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.You can also save the information from the File Info dialog box by clicking the Savebutton.Or open information saved to disk previously by clicking Load.To add theinformation from a saved file to the information you ve already entered into theFile Info dialog box, click the Append button.TipUsing the Actions palette, you can create an action that adds your specific copyright,byline, and URL to an image.After recording the action, you can automatically addthe information to an entire folder of files using File ª' Automate ª' Batch.For moreinformation on the Actions palette and Batch command, read the last half ofChapter B on this book s CD-ROM.Taping notes to your imagePhotoshop 6 enables you to slap the digital equivalent of a sticky note onto your66image.The notes can be viewed in Adobe Acrobat (assuming that you save theimage in the PDF format) as well as in Photoshop 6.You can jot down ideas thatyou want to remember later, for example.Or, if you re routing an image for approval,you can ask questions about a certain image element  or, more likely, explain whya part of the picture looks the way it does and why changing it would be an absolutetravesty and total abdication of your artistic integrity.The Photoshop notes tool works like its counterpart in Adobe Acrobat: Click in theimage window to display a blank note, as shown in Figure 3-21, or drag to create acustom-sized note.If you don t see your name in the Author box on the Options bar,double-click the box and type your name.(By default, Photoshop displays the username you entered when you installed the program.) Type your comments  all thestandard text-editing techniques apply  and then click the close box in the upper-left corner of the note window.Your note shrinks to a little note icon, as shown inthe figure.Double-click the icon to redisplay the note text.Photoshop Chapter 3 &' Image Fundamentals115Note iconOpen noteFigure 3-21: After adding text-based notes or audiocomments to an image, save the file in the PDF formatso that others can access the annotations when viewingthe image in Adobe Acrobat.When you save your image, be sure to save in the Photoshop native format or PDFand select the Annotations check box in the Save dialog box.Otherwise, you lose allyour notes.For information on how to delete individual notes in an open image andhow to customize and import notes, skip to the section  Managing annotations.Voicing your opinionsIf you like to speak your mind rather than put your thoughts in writing, check out66the audio annotation tool.This tool works like the notes tool except that it insertsan audio recording of your voice rather than a text message into the file.Of course,you need a microphone, speakers, and a sound card installed in your computer touse this feature.Also, Photoshop retains audio annotations only when you save theimage file using the Photoshop native format or PDF, as with text notes.Be aware,too, that audio files increase file size significantly.The audio annotation tool shares quarters with the notes tool in the toolbox.Press N to toggle between the two tools (or Shift+N, depending on the preferenceyou established in the General panel of the Preferences dialog box).Click in yourimage at the spot where you want the icon representing your message to appear.Photoshop Part I &' Welcome to Photoshop 6116When the Audio Annotation dialog box appears, click Start to begin your recordingand then talk into the microphone.Click Stop when you ve said all you have to say.Photoshop represents your audio message with a little speaker icon in the imagewindow.Double-click the icon to play the message.Managing annotationsIf you re a solo artist and the only approval of your work you need is your own, you66may not have much reason to use the notes or audio annotation tools.Then again,you may be an easily distracted sort and find annotations a terrific way to remindyourself exactly what you re trying to accomplish in an image.And who s to saythat your friends won t love being able to hear an audio clip of your dog Binkyyapping at the vacuum cleaner when they view his picture in Acrobat?Whether you re using annotations for fun or profit, use the following strategies tomanage audio and text annotations:&' Use the Font and Size controls on the Options bar to change the font and typesize in an open note.&' Click the Color icon to change the color of the icon and title bar for any newnote you create.This option comes in handy if several people will be review-ing the image and putting in their two cents worth.You can assign a differentcolor to each author.To change the color of an existing note, open the noteand click the Color icon.This time, you affect only the open note  othernotes by the same author don t change.&' You can move and copy annotations between image windows.Just click theicon and use the Cut, Copy, and Paste commands as you do to move and copyany selection.&' If an icon blocks your view of the image, you can drag it out of the way.However, when you open the note, its window appears in the icon s originallocation.Drag the size box in the lower-right corner of an open note to shrinkthe window if necessary.&' Choose View ª' Show ª' Notes to toggle the display of annotation icons onand off.Alternatively, choose View ª' Hide All and View ª' Show All to hideand display icons and other interface elements such as selection marquees,guides, and so on.&' To delete a single annotation, click its icon and press Delete.Or right-clickthe icon and choose Delete Note.If you want to delete all annotations, chooseDelete All Notes or click the Clear All button on the Options bar.TipIf you send out several copies of the same image for approval, you don t haveto open each copy individually to read the annotations.Instead, open just onecopy and then import the annotations from the other files.Choose File ª' Import ª'Annotations, select the files containing the annotations, and click Open.Photoshopgathers up all the annotations and dumps them into your open image.Photoshop Chapter 3 &' Image Fundamentals117CautionRemember to save your image in the PDF or Photoshop 6 file format to retainannotations in a file.And if you re sending an annotated file to other people forviewing, tell them that they need to use Adobe Acrobat 4.0 or higher to accessthe annotations.Resampling and CroppingAfter you bring up an image  whether you created it from scratch or opened anexisting image stored in one of the five billion formats discussed in the precedingpages  its size and resolution are established.Neither size nor resolution is set instone, however.Photoshop provides two methods for changing the number of pixelsin an image: resampling and cropping.Resizing versus resamplingTypically, when folks talk about resizing an image, they mean enlarging or reducingit without changing the number of pixels in the image, as demonstrated back inFigure 3-1.By contrast, resampling an image means scaling it so the image containsa larger or smaller number of pixels.With resizing, an inverse relationship existsbetween size and resolution  size increases when resolution decreases, and viceversa.But resampling affects either size or resolution independently.Figure 3-22shows an image resized and resampled to 50 percent of its original dimensions.The resampled and original images have identical resolutions, but the resizedimage has twice the resolution of its companions.Resizing an imageTo resize an image, use one of the techniques discussed in the  Changing the print-ing resolution section near the beginning 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