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.Hold eachpoint for no more than five minutes at a time, andencourage her to breathe deeply as you press.Incorporate them at any stage during oral sex.Points for increasing Sexual Energy and AwarenessThe following three points are located on the monsveneris at the top edge of the pubic bone, in the center(if you need an anatomy refresher, see chapter 3, XII " THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO CUNNILINGUS"Anatomy for Pleasure").Pressing them produces awarm, pleasant sensation and focuses energy and aware-ness on the entire clitoral system.This is great for helpingher concentrate on arousal.HEIGHTENING SENSITIVITYOn the inside of the upper thigh, right at the creasewhere the thigh meets the body in front, are six pointsthat heighten pleasurable sensitivity and awareness.They amplify any genital pleasure you are providing.Illustration 13.Heightening Sensitivity TRICKS OR TREATS: ADVANCED TECHNIQUES " 127ENHANCING ORGASMYou can apply pressure directly on the perineum tomake orgasms more intense.This increases blood flowto the genital area and is beneficial to all reproductiveand pleasure organs.Illustration 14.Enhancing OrgasmINCREASING PLEASUREThese additional points on the base of the spineincrease pleasure during oral sex and can be added toyour erotic pressure point repertoire.Illustration 15.Increasing Pleasure 128 " THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO CUNNILINGUSIn general, applying pressure to the vulva with theflat of your hand or flattened fingertips feels great,because you're stimulating the entire clitoral system.You can also rub the mons while you lick, or massage itin a circular motion, press it, or gently pull on it.Usinggenital massage techniques to begin or end a sexualactivity, or to transition to another one, can turn a boutof sex into a decadent encounter use your imaginationand these points as your guide.Fire and IceThe sensations of heat and cold are remarkable in oralsex.Imagine a hot, wet mouth enveloping your geni-tals, licking and squeezing and radiating heat.Or a coolmouth caressing and rubbing you when you're so hotyou're already at the melting point.That's the ideausing heat and coolness to prolong and increasearousal, or to turn up temperatures that are already inthe triple digits.You can bring temperature play into cunnilingus atany point when you want to tease or turn up the vol-ume, though it's more effective in the earlier stages oflicking, before you get an orgasm-inducing rhythmgoing.There are two ways to go about it: applying thesensation to her directly, or changing the temperature ofyour mouth.Direct Application" Have a warm or cool washrag prepared in a bowlof warm or iced water at the bedside: pause yourlicking for a moment and apply the washrag, thencontinue.Make sure that a hot washrag isn't toohot, or it will burn discreetly test it on the thin TRICKS OR TREATS: ADVANCED TECHNIQUES " 129skin of your wrist first.If you're using an ice watercompress, your tongue will feel hot and deliciouson her cool clit." Set a bowl of ice cubes next to you, select one, anddraw on her nipples, stomach, and outer lips, andall over her vulva.You can insert them in her vagi-na, but this may not get an overwhelming response.If you do, make sure they're small cubes so theydon't burn the delicate skin of her vagina." In warm water, have a number of items heated andready: dildos, waterproof vibrators, vegetables.Youcan also pull a teabag out of a not-too-hot cup oftea and massage her clit with it.Changing the Temperature of Your Mouth" From that bowl or cup of ice, put one in your mouthto cool down your tongue and lips." An iced or hot drink will change the temperature ofyour mouth perfectly you'll know if it's too hot orcool because it will be uncomfortable for you, too.Pause while licking and take a mouthful of the bev-erage; swish and swirl it around your mouth for aminute, then swallow.Continue licking until you feelthe temperature change, then repeat as necessary.Cool and Tingling SensationsWhen you pop a breath mint or a cough drop in yourmouth, sometimes it feels like your entire oral cavity hasthe Arctic wind whistling through it, and that's notalways an unpleasant feeling.Now, imagine that feelingon aroused genitalia, the coolness mixing with thearousing, teasing strokes of a tongue.The feeling isn't foreveryone it can get pretty intense and feel too much 130 " THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO CUNNILINGUSlike heat but once some women try it they like it a lot,so it's worth experimenting with to see if you can add itto your cunnilingus pleasure kit.Menthol and mint cough drops and breath mintsare amazing sex toys that are available next to practical-ly every checkout counter.Try to find lozenges with bothmenthol and mint (they're the strongest), and be sure toget sugar-free versions to avoid irritating her vaginalecosystem.During oral play, put one in your mouth andswish it around to activate it and soften the cornersshould the corner scrape her vulva, your experience willturn from delicious to disastrous.When you're good andmentholated, slip the lozenge between your cheek andgums.Putting it under your tongue will make it pop out,and trying to rest it on the back of your tongue whileyou lick could make you choke on it, so don't do eitherof those.Your licking will transfer the effects to her vulvaafter just a minute, and you can also take the lozengeand rub her with it.Use mint and menthol on externalgenitalia only, please, such as nipples, vulva, or the out-side of the anus.Insertion can have unwanted effects,such as bladder infections, and you should never insertanything into the anus that goes all the way in and dis-appears even if you think it will dissolve (see the "AnalPenetration" section later in this chapter).Add to the icysensations by blowing softly on her vulva and remem-ber, no puffs of air inside [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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