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.Your document will now be in the pending state.A reviewer will review your content and decide whetherto publish it as-is, edit it and publish it, or reject it.Assign properties to a document 25 Chapter 1: IntroductionAdding and editing other forms of contentThere are several different object types that come by default in a Plone site.Adding and editing these objecttypes is a similar process to the one described above for documents.ImageImages are graphical pieces of content.This content type usually ends with an extension such as: gif, jpg, png,tif or pict.Images can be displayed inside of the Plone CMS without having to download them to the localcomputer if the image type (extension) is viewable in the user's web browser.When you add an image, the id of the object is changed to be the file of the image.So if you upload an imagecalled photo.gif, it will be accessible in Plone as photo.gif.When adding or uploading a new image you canselect the image from your file system by using the browse button and selecting the file.It is noteworthy that Macintosh.pict files are often not viewable by Microsoft browser platforms.FileA file is any arbitrary object that can be uploaded from your file system.This could be any sort of item suchas a plain text file, a Microsoft Word Document, an Excel Spreadsheet, a PowerPoint Presentation, an AcrobatPDF and so on.When you add a file, the id of the file is changed to be the name of the file.So if you upload afile called book.pdf, it will be accessible in Plone as book.pdf.LinkLink objects are the primary way for users to share URL's.These URL's can be internet resources or localresources.Links can contain metadata like any other content object.Please note that if you are going to link toa internet resource you should preface your link with the suitable protocol (e.g.http://), otherwise your linkwill possibly be incorrect.TopicTopics enable users to create collections of resources by querying the central information repository.Thecollection is defined on the criteria tab.The criteria specified will match all content objects that are catalogedby the system.You can query a number of different aspects of the system: by physical location, time created,review_state, and many other facets.Topics only link to other resources; they do not keep physical resourcesinside them like normal Folders.By default only users with the Manager role are allowed to create topics.Adding and editing other forms of content 26 Chapter 1: IntroductionFolderContainers are the simplest and most powerful mechanism for organizing content.A Folder is a container thatcan house any sort of content object, such as Files, Documents, or any other content type.By default allcontent types can be added to a Folder.News ItemNews Items are commonly used in websites.Published News Items show up in reverse chronological order onthe News tab and in the News section.Discussing contentAny piece of content in Plone can be discussed.The owner of the content (otherwise known as the person whocreated it) turns on the discussion feature by clicking on the Properties tab of the object and checkingAllow.The default radio button is the policy for the content object that has been set by the SiteAdministrator.If discussion is enabled, when viewing content the discussion will be shown and users will be allowed toparticipate.Searching for contentThere are two ways to search for content in Plone.At the top of your Plone site there is a search box thatprovides an easy way to do simple keyword searches.You can narrow down the search results by using theAdvanced search functionality.This is accessible by clicking on the search tab at the top of page.In the Advanced search form you are able to query content by a number of attributes including: title,keywords, description, review state, creation date, content type and even author.In this chapter we have covered some of the basic elements such as adding and publishing content, searchingand altering your Plone instance to suit your needs.Although each Plone site is different, each will have thesebasic elements.$Id: 3,v 1.5 2003/09/14 16:23:22 yenzenz Exp $Previous [Chapter 2: Installing and Upgrading] | Contents | Next [Chapter 4: Workflow]Previous [Chapter 3: Using Plone] | Contents | Next [Chapter 5: Configuring Plone]" Chapter 4: The Workflow Systemf& Object Statesf& User Rolesf& Transitions - Changing Object Statesf& Local Rolesf& Publishing an objectFolder 27 Chapter 1: Introductionf& Reviewing objectsf& Editing an object after it has been publishedFolder 28 Chapter 4: The Workflow SystemWorkflow is the process used to manage objects in a website.An example is a company's press release: anemployee writes a press release and submits it to an editor for review before it is published on the website.This review process is called a workflow and is used by site managers to ensure that site content is correct.Plone has a very powerful and flexible default workflow system that is built around Object States andUser Roles [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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