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.Figure 10-23 shows two identical sets of ungrouped objects along with the torn-off Orderpalette.In the set on the right, we positioned the banner in front of the other objects in thestack using the Bring To Front button, and we positioned the star behind the other objectsusing the Send To Back button.305Part 4: Adding Graphics and PrintingChapter 10 Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Inside Outf10ie23Figure 10-23.You can reposition objects in relation to each other using the Order palette.The Bring Forward and Send Backward buttons work in a similar manner, except that insteadof moving the selected object all the way to the front or back of the stack, they move theobject just one layer at a time though the stack.You can change the way objects behave in relation to changes in the worksheet using theoptions on the Properties tab of the Format AutoShape dialog box.The default ObjectPositioning option is Move And Size With Cells, meaning that if you do anything tochange the size or shape of the underlying cells, the object adjusts accordingly.An underly-ing cell is any cell whose right or bottom border is between the upper left corner and thelower right corner of the object.Here are some things you need to know about the ObjectPositioning options:Ï% If you insert columns or rows to the left of an object formatted with the Move And SizeWith Cells option, the object moves accordingly.Ï% If you insert columns or rows between the first and last cells underlying an object for-matted with the Move And Size With Cells option, the object stretches to accommo-date the insertion.Ï% If you select the Move But Don t Size With Cells option and then insert or delete col-umns or rows, the object moves but retains its shape and proportion.Ï% If you select the Don t Move Or Size With Cells option, the object floats above theworksheet and isn t affected by any changes you make to the underlying cells.Ï% The Print Object option is normally turned on.If you turn it off, the selected objectisn t printed when you print the worksheet.Tip Cut, copy, and sort objects with cellsIn addition to moving and sizing objects with cells, Excel allows you to control what happenswhen you cut, copy, or sort cells to which objects are attached.Choose Tools, Options, clickthe Edit tab, and then select or clear the Cut, Copy, And Sort Objects With Cells option.306Part 4: Adding Graphics and PrintingChapter 10 Part 3: Formatting and Editing WorksheetsCreating Spiffy GraphicsTools to Help You Position Objects on the WorksheetIt s great to be able to create cool graphics with Excel, but the free-floating nature of graphicobjects sometimes makes it hard to maintain a semblance of order on your worksheet.TheDraw menu contains several menus and tear-off palettes you can use to straighten things up.Here are some key points to remember about using these object positioning commands:Ï% To Grid, on the Snap submenu, uses the columns and rows of the worksheet to alignobjects.Pre-existing Objects don t line up with the grid when you choose this com-mand, but as soon as you create or drag an object, it snaps to the nearest column androw borders.Ï% To Shape, on the Snap submenu, turns on the To Grid command when you choose it,activating its functionality.It adds to the spreadsheet grid virtual gridlines tangent tothe edges of any existing objects, making it easy to align objects to one other.If youturn off the To Grid command, the To Shape command is turned off as well.Ï% Both the To Grid and To Shape commands, on the Snap submenu, are toggles that is,you click once to turn them on and click again to turn them off.Ï% If you select an object and click any of the tools on the Nudge submenu, the objectmoves one pixel at a time in the direction you want.Ï% The Align Or Distribute submenu contains commands that operate only when two ormore objects are selected, arranging the selected objects relative to each other.Tip Nudge with the keyboardYou can also use the arrow keys on your keyboard the functional equivalent of the Nudgebuttons to nudge objects one pixel at a time.If the To Grid command is turned on, press-ing an arrow key moves the selected object to the next gridline in that direction.The Align Or Distribute submenu can be a great help when you are working with multipleobjects.Suppose you have a number of objects that you want to be evenly spaced.You couldstart by using the Align Top command to line up one row of objects, and then choose Distrib-ute Horizontally to space them evenly.Then use the following Align Or Distribute com-mands to align objects.Ï% Align Left/Align Right.Lines up the left edges of all selected objects with the leftedge of the leftmost object selected.Align Right works identically, but in the oppositedirection.Ï% Align Center/Align Middle.Lines up the centers of objects along a vertical or middleaxis and finds the average common centerline of all selected objects.Ï% Align Top/Align Bottom.Lines up the top edges of objects along a horizontal axiswith the top edge of the topmost object.Align Bottom works identically with the bot-tom edges of selected objects.Ï% Distribute Horizontally and Distribute Vertically.Calculates the total amount ofspace between the selected objects and divides the space as equally as possible amongthem.The first and last objects (leftmost and rightmost, or top and bottom) do notmove all the objects in between are adjusted as necessary.307Part 4: Adding Graphics and PrintingChapter 10 Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Inside OutProtecting ObjectsYou can prevent objects from being selected, moved, formatted, or sized by choosing Format,AutoShape, clicking the Protection tab, and selecting the Locked option.You can also use theLock Text option, which is visible only when a text box is selected, to protect the text contentsof a text box.Newly drawn objects are assigned Locked protection.However, to turn onworksheet security and protection for both text boxes and new objects, you must also chooseTools, Protection, Protect Sheet.For more information about protection, see  ProtectingWorksheets on page 127.Controlling the Display of ObjectsTo speed up the scrolling of your worksheet, choose Tools, Options and click the View tab.In the Objects area of the View tab, Show All is normally selected.Selecting the ShowPlaceholders option reduces text boxes, button objects, and embedded charts to simplepatterns that indicate their locations on the worksheet.Show Placeholders increases yourscrolling speed because Excel doesn t have to redraw the objects every time you scroll toa new screen.You must turn on the Show All option before you print.Hide All suppresses the display of objects entirely, increasing screen redraw speed evenmore.Although you cannot directly modify objects when Hide All is turned on, some actionsstill change them.If anything other than Don t Move Or Size With Cells is selected on theProperties tab of the Format AutoShape dialog box, the object responds to adjustmentsmade to the column width or row height of underlying cells [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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