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.He took a dejected step toward the empty bed. Please don t, Remy said in a small, pleading voice.Shawn looked at himinquiringly.He sat in the bed now with his back propped against the headboard,looking at Shawn warily. Don t what? Shawn asked carefully as he took a step toward Remy andreached to turn off one of the lamps. Please don t sleep over there, Remy said quietly. Not tonight.It s beenthree months. If Shawn hadn t known better, he would have thought Remy wasabout to break down and cry.Shawn nodded solemnly and crawled into the bed hesitantly.He sat besideRemy, his entire body tense and his brain working on overdrive.He was unsure ofwhat to do.It was an odd feeling for Shawn, who rarely had difficulty deciding on acourse of action.But not knowing how to behave with regards to Remy was unheardof for him.He d never felt discomfort of any sort around Remy.Not until now. So this is what guilt feels like, he thought grimly.He lowered his head inshame as he thought back on some of the things he d said when Remy startled themall out of their sleep.He didn t even want to begin to think about the feelings he hadfor Brandt, or about confessing them. 208 The ArcherAbigail Roux Shawn? Remy ventured softly. I m sorry, Dixie, Shawn murmured.He felt Remy move on the bed, but hesuddenly knew he couldn t raise his eyes and look into Remy s face.He couldn t facethose earnest brown eyes any more than he could look at himself in the mirror rightnow.The shame washed over him again and he squeezed his eyes closed to combat it.Remy s hand came to rest lightly on Shawn s shoulder, and the contactstartled the older man to the point that he shook off Remy s hand before he could stopthe impulse.He couldn t bear to have Remy touch him; he didn t feel worthy of it.Shawn looked up sharply when he heard a noise from Remy he had never thought tohear.Remy sniffed again and drew his knees up to his chest.He rested his chinmiserably on his folded arms and he looked at Shawn pitifully. Oh, God, Remy, no.Don t do that.I can t handle that, Shawn stuttered ashe watched a tear run slowly down Remy s cheek and into the stubble on his chin.Shawn shook his head as Remy s shoulders slumped. No.Remy.Please, don t cryon me.Christ, he pleaded desperately as Remy buried his head in his arms and hisshoulders began to shake.Shawn froze and watched in desperation.What was he to do? He had madeRemy cry, for fuck s sake! Remy had never cried in his presence before! Even whenhe d shot him in the ass, Remy hadn t cried!He put his hand out tentatively to try and comfort the younger man, and justas his hand made contact with the quivering shoulder, Remy snorted. You wanker! Shawn shouted angrily as Remy looked up at him andgrinned impishly. I thought you were crying, you little twat!Remy covered his mouth and laughed silently and Shawn shoved him.Remysprawled sideways on the bed and Shawn moved quickly to straddle him, digging hisfingers into Remy s ribs mercilessly until Remy was laughing so hard he couldn tbreathe and was begging for Shawn to stop. Don t ever do that to me again, Shawn warned finally, pointing his fingerin Remy s face and letting his body relax against the younger man s. I couldn t resist it, you looked so& forlorn, Remy said with another snort.He slapped his hand over his mouth to cover the snorts and widened his eyesinnocently as he looked up at Shawn.Shawn rolled his eyes and flopped onto his back, and Remy remained wherehe was beside him, staring up at the ceiling and sniggering quietly.Shawn marveledat Remy s ability to completely hijack his thoughts and feelings with so little effort.Remy had known Shawn was beating himself up, and this was his way of acceptingthe apology Shawn had barely even made.The knowledge made Shawn feel even worse than before.Now he was The Archer 209Abigail Rouxcertain he didn t deserve Remy s loyalty.He didn t think anyone deserved somethingso pure. You deserved it, Remy muttered after several moments of silence. What? Shawn asked in shock.He d once suspected that Remy could readminds, but that theory had since been debunked.Primarily because a supernaturallyenabled Remy really should have been able to sense that bullet heading toward hisass, but also if Remy could read minds he would have killed Shawn by now. You a big big couyon.You deserved a good fake cry. Shut it, you bugger, Shawn grumbled. You called me a liar. You are a liar. Only when I say  oh Shawn! You re the best I ever had,  Remy said, hisvoice going into a horrible falsetto and his hands clasping beneath his chin as hesimpered at Shawn. Don t bat your eyelashes at me, Shawn growled. How do you know I was? Remy asked innocently I just know, Shawn proclaimed confidently. You called me a whore, Remy reminded him, apparently choosing tobypass the eyelash conversation for greener pastures. You are a whore, Remy.Biggest man-whore I ve ever seen. Yeah, Remy said wistfully.Shawn grinned and brought his hand up totwirl Remy s hair absently.It had grown long in their absence from one another, andShawn played with a curl as he let fatigue and relief wash over him [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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