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.ORA 01767 UPDATE.SET expression must be a subqueryCause An attempt was made to use a single expression without a subquery to updatea list of columns.Action Check the syntax for using subqueries to update data and add thenecessary subquery.ORA 01768 number string too longCause A number entered exceeds the limit of 255 characters, including digits, sign,decimal point, and exponent.Action Shorten the number string, perhaps by expressing it in scientific notation, forexample, 1.85E9 instead of 1,850,000,000.ORA 01769 duplicate CLUSTER option specificationsCause During a CREATE of a clustered table, an attempt was made to specify morethan one CLUSTER option.Action Remove the extra CLUSTER option and retry the statement.ORA 01770 CLUSTER option not allowed in CREATE CLUSTER commandCause An attempt was made to use the CLUSTER option within a CREATECLUSTER statement.Action Remove the CLUSTER clause and try again.ORA 01771 illegal option for a clustered tableCause CLUSTER option conflicts with MAXTRANS option.Action Choose one option and retry the statement.2  168 Oracle7 Server Messages 01700 01799: SQL ParsingORA 01773 may not specify column datatypes in this CREATE TABLECause Column datatypes were specified in a SELECT statement used to create andload a table directly.Action Remove column datatypes.The datatypes of the SELECT list expressions areautomatically used as the column datatypes.ORA 01775 looping chain of synonymsCause Through a series of CREATE synonym statements, a synonym was defined thatreferred to itself.For example, the following definitions are circular:CREATE SYNONYM s1 for s2CREATE SYNONYM s2 for s3CREATE SYNONYM s3 for s1Action Change one synonym definition so that it applies to a base table or view andretry the operation.ORA 01777 WITH GRANT OPTION not allowed in this systemCause This version of Oracle does not support the WITH GRANT OPTION.Action Remove the WITH GRANT option.ORA 01778 maximum subquery nesting level exceededCause An attempt was made to use more than 255 levels of nested subqueries.Action Merge some of the subqueries into their containing queries, until there are lessthan 255 levels of nesting.ORA 01780 string literal requiredCause In a COMMENT statement, the comment following the keyword IS must be aquoted string literal.Action Check that the comment is a string literal.ORA 01781 UNRECOVERABLE cannot be specified without AS SELECTCause UNRECOVERABLE was specified in a CREATE TABLE statement without alsospecifying a populating subquery with an AS clause.Action Do not specify UNRECOVERABLE.Oracle7 Server Messages 2  169 01700 01799: SQL ParsingORA 01782 UNRECOVERABLE cannot be specified for a cluster or clustered tableCause A CREATE CLUSTER or clustered CREATE TABLE statementspecified UNRECOVERABLE.Action Do not specify UNRECOVERABLE.ORA 01783 only one RECOVERABLE or UNRECOVERABLE clause may be specifiedCause RECOVERABLE was specified more than once, UNRECOVERABLE wasspecified more than once, or both RECOVERABLE and UNRECOVERABLEwere specified in a CREATE TABLE or CREATE INDEX statement.Action Remove all but one of the RECOVERABLE or UNRECOVERABLE clauses andreissue the statement.ORA 01784 RECOVERABLE cannot be specified with database media recovery disabledCause A CREATE TABLE or CREATE INDEX statement specified RECOVERABLEwhen the database was running in NOARCHIVELOG mode.Since logs are notbeing archived, they will be overwritten and the object being created cannot berecovered from a backup taken before the object was created.Action Do not specify RECOVERABLE, or restart the database with mediarecovery enabled.ORA 01785 ORDER BY item must be the number of a SELECT list expressionCause Either an ORDER BY item for a set expression is not a column number, or theORDER BY item is not the number of a SELECT list column.Action The ORDER BY item must be a number between 1 and the number of columnsin the SELECT list.Check the column number and retry the statement.ORA 01786 FOR UPDATE of this query expression is not allowedCause An attempt was made to use a FOR UPDATE clause on the result of a setexpression involving GROUP BY, DISTINCT, UNION, INTERSECT, or MINUS.Action Check the syntax, remove the FOR UPDATE clause, and retry the statement.ORA 01787 only one clause allowed per query blockCause An attempt was made to use more than one WHERE, GROUP BY, CONNECTBY, or HAVING clause in the query.Action Combine the duplicate clauses into a single clause and retry the statement.2  170 Oracle7 Server Messages 01700 01799: SQL ParsingORA 01788 CONNECT BY clause required in this query blockCause A START WITH clause was specified without a CONNECT BY clause.Action Check the syntax, specify a CONNECT BY clause, and retry the statement.ORA 01789 query block has incorrect number of result columnsCause All of the queries participating in a set expression do not contain the samenumber of SELECT list columns.Action Check that all the queries in the set expression have the same number ofSELECT list columns.ORA 01790 expression must have same datatype as corresponding expressionCause A SELECT list item corresponds to a SELECT list item with a different datatypein another query of the same set expression.Action Check that all corresponding SELECT list items have the same datatypes.Usethe TO_NUMBER, TO_CHAR, and TO_DATE functions to do explicitdata conversions.ORA 01791 not a SELECTed expressionCause There is an incorrect ORDER BY item.The query is a SELECT DISTINCT querywith an ORDER BY clause.In this context, all ORDER BY items must beconstants, SELECT list expressions, or expressions whose operands areconstants or SELECT list expressions.Action Remove the inappropriate ORDER BY item from the SELECT list and retrythe statement.ORA 01792 maximum number of columns in a table or view is 254Cause While creating a table or view, more than 254 columns were specified.Action Remove some columns from the table or view definition.If all the informationis required, split the columns into two tables or views and join the columnswhen querying.ORA 01793 maximum number of index columns is 16Cause While creating an index, more than 16 columns were specified.Action Remove some columns from the index definition.If all the columns indexed arerequired, split them into two indexes.Oracle7 Server Messages 2  171 01700 01799: SQL ParsingORA 01794 maximum number of cluster columns is 16Cause More than 16 columns were specified in the cluster key.Action Remove some of the columns from the cluster key definition.Considerconcatenating multiple character strings into a single column.ORA 01795 maximum number of expressions in a list is 254Cause More than 254 columns or expressions were specified in a list.Action Remove some of the expressions from the list.ORA 01796 this operator cannot be used with listsCause A relational operator is not allowed in this context.When comparing lists, useonly an operator that tests for equivalence, such as =, !=, or IN.Action Rephrase the query so that it only compares lists for equivalence.For example,the following clause is invalid:WHERE (A,B) > ((C,D), (E,F))It may be necessary to compare individual columns separately [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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