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.mission.Medical planning considerationsincludec.Maintenance Operations.Com-manders exercise responsibility for(a) Evaluating each servicecoordination of maintenance within theircomponent s medical capability andcommands.Maintenance priorities mustdeployable medical systems (DEPMEDS).focus on mission-essential weapon systemsthat can be rapidly returned to combat(b) Providing, where practical,readiness.Whenever practical, main-for joint use of available medical assets totenance facilities for joint or cross servicesupport operational execution.use should be established, and interserviceuse of salvage assets should be emphasized.(c) Selecting appropriate sitesService-peculiar items that requirefor field hospitals that facilitate timely caremaintenance support normally remain theand support, provide appropriate protection,responsibility of service componentand support battlespace management.commanders.(d) Evaluating transportation(1) DRB Under MEF Control.Asassigned and available to recover, move anddescribed earlier, maintenance supportevacuate wounded personnel; planningteams provide on-site maintenance to DRBinterservice evacuation procedures, tounits.Backup automotive and missileinclude air movement to hospitals afloat.support maintenance occurs at the FSB.Ifrequired, equipment is evacuated to the(e) Projecting and providing forCSG(-) for repair or other disposition.Thethe amounts of medical supplies and bloodCSSE also provides backup maintenancerequired to sustain committed units.support on common items.(f) Evaluating NBC decon-(2) MEF (FWD) Under Corps tamination capability for patients andControl.Intermediate-level maintenancechemical protective facilities.support is performed at established RRPs.Support includes repair of subassemblies,(g) Treating of EPW, civilianassemblies, and major end items for returninternees, and detainees.to lower echelons or supply channels.Maintenance requirements for common (h) Providing medical support forequipment that exceed the capability of the CSAR operations.maintenance detachment are supported bythe CSB(-).Requirements for USMC-(i) Ensuring effective medicalpeculiar equipment that cannot be supply and resupply operations in generalsupported by the detachment CSB(-) or and blood support and resupply in particular.IX-21 located at the CSSE.Task-organized assets(j) Providing dental services.support mobility and transportation(2) DRB Under MEF Control.requirements as required in the priorityCasualties requiring treatment beyond that established by the MEF (FWD) commander.provided at brigade level are evacuated to The CSSE passes requests that exceed thecombat zone fleet hospitals or hospital ships.capability of available assets to thesupporting CSB.The CSB commits assetsfrom attached truck companies as required(3) MEF (FWD) Under CorpsControl.Health services requirements that to support prioritized requirements.exceed the MEF (FWD) organic capabilitiesare supported by echelon care facilities f.Services.Services for both the DRBprovided by the corps medical brigade.and MEF (FWD) will be provided on asupport basis.e.Transportation Operations.g.General Engineering.(1) Transportation considerationsinclude but are not limited to the following: (1) Regarding general engineeringoperations, service components(a) Emergency movement offorces into combat.(a) Identify civil engineeringsupport requirements to support assignedforces.(b) Emergency resupply ofammunition, fuel, water and food to forcesin combat.(b) Provide resources for com-pletion of civil engineering support programs.(c) Movement of emergencymedical supplies.(c) Negotiate contract con-struction for all services if designated as(d) Emergency evacuation of construction agent for the geographic areacasualties.concerned.(e) Programmed routine re- (d) Use standard servicedepartment planning factors unlesssupply to combat operations.otherwise directed.(f) Evacuation of EPW and(e) Provide or coordinatecivilians.logistics for the maintenance and repair offacilities, utilities, and routes as assigned by(g) Recovery and salvage ofdamaged or destroyed weapon systems.the JFC.(f) Assume responsibility for(2) DRB Under MEF Control.TheCSG(-) features a substantive capability formaintenance and repair of facilities andinfrastructure in a geographic area where itsupporting transportation requirements thatexceed DRB organic assets.Requests for has exclusive operational interest.USMC air transportation support flowthrough channels described in Chapter VII.(g) Maintain external and accessroutes and utilities required by all serviceswhen the command-wide distribution system(3) MEF (FWD) Under CorpsControl.Requests for transportation support or network is operated by that serviceflow to the motor transport detachment component.IX-22 (2) DRB Under MEF Control.The a.Status of deploying forces.DRB s extremely limited general engineeringcapability demands the DRB s augmentationb.Personnel summary reports.by Army corps engineer units, the MEF ssubordinate engineer units, or attached Navyc.Logistics status reports for all classesmobile construction battalion(s) to performof supply and for selected, criticalrequired general engineering tasks.Supportcommodities.is provided on a mission basis or bydesignating a support relationship asd.Projected resource requirements fordescribed in Chapter VI between theprobable execution of selected contingencysupporting unit and the DRB.options.(3) MEF (FWD) Under Corps Control.e.Materiel readiness status of weaponsWhen required, a corps provides the MEF(FWD) with engineer support from the corps systems, vehicles, and equipment.engineer brigade.Such support ranges inscope from single specialized company-sizedf.Status of JTF transportation assets.units to multifunctional engineer groupscomprised of 2 or more engineer battalions.g.Medical status of the force.As described above, support occurs on amission-specific basis or formalized throughh.Status of JOA infrastructure.the establishment of command relationships.i.Status of support of civil-military9.Logistics Status Reportingoperations.Logistics status reports provide the CJTFAdditional guidance on standardizedcritical input for making decisions in alogistics reporting will be provided throughdynamic operational setting.Functionalemerging joint doctrine and joint tactics,logistics areas where recurring or specialtechniques, and procedures associated withreporting requirements are detailedthe global command and control system.includeIX-23 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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