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.com 35 0672324806 Index 12/12/02 2:41 PM Page 10141014 architecturepage modules, 847-848 audio output devices AVIFile, 548producers, 852, 860-861 audio playback, 622-625 AVIFileClose() function, 618server-side scripting, closing, 622 AVIFileExit() function, 617848-849opening, 622 AVIFileGetStream() function,Web action items, 847 618authentication, 718Web modules, 847 AVIFileInit() function, 617Autocon folder, 934ARect parameter (image-ren- AVIFileOpen() function, 618AutoFill() function, 302dering methods), 335AVIStreamFormatSize() func-_automated class extension, 116ARM C++ Compiler, 970 tion, 619automation (COM), 686-687Arrange menu commands, By AVIStreamInfo() function, 619automation controllers, 670,Category, 37AVIStreamRead() function, 620691-694array properties (non-visualAVIStreamReadFormat() func-automation objects, 670components), 201-203tion, 619MP3DemoCOM example,arraysAVIStreamRelease() function,687-688allocating/deallocating, 618automation controller,103-104AVIStreamWrite() function, 620691-694TMetaClass* open, 268avoiding global variables, 86-89MP3FileViewerForm.cppasAuthSvc parametersource code, 692-693 AVs (access violations), 71-72(CoInitializeSecurity() func-MP3ObjectImpl.cpp AW_ACTIVATE flag, 513tion), 731source file, 688-689AW_BLEND flag, 513ASelected parameter (image-OpenMP3File() function,rendering methods), 335AW_CENTER flag, 513689-690Assign() function, 602-604AW_HIDE flag, 513running, 691AssignTo() function, 602AW_HOR_NEGATIVE flag, 513VCL_MESSAGE_ATL Internals, 711AW_HOR_POSITIVE flag, 513HANDLER template, 690Atoms service, 516AW_SLIDE flag, 513threading modelsAttach to Process feature, 72AW_VER_NEGATIVE flag, 513Apartment, 695attaching to running processes,AW_VER_POSITIVE flag, 513Both, 69572AWidth parameter (image-ren-Free, 695Audio Compression Managerdering methods), 335Neutral, 695(ACM), 548Single, 694audio filesautomation controllers, 670,audio streams691-694Breading, 619-621automation objects, 670retrieving pointers to, backupsAutoProj folder, 940618-619backup files, 48AutoSave propertywriting to, 620-621SHFileOperation() function,(TSQLMonitor component),closing, 617-618 565-569461opening, 617-618 backward compatibilityAutosrv folder, 935Audio Mixers, 548 database program changes,auto_ptr class template, 91-9227AVICap, 548dsgnintf.hpp file, 27 35 0672324806 Index 12/12/02 2:41 PM Page 1015BkQuery folder 1015projects, 26 TSession component, 401 flicker-free bitmap manipula-tion, 596-598STL (standard template TStoredProcedure compo-library), 26 nent, 464 loading, 595-596bad_alloc exceptions, 101 TTable component, 464 palettes, 287bandwidth bottlenecks, 800-801 adding records to, 402 rotating, 598-600minimizing with editing records in, 402 saving, 596PacketRecords property,master/detail tables, 403 TBitmap component,801594-595transactions, 402-403minimizing with server opti-tiling/stretching onto forms,TUpdateSQL component,mization, 802589-590405-406BCB An Intro to CulturalBITS C++Builder InformationBDE page (Component Palette),Simulation and Visualizationand Tutorials Web site, 979126Web site, 979bitset containers, 30BDN (Borland DeveloperBCB CAQ Web site, 979Network), 973-976 BizSnap.See also XML docu-BCBDev.COM Web site, 77, 979mentsBeforeSave() function, 882bcbie.bpi library, 1006BizSnap.xml, 467-468beginthread() function, 164BDE (Borland Database Engine),data bindingbinding data375-378, 397BizSnap [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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