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.It is the only mind that is spokenof or known.Each of the other six minds is for the use of one of the six aspects of theTriune Self.The feeling-mind is that with which feeling should think, to know whatfeeling is in itself as apart from the body, and its relation to desire and nature, and itsrelation to the thinker and knower as the Triune Self.The desire-mind is that withwhich desire should think, to know what it is apart from nature and in its relation tofeeling and to its Triune Self.These three minds may be used by the doer; theremaining four cannot be used by the doer.They are the mind of rightness, the mindof reason, the mind for I-ness and the mind for selfness.The three which may be usedby the doer are weak, inefficient and lack exercise and discipline.The minds offeeling-and-desire are not usually exercised for feeling and for desire and aretherefore not independently active.They serve as auxiliaries to the body-mind.Thedoer in the human does not control them.The subject of the thinking determineswhich of the three minds is being used.Human active thinking is an interaction between rightness and the mind or mindswith which the doer makes the effort to hold the Light of the Intelligence steadily on asubject.While the doer tries to hold the Light steady, rightness shows whether andhow far it is correct or incorrect.The interaction goes on while the thinking lasts.Thebody-mind is devoid of feelings and desires.Its thinking may be of a mathematicalnature, like calculations; or of a literary nature as to words, style, clarity; or of anintellectual nature, like searches, distinctions and speculations.The thinking of theminds of feeling and of desire may be of a moral kind, concerning moral right andwrong according to the voice of conscience.Or the thinking may be tinged byemotions, like pity, shame, anger or greed.The thinking of all three may be abouttravel, work, a business deal, a person, an invention or a religion.In all these instancesrightness shows to the feeling or to the desire what is correct or incorrect.A moralquestion is dealt with in the same manner as a mathematical calculation.There is noargument any more than there is with a compass.Processes of intending, comparing, analyzing, distinguishing, speculating,imagining and determining, are aspects of thinking, checked up by reasoning, whileefforts are made to focus and hold the Light of the Intelligence.These processes arewith the run of human beings done usually by one, and sometimes by two or three ofthe minds, which are judged by reasoning as to correctness.The manner in which the body-mind acts is like getting matter in which isdiffused Light, fashioning that matter into building material of points, lines, angles,curves and surfaces, building up a structure for the subject and tearing it down, tryingat the same time to exclude obscuring matter from interfering with the building andkeeping the structure in the Light.They do all this until they are near what they areafter.The brightness or dimness of the Light available depends upon the length oftime attention is given, and upon the degree of attention, that is, its steadiness.Thinking gets the building material from matter of the mental atmosphere, and attimes also from various planes of the physical, the form and the life worlds.Thestructure built may thus be made of intelligent-matter and of nature-matter andtherefore can be exteriorized as an act, an object or an event. Human thinking is faulty and inefficient for many reasons.It is hard to get theLight of the Intelligence, that is, to get it out from the matter among which it isdiffused in the mental atmosphere.It is harder to hold the Light, for the mind lets goquickly and is not steady.It is still harder to hold the Light steadily on a subject,because the mind tries to hold the subject in the Light instead of holding the Light onthe subject.Other reasons are that the mental activities do not cooperate, that they areseverally directed to different subjects and so interfere with each other instead ofagreeing and working in harmony; that there is not enough understanding concerningwhat is being done or how to do it properly; and that only some activities aredeveloped.Without a physical body the doer in a human cannot do any active thinking.Though after death there is a kind of thinking, it is only an automatic, mechanicalreproduction, entirely caused by the thoughts which were created and entertainedduring life, and which revolve in the mental atmosphere.A human is a laboratory inwhich nature does the chemical part and thinking carries on the alchemical work.The places where thinking goes on are in the mental atmosphere about the heart,the lungs and the brain.The subject of the thinking comes through one of theopenings in the body, along nerves or other passages, into the kidneys, then into theadrenals and then into the heart, where rightness is.When the desire is strong enoughthe subject of the thinking is in the lungs.There, in the mental atmosphere, thinking iscarried on.Then the subject is carried by the breathing, along the blood and thenerves, into the brain, first into the cerebellum, then into the cerebrum, and possiblyinto one or all of the lobes and then into the frontal sinuses.In the mental atmospherein these parts of the brain thinking tries to focus diffused Light of the Intelligence intoan area, large or small, as on a screen in a cinema show.The thinking builds thestructures or makes the pictures on this area in the brain.The illuminated space islarge or small according to the range of the thinker's subject of thought.The energywhich he uses in directing the light is drawn from the adrenals into the heart and intothe voluntary nervous system.Thinking does not turn into a thought, but it prepares for the conception of athought and goes on after the conception.A thought, as soon as conceived, has in itLight of the Intelligence, desire and the physical matter which was carried to the doerin the impression made from nature.A thought is conceived in the heart and on thelife plane of the light world, as soon as the choice is made to be or to do or to have thesubject of the thought The knower is not affected.The witnessing by the thinkerstamps the thought, identifying it with the one who is responsible for it.If the entertainment is not a suggestion from one of the senses but a thoughtalready issued, there is not again a conception, but the entertainment in the heart willbe nourished and reinforced by the thinking.The thoughts conceived or entertained inthe heart are, after gestation or elaboration, issued or reissued from the brain.Thinking follows as the return action of the doer in a human when the sensesreport an object.The reactions of the doer are efforts made by the mind to focus thediffused Light on the object of the senses, to interact with rightness and tocommunicate with feeling on these objects.To illustrate a set of mental activities and the part they play in the actions andinteractions of the four senses and of the three parts of the Triune Self, the mentalprocesses incident to making a loan may be considered.The owner of a piece of property approaches a money lender with the request fora mortgage [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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