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.The boy for Elise was willing to guess he was not much more than seventeen tookadvantage of Peace's silence to slip on his own robe and fasten the carved wooden toggles up the front."I have come to take the two artifacts in the safe to the Dragon Speaker," Peace said at last."I will permit you to open thesafe."The boy hesitated, but Peace did not look as if he would brook any argument.In any case, whatever bit of procedure wasbeing violated in this request and Elise sensed that something Peace had just said wasn't quite right the young man wasn'tin a very good moral position to ask questions.Head bowed as if seeking to avoid looking more than he must into the thaumaturge's pale, angry gaze, the youth crossed towhere a large, ornate metal box rested on a stand in one corner of the room.The case had been embellished with teeth and claws so that it resembled some very compact monster.Brightly polishedcopper claws gripped the edges of the door.Trying not to watch too closely after all, she didn't know whether this was supposed to be a routine with which she wasfamiliar Elise missed exactly what the young man did that caused the claws to snap away from the door.Peripherally, she was aware that the young woman had retreated several steps and now was trying to put on her gownwithout relinquishing the cover of the blanket.Elise wondered if she should offer to help but decided not to draw any more attention than necessary to herself.Now the young man was doing something with the metal monster's teeth.The door to the box sagged slightly within thebrackets that held it.He slid it to one side and retrieved two wooden boxes from within.We're going to do it! Elise thought excitedly.Then everything went wrong. Peace saw the very instant that sudden revelation touched the young man's eyes.He had just handed over the two boxesand was moving to close the safe.Whether that was the moment he got his first clear look at Peace's unorthodox escort orsimply the moment that he regained some of the confidence that had vanished when Peace's entry interrupted his tryst, Peacemight never know."Wait a moment, sir," the young man said just a trace awkwardly."I really should notify the team downstairs that you areremoving the artifacts.""That isn't necessary& " Peace rapidly rummaged through his memory, found the youth's name Indatius of the Artificers."& Indatius.I need no clearance.""But I do, sir," Indatius said with impressive determination.Perhaps he had decided that there was no way his indiscretioncould be overlooked so at least he wasn't going to be caught violating another procedure.Peace had not been a watcher these many years without knowing implacable stubbornness.He nodded."I see," he said, hoping to stall.Indatius, however, was ahead of him.He grabbed the heavy door of the safe and wrenched it from its tracks.It hit thewooden floor with a resounding, reverberating clatter that would without question bring someone from the room below toinvestigate or at least to complain.Indatius backed away from Peace without, however, attempting to take the boxes from him."I'm sorry, sir," he began, "but this is all wrong.I don't recognize your assistants and& "A low, ominous howl from below interrupted whatever Indatius might have been about to say.Sir Jared wrenched openthe door to the stairwell.Firekeeper, almost visibly balanced between staying near the artifacts and answering that call, teetered for only a moment.Then, moving with more speed than Peace would have credited even her, she snatched the boxes containing the mirror and thecomb from his hands.Backing away as smoothly as if she could see behind her, Firekeeper thrust one box into Elise's hand, the other intoWendee's.Then, without word or pause, she was running down the stairs, her own, shriller howl echoing back through thestone corridor.Peace realized that the behavior of this strange, feral woman had provided him with an excuse for his own actions.Hecould always claim to have been forced to guide the Hawk Havenese into the tower.It wasn't the best of explanations, but itwould do for now.Spinning on his heel, he pointed toward where Elise and Wendee stood, too surprised for this brief moment to flee."After them!" he shouted.As Indatius bolted past him, eager to redeem himself, Peace caught the young man a solid thump behind his ear.Indatiusreeled.Peace sent him down.Only then did he recall Indatius's lover.Wendee Jay, however, had not forgotten her.After stuffing the slim box that held the comb into the waist of her robe, Wendee had scooped up some of the piledblankets from the floor.In one smooth move, she tossed them over the girl's head.In fact, Wendee might have acted evenbefore Peace had succeeded in bringing down Indatius.If so, Peace thought with that cruel detachment that came to him in a crisis, Goody Wendee, too, may have done her part tosave my reputation."Bind her and the boy," he heard Elise order with a coolness that astonished him."I'm going down to see what madeFirekeeper howl like that.Doc may need my help."Peace ran after Lady Elise, so close upon her heels that the trailing golden braid that was all that remained of her oncemagnificent hair almost touched him as it flew out behind her.They reached the landing below only moments after Firekeeper's howl had sounded.Immediately, the reason for thatanguished cry became evident.Blind Seer lay on his side in the open doorway, his silvery grey fur awash with blood.The blood flowed from both headand throat, hiding the actual wounds beneath the gory flood [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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