[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
.Arctic Circle).See also Ethernet; Fast Ethernet.geosynchronous See geostationary.gigabyte Abbreviated GB.StrictlyGIF See Graphics Interchange Format.speaking, one billion bytes; however, ingiga- A prefix meaning 1 billion, or 109.computing, in which bytes are most oftenSee also gigabyte.counted in powers of 2, a gigabyte becomes230, or 1,073,741,824 bytes.gigabit Abbreviated Gbit and Gb.Usu-ally 1,073,824 binary digits or bits of data.global account In Microsoft WindowsSometimes used as equivalent to one bil-NT Server, a user or group account definedlion bits.on a primary domain controller that can beSee also kilobit; megabit.used from all the computers in the domain.157Copyright © 2000 SYBEX Inc., Alameda, CA.www.sybex.com2461book Page 158 Thursday, May 4, 2000 11:59 AMGlobal CatalogGlobal Catalog In Microsoft Active Di- global login A mechanism that permitsrectory, the storage of selected properties users to log on to the network, rather thanfor all the objects in the Active Directory.repeatedly logging on to individual servers.A global logon can provide access to all net-The Global Catalog allows users in an or-work resources.ganization with multiple sites to locate re-sources quickly, without having to crossglobally unique identifier AbbreviatedWAN links.In this way, users can examineGUID.In Microsoft Active Directory, aa local source to find the location of a net- unique 128-bit number that identifies anwork resource.Active Directory object.See also Active Directory; forest; tree.See also Active Directory.global network An international net-Global Directory Service AbbreviatedGDS.An implementation of the X.500 di- work that spans all departments, offices,and subsidiaries of the corporation.rectory service for managing remote usersand addresses.Global networks bring their own set ofproblems, including those of different timeSee also X.500.zones, languages, established standards,and PTT (Postal Telephone and Telegraph)global directory services Directorycompanies.services that view the entire network as asingle entity.A global directory system al-GNU Pronounced ga-noo. A Free Soft-lows the network administrator to defineware Foundation (FSF) project devoted toall network resources users, printers, anddeveloping a complete, freely availableservers at one time.Unix system that contains no AT&T code.The name GNU is a recursive acronym forBanyan's StreetTalk and Novell's NetWare GNU s not Unix!Directory Services (NDS) are examples ofglobal directory services.Many of the tools and utilities developedfor this project have been released and areSee also domain directory services.very popular with users of 4.4BSD, Free-BSD, and Linux.global group In Microsoft Windows NTServer, user accounts granted server andFor more information on GNU, seeworkstation rights in their own and otherwww.gnu.org.domains whose security systems allow ac-See also 4.4BSD Lite; FreeBSD; Hurd;cess.Global groups are a means of provid-Linux; open source software.ing rights and permissions to resourcesinside and outside the domain to a group ofGopher A client/server application thatusers within a single domain.presents Internet text resources as a seriesSee also local group.of menus, shielding the user from the158Copyright © 2000 SYBEX Inc., Alameda, CA.www.sybex.com2461book Page 159 Thursday, May 4, 2000 11:59 AMgraphics accelerator boardunderlying mechanical details of IP changing it.You can set the number ofaddresses and different access methods.grace logons a user is allowed.Gopher menus may contain documents yougraphical user interface Abbreviatedcan view or download, searches you canGUI, pronounced gooey. A graphics-perform, or additional menu selections.based user interface that allows users to se-When you choose one of these items, Go- lect files, programs, and commands bypher does whatever is necessary to obtainpointing to pictorial representations on thethe resource you requested, either by down- screen rather than by typing long, complexloading a document or by jumping to the se- commands from a command prompt.lected Gopher server and presenting its top-Applications execute in windows, using alevel menu.consistent set of drop-down menus, dialogboxes, and other graphical elements, suchGopher clients are available for most pop-as scroll bars and icons.This consistencyular operating systems, including the Mac-among interface elements is a major benefitintosh, MS-DOS, Windows, and Unix.for the user, because as soon as you learnSee also Gopherspace; World Wide Web.how to use the interface in one program,you can use it in all other programs runningGopherspace A collective term used toin the same environment.describe all the Internet resources accessibleThe use of graphical elements in a user in-using Gopher.Gopher is so good at hidingterface was pioneered at Xerox Corpora-the mechanical details of the Internet thattion's Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) inthis term was coined to represent all the re-the early 1970s.Unfortunately, at that timesources reachable using Gopher.the hardware needed to support such a userGOSIP Acronym formed from Govern- interface was well beyond the reach of mostusers.In 1979, Steve Jobs of Apple Com-ment Open System Interconnection Profile.A suite of standards intended for use in gov- puter visited PARC and recognized the im-portance of the user-interface work beingernment projects and based on the OpenSystems Interconnect (OSI) reference mod- done; this visit led to the development of theinterface for the ill-fated Apple Lisa com-el.Some measure of GOSIP compliance isrequired for government networking pur- puter, and eventually to the Apple Macin-tosh series of computers.Since then, GUIschases [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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.Arctic Circle).See also Ethernet; Fast Ethernet.geosynchronous See geostationary.gigabyte Abbreviated GB.StrictlyGIF See Graphics Interchange Format.speaking, one billion bytes; however, ingiga- A prefix meaning 1 billion, or 109.computing, in which bytes are most oftenSee also gigabyte.counted in powers of 2, a gigabyte becomes230, or 1,073,741,824 bytes.gigabit Abbreviated Gbit and Gb.Usu-ally 1,073,824 binary digits or bits of data.global account In Microsoft WindowsSometimes used as equivalent to one bil-NT Server, a user or group account definedlion bits.on a primary domain controller that can beSee also kilobit; megabit.used from all the computers in the domain.157Copyright © 2000 SYBEX Inc., Alameda, CA.www.sybex.com2461book Page 158 Thursday, May 4, 2000 11:59 AMGlobal CatalogGlobal Catalog In Microsoft Active Di- global login A mechanism that permitsrectory, the storage of selected properties users to log on to the network, rather thanfor all the objects in the Active Directory.repeatedly logging on to individual servers.A global logon can provide access to all net-The Global Catalog allows users in an or-work resources.ganization with multiple sites to locate re-sources quickly, without having to crossglobally unique identifier AbbreviatedWAN links.In this way, users can examineGUID.In Microsoft Active Directory, aa local source to find the location of a net- unique 128-bit number that identifies anwork resource.Active Directory object.See also Active Directory; forest; tree.See also Active Directory.global network An international net-Global Directory Service AbbreviatedGDS.An implementation of the X.500 di- work that spans all departments, offices,and subsidiaries of the corporation.rectory service for managing remote usersand addresses.Global networks bring their own set ofproblems, including those of different timeSee also X.500.zones, languages, established standards,and PTT (Postal Telephone and Telegraph)global directory services Directorycompanies.services that view the entire network as asingle entity.A global directory system al-GNU Pronounced ga-noo. A Free Soft-lows the network administrator to defineware Foundation (FSF) project devoted toall network resources users, printers, anddeveloping a complete, freely availableservers at one time.Unix system that contains no AT&T code.The name GNU is a recursive acronym forBanyan's StreetTalk and Novell's NetWare GNU s not Unix!Directory Services (NDS) are examples ofglobal directory services.Many of the tools and utilities developedfor this project have been released and areSee also domain directory services.very popular with users of 4.4BSD, Free-BSD, and Linux.global group In Microsoft Windows NTServer, user accounts granted server andFor more information on GNU, seeworkstation rights in their own and otherwww.gnu.org.domains whose security systems allow ac-See also 4.4BSD Lite; FreeBSD; Hurd;cess.Global groups are a means of provid-Linux; open source software.ing rights and permissions to resourcesinside and outside the domain to a group ofGopher A client/server application thatusers within a single domain.presents Internet text resources as a seriesSee also local group.of menus, shielding the user from the158Copyright © 2000 SYBEX Inc., Alameda, CA.www.sybex.com2461book Page 159 Thursday, May 4, 2000 11:59 AMgraphics accelerator boardunderlying mechanical details of IP changing it.You can set the number ofaddresses and different access methods.grace logons a user is allowed.Gopher menus may contain documents yougraphical user interface Abbreviatedcan view or download, searches you canGUI, pronounced gooey. A graphics-perform, or additional menu selections.based user interface that allows users to se-When you choose one of these items, Go- lect files, programs, and commands bypher does whatever is necessary to obtainpointing to pictorial representations on thethe resource you requested, either by down- screen rather than by typing long, complexloading a document or by jumping to the se- commands from a command prompt.lected Gopher server and presenting its top-Applications execute in windows, using alevel menu.consistent set of drop-down menus, dialogboxes, and other graphical elements, suchGopher clients are available for most pop-as scroll bars and icons.This consistencyular operating systems, including the Mac-among interface elements is a major benefitintosh, MS-DOS, Windows, and Unix.for the user, because as soon as you learnSee also Gopherspace; World Wide Web.how to use the interface in one program,you can use it in all other programs runningGopherspace A collective term used toin the same environment.describe all the Internet resources accessibleThe use of graphical elements in a user in-using Gopher.Gopher is so good at hidingterface was pioneered at Xerox Corpora-the mechanical details of the Internet thattion's Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) inthis term was coined to represent all the re-the early 1970s.Unfortunately, at that timesources reachable using Gopher.the hardware needed to support such a userGOSIP Acronym formed from Govern- interface was well beyond the reach of mostusers.In 1979, Steve Jobs of Apple Com-ment Open System Interconnection Profile.A suite of standards intended for use in gov- puter visited PARC and recognized the im-portance of the user-interface work beingernment projects and based on the OpenSystems Interconnect (OSI) reference mod- done; this visit led to the development of theinterface for the ill-fated Apple Lisa com-el.Some measure of GOSIP compliance isrequired for government networking pur- puter, and eventually to the Apple Macin-tosh series of computers.Since then, GUIschases [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]