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.that is based on the characteristics of particular" Convert to Working Space if you want to force allgamma.A monitor s gamma setting determinesdocuments to use the current working space.the brightness of midtones displayed by themonitor.Gray Gamma 1.8 matches the defaultFor detailed descriptions of the default behaviorsgrayscale display of Mac OS computers and is alsoassociated with each policy option, see the tablethe default grayscale space for Photoshop 4.0 andfollowing this procedure.earlier.Gray Gamma 2.2 matches the default2 For Profile Mismatches, select either, both,grayscale display of Windows computers.or neither of the following:" Ask When Opening to display a messageSpecifying color managementwhenever you open a document tagged with aprofile other than the current working space.policiesYou will be given the option to override theEach predefined color management configurationpolicy s default behavior.sets up a color management policy for the RGB," Ask When Pasting to display a message wheneverCMYK, and Grayscale color modes and displayscolor profile mismatches occur as colors arewarning messages to let you override the defaultimported into a document (via pasting, drag-and-policy behavior on a case-by-case basis.If desired,drop, placing, and so on).You will be given theyou can change the default policy behavior tooption to override the policy s default behavior. ADOBE PHOTOSHOP 6.0 129User GuideThe availability of options for Profile MismatchesPolicy option Default color management behaviordepends on which policies have been specified.Preserve " New documents are tagged with the3 For Missing Profiles, select Ask When Opening Embedded current working space profile.Profilesto display a message whenever you open an" Existing documents tagged with auntagged document.You will be given the option profile other than the current workingspace remain tagged with the originalto override the policy s default behavior.embedded profile.The availability of options for Missing Profiles" Existing untagged documents use thedepends on which policies have been specified.current working space for editing butremain untagged.It is strongly recommended that you keep the" For color data imported within theAsk When Opening and Ask When Pastingsame color mode between either a non-options selected.color-managed source or destination,or from a CMYK document into a CMYKdocument, color numbers are preserved." For all other import cases, colors arePolicy option Default color management behaviorconverted to the document s color space.Off " New documents and existingConvert to " New documents are tagged with theuntagged documents remain untagged.Working Space current working space profile." Existing documents tagged with a" Existing documents tagged with aprofile other than the current workingprofile other than the current workingspace become untagged.space are converted to and tagged with" Existing documents tagged with thethe working space profile.current working space profile remain" Existing untagged documents use thetagged.current working space for editing but" For color data imported into aremain untagged.document using the same color mode," For color data imported within thecolor numbers are preserved.same color mode between either a non-" For all other import cases, colors arecolor-managed source or destination,converted to the document s color space.color numbers are preserved." For all other import cases, colors areconverted to the document s color space. CHAPTER 4130Producing Consistent Color (Photoshop)To ensure that the saved configuration appears inCustomizing advanced colorthe Settings menu of the Color Settings dialog box,management settingssave the file in one of the following recommendedWhen you select Advanced Mode at the top oflocations:the Color Settings dialog box, you have the option" (Windows) Program Files/Common Files/of further customizing settings used for colorAdobe/Color/Settings.management." (Mac OS) System Folder/Application Support/For detailed information on advanced colorAdobe/Color/Settings.management settings, see  Specifying a3 Enter any comments that you want to associatecolor management engine,  Specifying arendering intent,  Using black-point compen- with the configuration, and click OK.sation,  Using dither,  Desaturating monitorThe comments that you enter will appear in thecolors, and  Blending RGB colors in online Help.Description area of the Color Settings dialog boxwhen the pointer is positioned over the configu-ration in the Settings menu.Saving and loading colorTo load a color management configuration:management settings1 In the Color Settings dialog box, click Load.When you create a custom color managementconfiguration, you should name and save the2 Locate and select the desired color settings file,configuration to ensure that it can be shared withand click Load.other users and applications that use the ColorWhen you load a custom color settings file, itSettings dialog box, such as Adobe Illustrator 9.appears as the active choice in the Settings menuYou can also load previously saved colorof the Color Settings dialog box.If you load amanagement configurations into the Colorsettings file that has been saved outside theSettings dialog box.recommended location, it temporarily replaces theOther option in the Settings menu until anotherTo save a custom color management configuration:settings file is loaded.1 In the Color Settings dialog box, click Save.2 Name your color settings file, and click Save. ADOBE PHOTOSHOP 6.0 131User Guidepage 382.) The following diagram shows how theSynchronizing colorsource document profile, proof profile, andmanagement betweenmonitor profile are used to represent colors in aapplicationssoft proof.The Color Settings dialog box represents thecommon color management controls shared byseveral Adobe applications, including Photoshop6.0 and Illustrator 9.If you modify and save overthe current color settings file in any applicationother than Photoshop, you may be prompted toAB Csynchronize the common color settings uponstarting Photoshop or upon reopening the ColorA.Document space B.Proof space C.Monitor spaceSettings dialog box in Photoshop [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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