as much as he could [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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