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.6.Report on AssignmentIf in the course of research or during the writing of the article, the writer concludes that the assignment will not result in a satisfactory article, he or she shall be obliged to so inform the editor.Page 5557.WithdrawalShould a disagreement arise between the editor and writer as to the merit or handling of an assignment, the editor may remove the writer on payment of mutually satisfactory compensation for the effort already expended, or the writer may withdraw without compensation and, if the idea for the assignment originated with the writer, may take the idea elsewhere without penalty.8.AgreementsThe practice of written confirmation of all agreements between editors and writers is strongly recommended, and such confirmation may originate with the editor, the writer, or an agent.Such a memorandum of confirmation should list all aspects of the assignment including subject, approach, length, special instructions, payments, deadline, and guarantee (if any).Failing prompt contradictory response to such a memorandum, both parties are entitled to assume that the terms set forth therein are binding.9.RewritingNo writer's work shall be rewritten without his or her advance consent.If an editor requests a writer to rewrite a manuscript, the writer shall be obliged to do so but shall alternatively be entitled to withdraw the manuscript and offer it elsewhere.10.BylinesLacking any stipulation to the contrary, a byline is the author's unquestioned right.All advertisements of the article should also carry the author's name.If an author's byline is omitted from the published article, no matter what the cause or reason, the publisher shall be liable to compensate the author financially for the omission.11.UpdatingIf delay in publication necessitates extensive updating of an article, such updating shall be done by the author, to whom additional compensation shall be paid.Page 55612.Reversion of RightsReasonable and good­faith efforts should be made to schedule an article within six months and publish it within twelve months.In the event that circumstances prevent such timely publication, the writer should be informed within twelve months as to the publication's continued interest in the article and plans to publish it.If publication is unlikely, the manuscript and all rights therein should revert to the author without penalty or cost to the author.13.Payment for AssignmentsAn assignment presumes an obligation upon the publisher to pay for the writer's work upon satisfactory completion of the assignment, according to the agreed terms.Should a manuscript that has been accepted, orally or in writing, by a publisher or any representative or employee of the publisher, later be deemed unacceptable, the publisher shall nevertheless be obliged to pay the writer in full according to the agreed terms.If an editor withdraws or terminates an assignment, due to no fault of the writer, after work has begun but prior to completion of the manuscript, the writer is entitled to compensation for work already put in; such compensation shall be negotiated between editor and author and shall be commensurate with the amount of work already completed.If a completed assignment is not accepted, due to no fault of the writer, the writer is still entitled to full payment.14.Time of PaymentsThe writer is entitled to payment for an accepted article within 30 days of delivery.No article payment, or any portion thereof, should ever be subject to publication or to scheduling for publication.15.ExpensesUnless otherwise stipulated by the editor at the time of an assignment, a writer shall assume that normal, out­of­pocket expenses will be reimbursed by the publisher.Any extraordinary expenses anticipated by the writer shall be discussed with the editor prior to incurring them.Page 55716.InsuranceA magazine that gives a writer an assignment involving any extraordinary hazard shall insure the writer against death or disability during the course of travel or the hazard, or, failing that, shall honor the cost of such temporary insurance as an expense account item.17.Loss of Personal BelongingsIf, as a result of circumstances or events directly connected with a perilous assignment and due to no fault of the writer, a writer suffers loss of personal belongings or professional equipment or incurs bodily injury, the publisher shall compensate the writer in full.18.Copyright, Additional RightsIt shall be understood, unless otherwise stipulated in writing, that sale of an article manuscript entitles the purchaser to first North American rights only, and that all other rights are retained by the author [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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