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.1 9).mer is friendly, with no mention of the incident;Hemingway and his second wife, Pauline (1895 Hemingway attempted to boost Fitzgerald s con-1951), attended the PRINCETON-Yale football game fidence at a time when Fitzgerald was concernedat Princeton with the Fitzgeralds on November 19, because his own novel (Tender Is the Night) was1928, and spent the night at ELLERSLIE their first unfinished after four years.Hemingway praised themeeting in two years.Hemingway described the parts of the novel he had read and explained hisoccasion, including Fitzgerald s drunken behavior theory that GILBERT SELDES s favorable review ofHemingway, Ernest 317The Great Gatsby had blocked Fitzgerald s work way tried to mend his friendship with Fitzgerald byon the novel by compelling him to attempt a mas- writing that he did not think Fitzgerald had delib-terpiece (September 4, 1929; Ernest Hemingway: erately let the round run overtime: I know youSelected Letters, pp.304 306).are the soul of honor (Ernest Hemingway: SelectedIn the fall of 1929 GERTRUDE STEIN strained Letters, p.312).Fitzgerald and Hemingway s friendship by telling Fitzgerald and Hemingway met again in Octo-them that Scott was the most talented writer of ber 1931, and it was at about this time that theyhis generation and that his flame was stronger began to relay messages to one another throughthan Ernest s.Fitzgerald believed the comment Perkins.They next met in New York in Januarywas insincere as well as a slight to both him and 1933 for lunch with EDMUND WILSON; a drunkenHemingway.Hemingway wrote to reassure Fitzger- Fitzgerald quarreled with both Hemingway andald that Stein had been sincere and had never said Wilson.This occasion may have prompted Fitzger-anything unfavorable about Fitzgerald to him, add- ald s observation in his Notebooks: I talk withing that he did not resent her remark or feel com- the authority of failure Ernest with the author-petitive because There can be no such thing as ity of success.We could never sit across the tablecomparing flames or feelings of superiority or inferi- again (#1915).On March 4, 1934, Fitzgeraldority between serious writers They are all in the wrote to Perkins in a letter about TITN: Onesame boat.Competition within that boat which time I had a talk with Ernest Hemingway, and Iis headed toward death is as silly as deck sports told him, against all the logic that was then cur-are The only competition is the original one of rent, that I was the tortoise and he was the hare,making the boat and that all takes place inside and that s the truth of the matter, that everythingyourself You re on the boat but you re getting I have ever attained has been through long andtouchy because you haven t finished your novel persistent struggle while it is Ernest who has athat s all I understand it and you could be a hell touch of genius which enables him to bring offof a lot more touchy and I wouldn t mind (October extraordinary things with facility (Life in Letters,1929; Ernest Hemingway: Selected Letters, p.310).pp.248 249; Scott/Max, p.194).A delayed reaction to the Hemingway Cal- A month after the publication of TITN (Aprillaghan bout occurred when a November 24, 1929, 12, 1934), Fitzgerald wrote to Hemingway: DidNew York Herald Tribune article alleged that Cal- you like the book? For God s sake drop me a linelaghan had knocked out Hemingway for dispar- and tell me one way or another (May 10, 1934;aging his boxing stories.Callaghan s correction Life in Letters, p.259).Hemingway responded onappeared in the Tribune on December 8, but mean- May 28 with a three-page typed assessment devel-while Fitzgerald at Hemingway s insistence had oping criticisms he had already shared with Per-cabled Callaghan for a correction.Callaghan was kins: The writing was wonderful, but TITN wasangry, and although Maxwell Perkins tried to make fake because it distorted GERALD and SARA MUR-peace among his three authors, Callaghan s friend- PHY, partial models for Dick and Nicole Divership with Fitzgerald and Hemingway ended.The sit- (Ernest Hemingway: Selected Letters, pp.407 409).uation was complicated by Hemingway s suspicion Fitzgerald replied on June 1, defending his methodthat Callaghan had repeated ROBERT MCALMON s of composite characterization and acknowledg-allegation that he and Fitzgerald were homosexu- ing Hemingway s contribution to the novel sals; Fitzgerald believed that the gossip helped spoil understated ending (Life in Letters, pp.262 264).his friendship with Hemingway.He wrote in his Fitzgerald had previously written to H.L.MENCKENNotebooks, without naming Hemingway: I really about his deliberate use of the dying fall motif,loved him, but of course it wore out like a love noting that he and Hemingway had worked outaffair.The fairies have spoiled all that (#62).On that particular trick with the influence of JOSEPHDecember 12, before the December 8 Tribune with CONRAD s preface to The Nigger of the NarcissusCallaghan s correction reached France, Heming- (1897) (April 23, 1934; Life in Letters, 256) [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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.1 9).mer is friendly, with no mention of the incident;Hemingway and his second wife, Pauline (1895 Hemingway attempted to boost Fitzgerald s con-1951), attended the PRINCETON-Yale football game fidence at a time when Fitzgerald was concernedat Princeton with the Fitzgeralds on November 19, because his own novel (Tender Is the Night) was1928, and spent the night at ELLERSLIE their first unfinished after four years.Hemingway praised themeeting in two years.Hemingway described the parts of the novel he had read and explained hisoccasion, including Fitzgerald s drunken behavior theory that GILBERT SELDES s favorable review ofHemingway, Ernest 317The Great Gatsby had blocked Fitzgerald s work way tried to mend his friendship with Fitzgerald byon the novel by compelling him to attempt a mas- writing that he did not think Fitzgerald had delib-terpiece (September 4, 1929; Ernest Hemingway: erately let the round run overtime: I know youSelected Letters, pp.304 306).are the soul of honor (Ernest Hemingway: SelectedIn the fall of 1929 GERTRUDE STEIN strained Letters, p.312).Fitzgerald and Hemingway s friendship by telling Fitzgerald and Hemingway met again in Octo-them that Scott was the most talented writer of ber 1931, and it was at about this time that theyhis generation and that his flame was stronger began to relay messages to one another throughthan Ernest s.Fitzgerald believed the comment Perkins.They next met in New York in Januarywas insincere as well as a slight to both him and 1933 for lunch with EDMUND WILSON; a drunkenHemingway.Hemingway wrote to reassure Fitzger- Fitzgerald quarreled with both Hemingway andald that Stein had been sincere and had never said Wilson.This occasion may have prompted Fitzger-anything unfavorable about Fitzgerald to him, add- ald s observation in his Notebooks: I talk withing that he did not resent her remark or feel com- the authority of failure Ernest with the author-petitive because There can be no such thing as ity of success.We could never sit across the tablecomparing flames or feelings of superiority or inferi- again (#1915).On March 4, 1934, Fitzgeraldority between serious writers They are all in the wrote to Perkins in a letter about TITN: Onesame boat.Competition within that boat which time I had a talk with Ernest Hemingway, and Iis headed toward death is as silly as deck sports told him, against all the logic that was then cur-are The only competition is the original one of rent, that I was the tortoise and he was the hare,making the boat and that all takes place inside and that s the truth of the matter, that everythingyourself You re on the boat but you re getting I have ever attained has been through long andtouchy because you haven t finished your novel persistent struggle while it is Ernest who has athat s all I understand it and you could be a hell touch of genius which enables him to bring offof a lot more touchy and I wouldn t mind (October extraordinary things with facility (Life in Letters,1929; Ernest Hemingway: Selected Letters, p.310).pp.248 249; Scott/Max, p.194).A delayed reaction to the Hemingway Cal- A month after the publication of TITN (Aprillaghan bout occurred when a November 24, 1929, 12, 1934), Fitzgerald wrote to Hemingway: DidNew York Herald Tribune article alleged that Cal- you like the book? For God s sake drop me a linelaghan had knocked out Hemingway for dispar- and tell me one way or another (May 10, 1934;aging his boxing stories.Callaghan s correction Life in Letters, p.259).Hemingway responded onappeared in the Tribune on December 8, but mean- May 28 with a three-page typed assessment devel-while Fitzgerald at Hemingway s insistence had oping criticisms he had already shared with Per-cabled Callaghan for a correction.Callaghan was kins: The writing was wonderful, but TITN wasangry, and although Maxwell Perkins tried to make fake because it distorted GERALD and SARA MUR-peace among his three authors, Callaghan s friend- PHY, partial models for Dick and Nicole Divership with Fitzgerald and Hemingway ended.The sit- (Ernest Hemingway: Selected Letters, pp.407 409).uation was complicated by Hemingway s suspicion Fitzgerald replied on June 1, defending his methodthat Callaghan had repeated ROBERT MCALMON s of composite characterization and acknowledg-allegation that he and Fitzgerald were homosexu- ing Hemingway s contribution to the novel sals; Fitzgerald believed that the gossip helped spoil understated ending (Life in Letters, pp.262 264).his friendship with Hemingway.He wrote in his Fitzgerald had previously written to H.L.MENCKENNotebooks, without naming Hemingway: I really about his deliberate use of the dying fall motif,loved him, but of course it wore out like a love noting that he and Hemingway had worked outaffair.The fairies have spoiled all that (#62).On that particular trick with the influence of JOSEPHDecember 12, before the December 8 Tribune with CONRAD s preface to The Nigger of the NarcissusCallaghan s correction reached France, Heming- (1897) (April 23, 1934; Life in Letters, 256) [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]