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.QR-Kl (c) B- KB1 33.BxR PxB16.Q- B3 Q- B2 34.R-Q7 P-17.Q-R3 QR-Q1 35.B-Q8 Resigns (j)18.R-K3 R-K288 (a) An unfavorable line of the Caro-Kann defense.Better is 3 " " " "P-Q or 3 " " " " N-KB3.) Might just as well keep the position closed d play 6 " " " " N-N3d 7 " " " " N-B3 here.(c) Threatens 16.NxKBP, ; 17.QxPch, K-Bl; 18.B-N6.Whitecould also have played 15.QR-Q1 d 16.i}R-K1.d) The start of the combination.((e) A line-clearing sacrifice offering the Knight four ways to go.(f) 21 " " " " QxN; 22.QxPch, PxQ; 23.BxNch, B-N2; 24.BxBch,K-N1; 25.B-B6ch, followed by B-R7 and R-N8.21 " " " "R2xN; 22.Qx Pch, or finally, 21." " " NxN; 22.QxPch, d 23.QxP mate.(g) After 25.P- B3, Black c play Q-B5.Must stop R-R7 mate.)Not 32.".Q- B7; 33.BxR defends the Rook.Mate in three follows after the Queen moves; R-B6ch, R-N7ch)and R- mate.A splendid g e!***MASTER STROKE NO.5In the following position, played at Zagreb , Yugoslavia, 1965,Bent Larsen, the brilli t D ish Mas r, pulls a "rahbit" out of thehat.His opponent, Alex der Mat ovic , of Yugoslavia, In r­national Gr dmaster, resigned after the second move of White.HI NT: Take it easy.it takes you 5 minutes or less you are surelythen Expert; 10 minutes: Club or State player; 15 minutes: Averageplayer.See solution on page 96. GOODWILL.AND ALL THATDec.20, 1954"You'll remem r me, " the voice over the phone told me."Metyou way back in Providence at my father's house.You remem rdad, Ezra Love , Belgi Consul and chess ch pion of Rhode Island.Sure knew you would remem r!"Well, I am stationed at the Sonoma Ho spital and r acrossyour name in the phone book d had an inspiration.Have you timeto li sten? You have.good, here goes.During the years ofmy studies I have been transferred to m y cities, and I alwaysm age somehow to struggle through one g e of chess by mail withmy dad.I am naturally no match for him , d he always criticizesmy horrible play.Yet somehow relishes playing me, mostlikely as it kind of give s him news from my wife d myself, nomatter where we are."Ah, I see you' re getting the h g of my idea.Yes, I would likeyou to play him via myself.I will send him the moves, d forget totell him who his opponent is, and when it is all over I shall tell himthat he was beaten by the famous Kolt owski.Now don't modest,you have to at him, otherwise my whole scheme will backfire!Well, th ks a lot for doing this for me.What is your first move.What? You really mean pawn to King Knight four?"That doesn't look good to me.".isn't, then why play it?Oh, I see , you w t to fool him into thinking it is me playing himafter all? Ho , Ho, Ho , that's good.but wait til Dad finds out!Ha, Ha, Ho , thanks again, will ring you as soon as he writes."** *J.4, 1955"Hello, Dr.Love s aking.Just fine, d ho you arewell, too.Well, dad has fallen for my bait, line, hook d sinker.He thinks it must be the California weather that made me decide onsuch a bad first move.and he will show me once again that Icannot make moves like that against him.His swer is pawn toKing four.Your answer is Bishop to Knight two.fine, good-night." March 3, 1955"Dr.Love speaking.Father is getting jubilant , and sayshe has me over a barrel.You don't think so yet ?." Hoyou can hold the man.You have hold him, as I have a private twith my wife."Yes, she is confident that we will lose , as she thinks I did myfather wrong, not lling him who is really playing the game.glad to hear you don 't think it is such a bad joke after all, d shouldhe win, the joke will be even greater.true, but it will on us!"Sure , I'll come over one of these days and say hello.We likeit here, d I would like to hang out my shingle S ta Rosa, it ' sa wonderful place.but there are too many doctors here already."** *April 20 , 1955"Dr.Love speaking.Dad plays 16.Knight to Queen six.".and warns me to look out." do you really think we are in badstraits ? You really think we will get out of it ? You do! Hallelujah." You w t me to answer with Bishop takes pawn.so let itbe.Let ' s see what he says now."** *Sunn s TB Sanatorium ,y AcreProvidence, R.I.July 24 , 1955Dear Mr.Kolt owski.A bit of bad luck has just put me in the hospital here with tu r­culosis-not bad.I had break down d tell father that he was inreality playing a master.He remem rs you well d was muchamused.I guess it will be nece ssary to play via the mails with youto conclude this game.My address is as above.Black' s move No.19is N(K7)-B5.My st to your wife.Sincerely,Ezra Love , Jr.***February 9, 1956Dear Koltanowski,On your move 21.RxB! you are , after such a long wait , re.ceiving two resignations.My son passed away." and I, too ,91 am lost.".Thanks for a splendid game, and for giving my sonhis first victory over his dad.made him happy.Sincerely,Ezra Love, Sr.***Here ' s the game in case yone is interested in seeing it.WHITE : G.AND.E.L., Jr.BLACK: E.L., Sr.12.Q-R4 P-QP-KN4 P-K4B-N2 P-Q4 P-N3 N3-Q4P-QPxP B- N2 N-B5Q-R4ch o- o NxPchN-Q65.QxBP B-K3 16.K-R16.Q- B3 N- B3 17.BxP R-KN17.P-N5 N-Q4 18.QxP P-PxP e.p.8.QxP N-Q2 19.-9.Q-N3 N- N5 20.QR-K1 K-Q210; N-QR3 N- N3 21.RxB ResignsN.:_ B311.B-Q3VARIATION ON A THEMEAt an international school, students were asked to write an essayon chess.The Frenchm entitled his essay, "The Love-life of Chess-players."The Germ , "Scientific Approach to Chess Theory".The Englishman, "Chess as a Pastime".The American, "Mas s Production of Chessmen and Boards".The Russi , " Che813 as a Political Weapon".But the local boy' s essay proved the most successful , "How toSurvive for Twenty More Move s a Queen Do ".92 SOLUTIONSSOLUTIONS TO LAZARD'S ENDINGSNo.1 1.K- , P-N5 ; 2.K- B6 , PxP; 3.K-B5 , B-K5 ; 4.P-K7,P-R7 ; 5.P- KB=Q, P-RB=Q; 6.N- ch, BxN; 7.Q-QB mate.No.2 1.K-N5 , P-R4 ; 2.K- B6 , P-R5 ; 3.K- B7 , P-R6 ; 4.N-R4 ,P- KB=Q; 5.N-N6ch, N; 6.PxP, and wins.1.K-N5,P-R4 ; 2.K- B6, K- N1 ; 3.K-K5 , wins as the King with holdthe QRPawn.No.3 1.P-K4ch, KxP; 2.P, NxKP; 3., K- B5; 4.K- B6and wins.No.4 1.R-N8ch, K-R8 ; 2.N7, K- ; 3.BxPch, K-R8 ; 4.B-N5 , K-N7; 5.R4ch, K-R8 ; 6.N3, K- ; 7.BxPch,KxB; 8.R-N5, K-R8 ; 9.RxP, P-R7 ; 10.R- 5 , K- ;11.RxPch, wins.No.5 1.K-K3 , BxQ ; 2.N-Q1ch, K- B7 ; 3.R-N2ch, KxN; 4.R-Q2ch,K- KB ; 5.R- K2ch, drawn through perpetual check [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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