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." Number of incoming and outgoing frames that were lost before being forwarded, dueto insufficient buffer space (In-Lost, Out-Lost)." FDDI and Token Ring data and the date and time of the last clear counters command.Example 8-7 show mac Command OutputBBone_Switch (enable) show macPort Rcv-Unicast Rcv-Multicast Rcv-Broadcast-------- ----------- ------------- -------------1/1 0 0 0 Catalyst 5000 Switch Diagnostic Tools: show Commands 261Example 8-7 show mac Command Output (Continued)1/2 0 0 03/1 0 0 03/2 0 0 03/3 0 0 03/4 0 0 03/5 72942 29973 87513/6 42049 30643 72663/7 43987 28918 212363/8 58961 30036 91673/9 40111 106 848853/10 0 0 03/11 0 0 03/12 14217 18010 36492Port Xmit-Unicast Xmit-Multicast Xmit-Broadcast------- ------------ -------------- --------------1/1 0 0 01/2 0 0 03/1 0 0 03/2 0 0 03/3 0 0 03/4 0 0 03/5 20075 236170 1573013/6 14560 237152 1592343/7 15661 239482 1457323/8 18737 236120 1565043/9 89645 264599 823933/10 0 0 03/11 0 0 03/12 14225 189782 100195Port Rcv-Octet Xmit-Octet------ ------------ -----------1/1 0 01/2 0 03/1 0 03/2 0 03/3 0 03/4 0 03/5 26535049 549464153/6 7320573 451741513/7 8763974 431048313/8 11017163 433780973/9 36017478 535674613/10 0 03/11 0 03/12 6918078 29797639MAC Dely- MTU- In- Lrn- In- Out-Exced Exced Discard Discrd Lost Lostcontinues 262 Chapter 8: Diagnosing and Correcting Catalyst ProblemsExample 8-7 show mac Command Output (Continued)---- ----- ----- ------- ------ ---- ----1/1 0 0 0 0 0 01/2 0 0 0 0 0 03/1 0 0 0 0 0 03/2 0 0 0 0 0 03/3 0 0 0 0 0 03/4 0 0 0 0 0 03/5 0 0 186 0 0 03/6 0 0 341 0 0 03/7 0 0 140 0 0 03/8 0 0 403 0 0 03/9 0 0 100 0 0 03/10 0 0 0 0 0 03/11 0 0 0 0 0 03/12 0 0 48 0 0 0Last-Time-Cleared--------------------------Sun Jun 4 2000, 16:23:31The show module Commandshow module [mod_num]This command displays the status and other information about the module specified.If nomodule is indicated, all the switch modules and their corresponding information will bedisplayed.Using this command, you can discover the range of MAC addresses associatedwith (reserved for) each line card module of a Catalyst switch.Example 8-8 shows a sampleoutput of the show module command and Table 8-5 provides the descriptions for thiscommand s output fields.Example 8-8 show module Command OutputBBone_Switch (enable) show moduleMod Modul-Name Ports Module-Type Model Serial-Num Status--- ---------- ----- ----------------------- ------------------ ------1 2 100BaseTX Supervisor WS-X5009 004896020 ok3 12 10/100BaseTX Ethernet WS-X5203 007414676 okMod MAC-Address(es) Hw Fw Sw--- --------------- ------------------- --- ------ ------1 00-e0-fe-80-b8-00 to 00-e0-fe-80-bb-ff 2.0 2.1 4.2(1)3 00-e0-1e-e8-86-dc to 00-e0-1e-e8-86-e7 1.1 3.1(1) 4.2(1)BBone_Switch (enable) Catalyst 5000 Switch Diagnostic Tools: show Commands 263Table 8-5 Descriptions for the show module Command s FieldsField DescriptionMod Module number.Module-Name Name, if configured, of the module.Ports Number of ports on the module.Module-Type Module type (such as 10BaseT Ethernet or Token Ring).Model Model number of the module.Serial-Num Serial number of the module.Status Status of the module.Possible status strings are: ok, disable,faulty, other, standby, and error.MAC-Address(es) MAC address or MAC address range for the module (Token Ringmodule MAC addresses appear in non-canonical format).Hw Hardware version of the module.Fw Firmware version of the module.Sw Software version of the module.SMT User-Data User data string defined for the FDDI module.T-Notify T-Notify timer value configured for the FDDI module.CF-St Configuration management state of the FDDI module.ECM-St Entity Coordination Management state of the FDDI module.Bypass Indicates whether an optical bypass switch is present.The show port Commandshow port [mod_num[/port_num]]This command provides you with the most comprehensive port information, includingstatus and counters for each of the line card modules ports.If you do specify the port youare interested in receiving information about, then the output will be limited to thatparticular port.Otherwise, the output will include information about each and every port ofyour Catalyst switch.Refer to Example 8-9 for a sample output of the show port command.Table 8-6 provides the descriptions of show port commands output fields [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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