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.In this volume we have followed Gibbon through thecultural landscapes of southern England, the Pays de Vaud and Paris or, if we may enlarge the regional into the national, of Britain, Switzer-land and France.A fourth, that of Italy, he experienced only turis-²w Decline and Fall, ii, ch.17, n.130 (Wanersley, I, p.621; Bury, II, p.189). 308 Epilogueticamente; but of the first three we may say that he was deeply but notfinally self-identified with two, and fascinated by the third.The return toEngland, necessary to his writing and our understanding of the Declineand Fall, was a choice but not an exile, and he carried his erudition andphilosophy in both directions.Europhiles and Europhobes at presentshare a bad habit of placing  England and  Europe in a zero-sumrelation, so that any attention to the one entails a diminution of theother.This must be avoided if we are to understand Edward Gibbon smovements in a  Europe in some measure an Anglo-French creationand a  Britain which was an Anglo-Scottish creation: a cultural sceneProtestant as well as Catholic, ecclesiastical as well as civil, regional aswell as cosmopolitan, social as well as monarchical, ancient as well asmodern, needing and developing diverse forms of Enlightenment andcomparably if not correspondingly diverse forms of historiography. Referencesoriginally published before 1 800Angelio, Pietro (called Il Bargaeo), 1596: De privatorum publicorumque aedificiorumRomanorum eversoribus: epistola ad Petrum Usimbandum.FlorenceBayle, Pierre, 1696, 1697: Dictionnaire Historique et Critique, vols.i and ii.Rotter-damBeausobre, Isaac de, 1734: Histoire critique de Manichée et du Manichéisme.In twovolumes.Amsterdam; repr.Leipzig, Zentralantiquariat der DeutschenDemokratischen Republik, 1970Bossuet, Jacques-Benigne, 1671: Exposition de la doctrine de l église catholique sur lesmatières de controverse.Paris1681: Discours sur l histoire universelle à monseigneur le Dauphin, pour expliquer la suitede la religion et les changements des empires.Paris.See Ranum, 19761688: Histoire des variations des églises protestantes.ParisBoulainvilliers, Henri Comte de, 1730: La Vie de Mahomed.LondonBrown, John, 1758: An Estimate of the Manners and Principles of the Times.LondonBurke, Edmund, 1791: Reflections on the Revolution in France, and the Proceedings ofCertain Societies in London relative to that Event.London.See Pocock, 1987a;Mitchell, 1989Carte, Thomas, 1747: A General History of England, containing an Account of the FirstInhabitants of that Country, and the Transactions in it, from the Earliest Times to theDeath of King John, AD MCCXVI.In two volumes.LondonChillingworth, William, 1638: The Religion of Protestants a Safe way to Salvation.Oxford1742: The Works of William Chillingworth, Master of Arts, of the University of Oxford,containing his Book, entitled the Religion of Protestants a Safe Way to Salva-tion.LondonCrousaz, Jean Pierre de, 1724: Système des reflections qui peuvent contribuer à la netteté età l étendue de nos connoissances, ou Nouvel essai de logique.Geneva.First pub-lished Amsterdam, 1712D Alembert, Jean le Rond, 1751:  Discours préliminaire des editeurs ,  Erudi-tion in Encyclopédie ou dictionnaire raisonnée des sciences, des arts et des métiers, parune société des gens de lettres.Paris.See Schwab, 19951773: Mélanges de littérature, d histoire et de philosophie.Amsterdam309 310 List of referencesDefoe, Daniel, 1698: An Argument Shewing that a Standing Army with Consent ofParliament is Not Inconsistent with a Free Government.LondonD Herbelot, Barthélemy, 1697: Bibliothèque orientale, ou dictionnaire universelle con-tenant généralement tout ce qui regarde la connoissance des peuples de l Orient.ParisEchard, Laurence, 1713: The Roman History, from the Removal of the Imperial Seat byConstantine the Great, to the Taking of Constantinople by the Turks.Revised, with aRecommendatory Preface, by Laurence Echard, A.M.Being a Continuation of hisHistory, vols.i-v.LondonFletcher, Andrew, 1697, 1698: A Discourse concerning Militias and Standing Armies.London; A Discourse of Government in its Relation to Militias.Edinburgh1704: An Account of a Conversation Concerning a Right Regulation of Governments for theCommon Good of Mankind.EdinburghGibbon, Edward, 1761: Essai sur l étude de la littérature.London1776: The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, vol.i.London1781: The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, vols.ii and iii.London1788: The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, vols.iv, v, vi.London.See Bury, 1909; Womersley, 1994Guichardt, C.T., 1760: Mémoires militaires sur les Grecs et les Romains.Lyons1774: Mémoires critiques et historiques sur plusieurs points d antiquités militaires.In fourvolumes [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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