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.ÿþAuthor: Mark MonciardiniFrom the Website: www.designsbymark.com© Copyright 1998, 1999, 2000, 2000.Mark Monciardini All Rights Reserved.Page 1Page 1 | Page 2Chrome TextThis tutorial will show how to make a Chrome/glassy look alike text using reflection mapsin Photoshop.It was inspired by the Chrome tutorial in the Photoshop 4 WOW book buthas been re-written and designed with my own techniques and tips.With a littleexperimentation, you can make various objects using this method such as chrome balls,buttons, interfaces and more.This is an intermediate/Advanced user level tutorial.Important: If you have unchecked the "Include composited image with layered files" inthe Preferences, this tutorial will not work.Make sure it's right by going toFile>Preferences>Saving Files and make sure that bottom check box ischecked.For the best results, try and make the image as big as possible.The reflection behavesbetter at a larger scale.My image size was 640 wide by 575 high (72dpi)with a whitebackground using a Script typeface (Balmoral D) at a size of 850points.So my image ismuch large then shown in this tutorial.Firstly go to the Channels pallet(Windows>Show Channels).Make a newchannel by clicking on the New Channelsbutton on the bottom of the pallet.Now Select the Type Tool and make somelarge type on that channel or import a logofrom another program on to this channel.Name this new channel "Original". Drag a copy of the Original channel tothe New Channel icon to make a duplicate.Name this channel "Blurred".Now go toFilter>Blur>Gaussian Blur.For my text Iused 3.6 pixels.You may want a littlehigher setting with thicker larger images.Just make sure it s still readable.Make a duplicate of the blurred layer bydragging it to the New Channel icon.Namethis layer "Trimmed".Now while on theTrimmed channel, hold down the Ctrl.key(Mac: Command) and click on the "Original"channel to load its selection.InvertSelection: Selection>Inverse.Now fill withblack: Edit>Fill, under "Contents" chooseBlack and click OK.Now we ll need to save the "Trimmed"channel in a separate file to harddrive:Select>All and then Edit>Copy.Go toFile>New.Now Edit>Paste.Save this newfile to your harddrive in a spot you llremember.After you have saved thisimage, you may close it. Ok back on the first image.Switch tothe Layers Pallet (Windows>ShowLayers) Click on the Background to make itactive.We now need to choose a reflection mapfor the text.I ve found that pictures of skyand Ocean work really well for this as withthe sky, it has a downward gradient thatmakes the chrome look nice.Try andchoose an image with detail as well (liketrees, beach weeds or rocks).You candownload the reflection map I used if youdon t have one.Beach: 17.4kbBlur the photo you want to use; too muchdetail will cause some unwanted distortionin the chrome.Open the photo and go toFilter>Blur>Gaussian Blur, enter 2.5 andclick OK.Note: My downloadable picturehas already been blurred so you don t haveto do it.Open the Photo (if not already) to use forthe reflective map.Select>All and thenEdit>Copy.Now move over to our projectimage and paste it there, it should make anew layer and look like the left image Ihave.Make sure the reflective map picturecovers your whole image as shown below.To resize the image, go to Edit>FreeTransform.After you have done that, Select All:Select>All.Now Image>Crop to get rid ofany outside unwanted data. Page 2Page 1 | Page 2Ok, Let s load the image map: Whilethe Reflect map layer is active, go toFilter>Distort>Glass.Distortion set to 20,Smoothness set to 9.Under the "Texture"popup menu, choose "Load Texture".Now browse to the Image map you savedto your harddrive and open it.Now clickOK to close the Glass filter.Load the "Original" Channel by goingto Selection>Load Selection.Select"Original" next to where it says "channeland click OK.Now invert selection:Selection>Inverse and press Delete onthe keyboard.Deselect: Ctrl.-D (Mac:Command-D).Make a duplicate of this Reflect maplayer by dragging it to the New Layer icon.Next choose "Color Dodge" from theLayers pop down menu.Now turn theOpacity of that layer down to about 30%.This gives it a bright shine.Last, make the Original layer active(Reflect Map) and add a drop shadow bygoing to Layer>Effects>Drop Shadowand clicking OK. [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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