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.TYPEE and OMOO, ran a two-part negative reviewMelville began his writing career in the attic of his of MOBY-DICK.mother s house there, starting with his 1839 maga-zine pieces,  FRAGMENTS FROM A WRITING DESK, Liverpool City in northwest England and set-and ending when he moved to NEW YORK CITY in ting for part of REDBURN.When Herman Mel-the midst of writing his third novel, MARDI.ville s father, ALLAN MELVILL, traveled to Europeon business in 1818, his ship docked at Liver-L.A.V.Melville pseudonym.Melville used these pool, then a thriving port city with a populationinitials when he published his two  FRAGMENTS exceeding 100,000.It was then, perhaps, thatFROM A WRITING DESK, the earliest known Mel- Allan Melvill employed his copy of the guide-ville imaginative writing.book The Picture of Liverpool (1803), which hissecond son would use in turn on his first voyageLincoln, Abraham (1809 1865) The 16th presi- to Liverpool in 1841 and in the novel that grewdent of the United States.He was born in Kentucky out of that voyage, Redburn.In 1841, Liverpool,and made his career in Illinois, serving one term situated near the mouth of the Mersey River on(1847 49) as a congressman before being defeated the Irish Sea, was one of the busiest commercialby Stephen Douglas in a campaign for the U.S.Sen- ports in the world.It owed much of its prosperityate in 1858.Elected president as a Republican in to the slave trade, however, which Melville found1860, Lincoln wished to preserve the Union even brought wealth to some but also brought abjectif it meant tolerating slavery in some form.But poverty to others.This disparity made its wayhe opposed the expansion of slavery beyond the into Redburn, as did a dismissal of Adam Smith sSouthern states, and his election was perceived by The Wealth of Nations (1776), the bible of 19th-the slave states as sealing their doom within the century laissez-faire capitalism.Union.Lincoln was assassinated on April 14, 1865, Liverpool was also the center of the cottonshortly after the South s surrender and his second trade, and with the advent of the CIVIL WAR in theinauguration.United States, its two primary sources of revenueMelville met Lincoln once, shortly after he was were choked off.When Melville revisited the cityinaugurated president for the first time.In Wash- in 1856 on his way to the Levant, doubtless heington, D.C., Melville attended one of Lincoln s found it much changed.Still later, the advent of Lyon, Nathaniel 301container ships and the shift of British trade from narrator s escape from Nuku Hiva, he calls the shipAmerica to the European continent would bring on which Tommo departs the Julia, which is also itsruin to what had once been Britain s greatest port.name in OMOO, the sequel to Typee.In Omoo, thenarrator deserts the Julia because of the ship s poorLocke, John (1632 1704) English philosopher conditions and the captain s bad attitude.In life,and founder of philosophical empiricism, which Melville s reasons for leaving the Lucy-Ann seem tocontends that knowledge is built through sen- have been much the same.The whaler was badlysory data.Educated at Christ College, Oxford, he neglected, and the failure of the crew to capturebecame a lecturer there in Greek, rhetoric, and more than two whales in many long months hadphilosophy.He also studied medicine, which influ- taken its toll in drunkenness and desertions.Theenced his writing.Locke served as friend, physician, men were dispirited also by the tyranny of the skip-and adviser to Anthony Ashley Cooper, later the per, Captain Ventom, and by the continual ine-first Earl of Shaftsbury.Locke held several diplo- briation of his first mate, John German.When thematic and civil posts, then later traveled to France, crew revolted, Ventom steered toward Tahiti (seewhere he consulted with scholars of science and SOCIETY ISLANDS), where Melville and his compan-philosophy.Thereafter he returned to Oxford, ion, John B.Troy, jumped ship much as theiralthough he also traveled to Holland, where he fictional counterparts do in Omoo.completed his most famous work, Essay ConcerningHuman Understanding (1690).This work and oth- Lyon, Nathaniel (1818 1861) Union army offi-ers led to his unofficial status as the  philosopher of cer.Lyon was a Connecticut native and a neigh-freedom. Locke s most famous idea is probably that bor of Melville s in PITTSFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS.of the tabula rasa, the blank slate, which is what he A West Point graduate, Lyon served with thetermed the human mind before it is exposed to the army during the Seminole War (1835 42) and theworld of experience from which ideas are formed.MEXICAN WAR.During the 1850s, he was stationedLocke thus repudiated the notion of innate at Fort Riley, Kansas, where he saw firsthand theideas.In MOBY-DICK, Melville contrasts Locke with bloody rivalry between the abolitionists and thoseIMMANUEL KANT (symbolized as hanging heads who wanted to preserve the institution of slavery [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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