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.LOWERING: Slowly lower your legs to the starting position.VariationIncline reverse crunch (not shown)6'USED IN: Hypertrophy II; Strength ISAME AS ABOVE, EXCEPT.Lie on a slant board, with your hips lower thanyour head.Grab on to whatever is available to hold your body in place, and do the ex-ercise as described.The stronger you get, the higher the angle you should use. TWI ST 173Swiss-ball lateral roll6'USED IN: Fat-Loss ISETUP: Grab a broomstick and position yourself with your shoulders across aSwiss ball.Hold the broomstick across your upper chest with your arms spread wide.Tighten your glutes and hamstrings and keep your hips high throughout the move-ment.You want a straight line from your shoulders to your knees; the biggest chal-lenge of the exercise is keeping that alignment as your balance changes.ACTION: Roll as far as you can to the left, so all your weight is supported by yourright shoulder on the ball.Then roll as far as you can to the right.That s one rep. 174 THE NEW RULES OF LI FTI NGUpper-body Russian twist6'USED IN: Fat-Loss II; Hypertrophy IISETUP: Lie on your back on a Swiss ball with your body in a straight line fromchest to knees.Hold your arms straight up from your chest, palms together.LOWERING: Roll on your shoulders as far as you can to your right, keeping yourbutt and hamstrings tight and your hips as high as possible.LIFTING: Roll back as far as you can to your left.That s one rep.VariationDumbbell upper-body Russian twist (not shown)6'USED IN: Strength IISAME AS ABOVE, EXCEPT.Hold a dumbbell in your hands, one hand on eachend as if it were an accordion. TWI ST 175Lower-body Russian twist6'USED IN: Fat-Loss II; Strength ISETUP: Lie on your back on the floor, your arms straight out to your sides,palms-down.Your legs are straight and straight up from your hips.LOWERING: Lower your legs to your left, keeping them straight and together, go-ing as far as you can without strain.LIFTING: Lift them straight back along the same path, and continue loweringthem to your right side.That s one rep. 176 THE NEW RULES OF LI FTI NGHanging leg raise6'USED IN: Fat-Loss III; Strength II and IIISETUP: Grab a chin-up bar overhand, and hang with your legs together andknees bent.You want your thighs in front of your body somewhat at the start of thelift, just far enough to flatten your lower back.In other words, you want to start thelift with your abdominal muscles already tight and engaged.LIFTING: Pull your knees up to your chest, rounding your lower back.LOWERING: Slowly lower them to the starting point, never allowing your abs todisengage or your lower back to arch.VariationsNot many guys can do high reps, but a few modifications can make it easier.Manygyms now have elbow straps called AbOrigiOnals, which help support your weightand allow more reps (even if they are a crime against spell-checking software).Somepeople use a device called a captain s chair (it s often part of an apparatus that in-cludes parallel bars for dips), which has elbow rests and a back support.The elbowrests are cool, but the back support is kind of a problem, since it discourages you fromrounding your back at the end.That puts a lot more emphasis on the hip flexors andlimits the action of your abdominals, which you re trying to target. TWI ST 177Woodchop6'USED IN: Hypertrophy III; Strength IIISETUP: Attach a rope handle to a high cable pulley; it s easiest to use one inside acable-crossover station.Stand sideways to the weight stack so your right shoulderfaces the weight stack.Grab the rope with both hands and stand far enough away soyou have full tension in the cable with your arms straight.Your left arm is reachingacross your chest at this point.You want your lower body in an athletic posture feetshoulder-width apart, knees bent slightly, lower back in its natural arch and yourhead turned so your eyes are on your hands, up and to your right.LIFTING: Pull the rope down and across your body, to just outside your left knee.Your eyes should follow your hands.This is a fast, powerful motion.LOWERING: Return the cable to the starting position.Finish your reps and thenswitch sides, pulling to your right. 178 THE NEW RULES OF LI FTI NGVariationReverse woodchop6'USED IN: Strength IIISAME AS ABOVE, EXCEPT.The rope is on the low pulley, so your hands startjust outside your right knee, and you pull up and out so the rope goes past and aboveyour left shoulder.Again, follow your hands with your eyes, and make the motion fastand powerful. 14Combo MovesSports, as I ve emphasized in the previous chapters, rarely involve single move-ment patterns in one particular plane of motion.So even though football playersStrain with the bench press, and tend to be damned good at it, there s nothing in foot-ball that precisely mirrors a bench press.Or a squat.Or a deadlift.That s why most strength coaches have their athletes perform combinationmoves from time to time.These moves, in some ways, are oddities.On the one hand,they should more closely resemble real-life athletic movements, which involve a col-lection of actions that require the use of more muscle groups in coordinated action.But then again, there s nothing in sports that resembles a Romanian deadlift/row.So,while you improve coordination somewhat with these exercises, it isn t necessarilycoordination that will translate directly to success on the field or court.Combo moves are harder, though.And harder, as I may have mentioned, is oftenbetter.Harder work creates a higher level of stress, which will translate to improvedfat loss, as I explain in Chapter 18.That s why you see many combo moves in Alwyn sFat-Loss programs.Because they force you to involve more muscle mass in each exer-179 180 THE NEW RULES OF LI FTI NGcise, they ll help you build more of your favorite biologically active tissue.That s whyyou also see them in Alwyn s Hypertrophy workouts.Finally, they re simply different from what most people are doing in the gym allpeople, really and it s fun to know you re doing something that s above and beyondthe standard-issue, cookie-cutter programs the meatheads and mooks are grindingthrough.THE EXERCISESRomanian deadlift/bent-over row6'COMBINES: deadlift, pullUSED IN: Fat-Loss IISETUP: Load a barbell with a weight you re pretty sure you can row for the des-ignated number of reps.Grab it with an overhand grip just outside shoulder width.Hold it at arm s length in front of your thighs, your knees bent slightly.LOWERING: Bend at the hips, keeping your knees bent slightly, until the bar is justbelow your knees and your torso is nearly parallel to the floor, with your lower backin its natural arch.LIFTING: Pull the bar to your abdomen, as in a bent-over row.LOWERING: Lower the bar to arm s length again.LIFTING: Now straighten your hips, as in a Romanian deadlift.That s one rep [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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