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.The higher the number themore importance there is to the most recent collection.SchemasA schema is required for some tuning categories.Because Oracle Expert is not aschema editor, it does not keep 100% of a user s schema, nor does it provide editing6-10 Oracle Expert User s Guide View/Edit Pagecapabilities for all possible schema information.In general, Oracle Expert managesonly schema objects that are necessary to the tuning process.Within Oracle Expert, you can edit data for all the schemas you can access in yourdatabase.The objects within a schema that you can edit are: tables (including col-umns, indexes, and constraints), clusters, and synonyms.If a schema object is missing or incomplete for a tuning session that expects schemadata, Oracle Expert will not attempt to make recommendations on objects related tothe missing schema object.The accuracy of the necessary data is very important.When Oracle Expertattempts to form tuning strategies, it assumes that the input data is accurate.If thatis not the case, the quality of the recommendations may be unreliable.For exam-ple, cardinality is a critical attribute in both tables and columns.Oracle Expertrelies heavily on the cardinality values to predict sizing and index formation.If thecardinality values are incorrect or missing, Oracle Expert may recommend verypoor index structures or no index structures at all.Tables Oracle Expert needs the physical structure of a table to do sizing and accessmethods tuning.Oracle Expert uses the following table information:cardinality (number of rows in a table)record size (physical size of all columns)columns datatypes and sizes cardinality (relative uniqueness of column data) column constraintsindexes - Oracle Expert manages all index characteristics except thePARALLEL option.Existing indexes can be collected from a database and ana-lyzed by the rules to determine usefulness.The following index attributes aremanaged: index characteristics (uniqueness, type, and so on) index columns storage characteristics and statisticstable constraintsstorage attributes and statisticsViewing and Editing the Collected Data 6-11 View/Edit PageViews Through the View information, you can inspect the SQL text that makes upthe view.You can also display the columns that make up the view.Oracle Expert uses the View information to track SQL text backwards to the appro-priate base table.If no workload exists, Oracle Expert can use views to form accessmethods strategies based on SQL text.Clusters As it does with indexes, Oracle Expert supports all cluster attributes exceptthe PARALLEL option.If appropriate, Oracle Expert can analyze table accesses toidentify clusterable entities.Synonyms Oracle Expert uses synonyms for validation of workload requests.Oracle Expert processes the synonyms to find out what objects the synonyms refer-ence, such as a table.TablespacesAs with other physical schema information, Oracle Expert considers a tablespace tobe a tunable entity.It may recommend changes to existing tablespaces or it mayrecommend new tablespaces.Public SynonymsBecause SQL statement analysis may identify references to synonyms, OracleExpert must have full knowledge of all public and private synonyms.You can editthe scope and target object synonym attributes.Database UsersWhen a database user is defined, two types of tablespaces are used to define thedatabase user: default tablespace and temporary tablespace.Through structure tun-ing, Oracle Expert uses database user information to verify that these tablespaceshave the attributes necessary for optimum performance.SystemOracle Expert uses the system information and the physical characteristics of thehardware where the instance is running to evaluate optimal parameter settings.For example, Oracle Expert uses the Total Memory attribute in conjunction with theMemory Utilization attributes to assess the SGA, memory, and configuration foreach instance.6-12 Oracle Expert User s Guide View/Edit PageLogical DevicesOracle Expert uses logical device information to obtain location, performance rat-ing, disk size, percent available, and disk type of each logical device.Workload ApplicationsWorkload data describes to Oracle Expert the nature, frequency, and importance oftransactions that access the database.You can edit the following workload ele-ments:applicationbusiness unittransactionrequest (SQL statement)Importance is the value assigned to a workload element.You can supply any value(up to 9999), with lower values being of less significance.Frequency is the number of times a request, transaction, or business unit isrepeated when a specific transaction, business unit, or application (respectively) isexecuted.Note that frequency and importance affect the recommendations given by OracleExpert.ApplicationYou can edit the importance of an application.An application is the workload cate-gory at the top of the workload hierarchy.Business UnitYou can edit the frequency, importance, and cycle of the business unit.A businessunit is the workload category below the Application level in the workload hierar-chy.TransactionYou can edit the frequency and importance of the transaction.A transaction is alogical unit of work that consists of one or more SQL statements [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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