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.4; E104| An aged Woman raving along the Streets (the Space is namedM10.5; E104| Canaan) then she returnd to Los weary frighted as from dreamsM10.6; E104| The nature of a Female Space is this: it shrinks the Organst225M10.7; E104| Of Life till they become Finite & Itself seems Infinite. M10.8; E104| And Satan vibrated in the immensity of the Space! LimitedM10.9; E104| To those without but Infinite to those within: it fell down andM10.10; E104| Became Canaan: closing Los from Eternity in Albions CliffsM10.11; E104| A mighty Fiend against the Divine Humanity mustring to WarM10.12; E104| Satan! Ah me! is gone to his own place, said Los! their GodM10.13; E104| I will not worship in their Churches, nor King in their TheatresM10.14; E104| Elynittria! whence is this jealousy running along the mountainsM10.15; E104| British Women were not Jealous when Greek & Roman were JealousM10.16; E104| Every thing in Eternity shines by its own Internal light: but thouM10.17; E104| Darkenest every Internal light with the arrows of thy quiverM10.18; E104| Bound up in the horns of jealousy to a deadly fading MoonM10.19; E104| And Ocalythron binds the Sun into a Jealous GlobeM10.20; E104| That every thing is fixd Opake without Internal lightM10.21; E104| So Los lamented over Satan, who triumphant divided the NationsM11.1; E104| He set his face against Jerusalem to destroy the Eon of AlbionM11.2; E104| But Los hid Enitharmon from the sight of all these things,M11.3; E104| Upon the Thames whose lulling harmony repos'd her soul:M11.4; E104| Where Beulah lovely terminates in rocky Albion:M11.5; E104| Terminating in Hyde Park, on Tyburns awful brook.M11.6; E104| And the Mills of Satan were separated into a moony SpaceM11.7; E104| Among the rocks of Albions Temples, and Satans Druid sonsM11.8; E104| Offer the Human Victims throughout all the Earth, and AlbionsM11.9; E104| Dread Tomb immortal on his Rock, overshadowd the whole Earth:M11.10; E104| Where Satan making to himself Laws from his own identity.M11.11; E104| Compell'd others to serve him in moral gratitude & submissionM11.12; E104| Being call'd God: setting himself above all that is called God.M11.13; E104| And all the Spectres of the Dead calling themselves Sons of GodM11.14; E104| In his Synagogues worship Satan under the Unutterable NameM11.15; E105| And it was enquir'd: Why in a Great Solemn AssemblyM11.16; E105| The Innocent should be condemn'd for the Guilty? Then an Eternal roseM11.17; E105| Saying.If the Guilty should be condemn'd, he must be an Eternal DeathM11.18; E105| And one must die for another throughout all Eternity.M11.19; E105| Satan is fall'n from his station & never can be redeem'dM11.20; E105| But must be new created continually moment by momentM11.21; E105| And therefore the Class of Satan shall be calld the Elect, & those M11.22; E105| Of Rintrah.the Reprobate, & those of Palamabron the Redeem'dM11.23; E105| For he is redeem'd from Satans Law, the wrath falling on Rintrah,M11.24; E105| And therefore Palamabron dared not to call a solemn AssemblyM11.25; E105| Till Satan had assum'd Rintrahs wrath in the day of mourningM11.26; E105| In a feminine delusion of false pride self-deciev'd.M11.27; E105| So spake the Eternal and confirm'd it with a thunderous oathM11.28; E105| But when Leutha a Daughter of Beulah) beheld Satans condemnationM11.29; E105| She down descended into the midst of the Great Solemn AssemblyM11.30; E105| Offering herself a Ransom for Satan, taking on her, his Sin.M11.31; E105| Mark well my words.they are of your eternal salvation!M11.32; E105| And Leutha stood glowing with varying colours immortal, heart-piercingM11.33; E105| And lovely: & her moth-like elegance shone over the AssemblyM11.34; E105| At length standing upon the golden floor of PalamabronM11.35; E105| She spake: I am the Author of this Sin! by my suggestionM11.36; E105| My Parent power Satan has committed this transgression.M11.37; E105| I loved Palamabron & I sought to approach his Tent,M11.38; E105| But beautiful Elynittria with her silver arrows repelld me.M12.1; E105| For her light is terrible to me.I fade before her immortal beauty.M12.2; E105| O wherefore doth a Dragon-form forth issue from my limbsM12.3; E105| To sieze her new born son? Ah me! the wretched Leutha!M12.4; E105| This to prevent, entering the doors of Satans brain night after nightM12.5; E105| Like sweet perfumes I stupified the masculine perceptionsM12.6; E105| And kept only the feminine awake, hence rose his softM12.7; E105| Delusory love to Palamabron: admiration join'd with envyM12.8; E105| Cupidity unconquerable! my fault, when at noon of dayM12.9; E105| The Horses of Palamabron call'd for rest and pleasant death:M12.10; E105| I sprang out of the breast of Satan, over the Harrow beamingM12.11; E105| In all my beauty! that I might unloose the flaming steedsM12.12; E105| As Elynittria use'd to do; but too well those living creaturesM12.13; E105| Knew that I was not Elynittria, and they brake the tracesM12.14; E105| But me, the servants of the Harrow saw not: but as a bowM12.15; E105| Of varying colours on the hills; terribly rag'd the horses.M12.16; E106| Satan astonishd, and with power above his own controllM12.17; E106| Compell'd the Gnomes to curb the horses, & to throw banks of sand M12.18; E106| Around the fiery flaming Harrow in labyrinthine forms.M12.19; E106| And brooks between to intersect the meadows in their course.M12.20; E106| The Harrow cast thick flames: Jehovah thunderd above:M12.21; E106| Chaos & ancient night fled from beneath the fiery Harrow:M12.22; E106| The Harrow cast thick flames & orb'd us round in concave firesM12.23; E106| A Hell of our own making.see, its flames still gird me round.M12.24; E106| Jehovah thunder'd above! Satan in pride of heartM12.25; E106| Drove the fierce Harrow among the constellations of JehovahM12.26; E106| Drawing a third part in the fires as stubble north & southM12.27; E106| To devour Albion and Jerusalem the Emanation of AlbionM12.28; E106| Driving the Harrow in Pitys paths [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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