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.Media Bar: Displays the Media bar in the left pane of the screen (same as choosing ViewExplorer Bar Media).This frame includes a pane you can use to search the Web formultimedia (that is, music and videos) and includes controls for playing media files.Search: Displays a Search Explorer bar in the left frame of the screen (same as choosingView Explorer Bar Search or pressing Ctrl+E).This frame enables you to search theInternet for all kinds of good stuff, as explained later in this chapter.Favorites: Displays the Favorites Explorer bar in the left frame of the screen (same aschoosing View Explorer Bar Favorites from the menu bar or pressing Ctrl+H).Like theFavorites menu, this frame enables you to jump quickly to your favorite Web sites.I llexplain more about working with the Favorites Explorer bar later in this chapter.History: Displays the History Explorer bar in the left frame of the screen.(same aschoosing View Explorer Bar History from the menu bar or pressing Ctrl+H).You canuse the History frame to revisit places you ve been before, even if they aren t your favorites.I ll give you a History lesson later in this chapter.Tip Choosing View Go To from the menu bar also displays a brief list of recentlyvisited Web pages.Click any page listed on the menu to revisit.The small arrowsattached to the Back and Forward buttons in the Standard toolbar also provide listsof recently visited pages.Mail: Takes you to Internet e-mail, as discussed in Chapter 8.Print: As mentioned, prints the Web page you re viewing (same as choosing File Printfrom the menu bar or pressing Ctrl+P).Tip of the Day: Choosing View Explorer Bar Tip of the Day displays a daily  tip in abar along the bottom of the window.All the Explorer bars have a Close (X) button at the upper-right corner, which you can click to close thebar.The Tip of the Day bar s Close button is in its upper-left corner.Every Web site you visit is bound to have hyperlinks to take you to other sites in which you re interested.So the few skills you ve learned so far will enable you to explore the Web forever! At some point,however, you may get tired of being led around the Web, and you might start asking,  How do I findpage 93 Windows XP Bibleinformation on such and such? The such-and-such part can be any topic that interests you.And I domean any topic, because the Web is loaded with millions of pages of information.The next sectionexplains how to find just about everything, from apples to zoonoses, on the Internet.Searching the WebInternet Explorer offers you several ways to search for information on the Internet.Perhaps the handiestis the built-in Search Explorer bar.To use it, click the Search button on the Standard Buttons toolbar, orchoose View Explorer Bar Search from the menu bar.The viewing area splits into two frames, asin the example shown in Figure 6-4.Whatever page you were viewing scoots over to the frame on theright.The new frame on the left acts as your Search browser.Figure 6-4: Click the Search button to open the Search Explorer bar on the left side of the screen.Now, to search for your topic on the Internet, follow these steps:1.If you want, choose the search options by clicking Change preferences on the Search bar.2.Type your question, such as Where can I find San Diego weather forecasts? into the textbox, and then click the Search button or press Enter.You really don t need to type the entire question.A key word or phrase, such as SanTipDiego weather, will do.3.If the search is successful, you will see a list of hyperlinks that satisfy your search.(Be sure toscroll up and down through the entire frame to see what s available and look for any NextPage or Previous Page hyperlinks that take you to additional matches for your search.)Now, click the hyperlink of the item you want to explore.Soon a list of Web sites dealing with your question will appear to the right of the Search bar.Click anyblue underlined link to visit the referenced page.Use the Back button on the toolbar to return to the list.You ll be amazed at how quickly you can home in on the information you seek.If you want to view apage without the Search bar taking up space, click the Search button on the toolbar again.To reopenthe Search bar, click that Search button again.If you don t find what you re looking for, you can repeat Steps 1 through 3.For example, start with step1 and try another search query, or click the Back button and then click a different hyperlink [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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