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.7.4.12 DecodingConverting compressed audio tracks is called decoding.Unlike encoding, withdecoding it makes no difference what medium the audio tracks are on. Decoding audio tracks1.Select File Conversion from the Extras menu.2.Click the Add button and select the directory containing the audio tracks youwish to decode.3.Highlight the audio tracks you wish to decode.4.Click the Settings button and specify the frequency, bitrate and channels.5.Choose the path for saving the audio file.If the audio file has no meaningfulname, you can click the button with the three dots on it and rename the file.6.Click the Start button to start decoding - a window shows you how decodingis progressing.7.When decoding is complete, click Close to close the window.7.4.13 M3U PlaylistsNero supports lists of audio files in the ASCII text format which are labeled asplaylists and are in M3U format.They can be edited using Windows Notepad,for example.If you drag an M3U file into the compilation window, Nero will addall the files on the playlist to the audio compilation.A great additional benefit with M3U playlists is that you can also specifyinformation about the artists and titles in an audio file.In this way you can evenimport title and artist information if the audio tracks have been saved as WAVfiles.WAV files do not normally allow artists and titles to be saved.When anM3U playlist with title and artist information is read by Nero however, thisinformation is also imported.M3U files can also be created, for example with the help of one of the MP3 playprograms that are available on the market.Once you are happy with your musiccompilation it can be easily added to an audio compilation by dragging anddropping the playlist.M3U files created by Nero can also be read by MP3 playprograms such as NeroMIX. Creating M3U PlaylistsPlaylists can be created with Nero when you save or decode Audio CDs.1.Insert the required CD into a CD drive.2.Select Save Track from the Recorder menu.Nero Creating a CD/DVD " 58 3.Select the drive with the CD inserted.4.Click the Options button at the bottom of the window.5.Activate the 'Automatically generate a M3U playlist of stored audiocheckbox.6.Highlight the required audio tracks.7.Click the Settings button and specify the required encoding quality andbitrate.8.Choose the path for saving the audio file.If the audio file has no meaningfulname, you can click the button with the three dots on it and rename the file.9.Click the Start button to start saving - a window shows you how the save isprogressing.10.When copying is complete, give the playlist a name and click Save.11.When the save is complete, click Close to close the window.7.4.14 Nero Wave EditorYou can use Nero s filter functions to lay a filter over audio tracks in order tomodify them.You will find full details in the chapter 'Special audio filters'.If you wish to make extensive changes to the audio file then the Nero WaveEditor is the right tool for the job, and can be used to edit and play audio tracks.The Nero Wave Editor is available in Audio, Mixed Mode and CD EXTRAcompilations.The two buttons Play and Edit appear in the window for thesecompilations.When the burn process is started or when the compilation window is closed alltracks in that compilation that are linked to the Nero Wave Editor are closed.You will find full details about the functions of the Nero Wave Editor in the Helpfiles for that program.Playing audio filesClick the Play button to play the audio tracks that you have highlighted.Editing audio filesClicking Edit opens the highlighted audio track and the Nero Wave Editor.Make the changes you want, then save them.If the audio file has been saved with a different name in the Wave Editor, whenyou close Nero Wave Editor, Nero asks you if you want to add the new file tothe compilation instead of the old one.7.4.15 The Nero CD databaseUnfortunately most Audio CDs contain no information about the tracks that areon them  only Audio CDs with CD Text do this.When an Audio CD is createdthis means that the titles and artists of the tracks usually have to be enteredmanually.However Nero has a built-in CD and title database designed to locatethe titles, artists and all the tracks on an officially released Audio CD.This isNero Creating a CD/DVD " 59 achieved with a kind of  fingerprint on the CD.The information obtained in thisway can be used or a range of purposes, such as:Generating meaningful filenames when saving audio tracks (see also:Encoding).These filenames make it easier for you to compile your own AudioCDs and also provide the information that is printed on the cover by NeroCover Designer.Information about the title and artist is also saved in theaudio file provided the audio file format allows this [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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