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.To set keys on cameraNumber, select the cameraNumberattribute in the channel box then select Channels -> Keyselected.The robot scene starts with camera3, switches tocamera1, back to camera3 then finally to camera2.Once the keys are set, you can preview the cuts by playinghttp://www.aw.sgi.com/assistant_online/entertain/maya/how_tos/rendering/camera_cuts/ (2 of 3) [3/7/2000 14:42:30] Assistant Online - Maya/How Tos/Rendering/Camera Cutsback the scene using cameraMain.To control the timing ofwhen the cuts occur, you can now easily change the timing ofthe keys using the graph editor.CONCLUSIONWhen you are happy with the results, you can render out thescene by making cameraMain as the renderable camera.Don'tforget to turn off the renderable attribute for the perspectivecamera.Note: If you are using motion blur, rendering out the cuts usingcameraMain will create an exaggerated blur at the first frameof every cut.For instance, as the camera cuts from camera1 tocamera2, there will be a lot of motion blur as the camera leapsto the new position.If you want to use motion blur, you can either delete theseincorrect frames, or you can use the cameraMain to find outwhere the cuts should occur then use the actual cameras(camera1, camera2 etc.) to render.To make sure that eachcamera renders out with the same name, use a File NamePrefix in the Render Globals Window.Use of this file confirms your agreement to the Terms and Conditionsset out on the Terms and Conditions page.http://www.aw.sgi.com/assistant_online/entertain/maya/how_tos/rendering/camera_cuts/ (3 of 3) [3/7/2000 14:42:30] Assistant Online - Maya/How Tos/Rendering/Create CameraAlias|Wavefront / Assistant Online / Maya / How Tos / Rendering / Create CameraHOW TO CREATE A CAMERA CUTby Robert MageeCAMERAMaya CompleteRenderingThis lesson teaches how to create the cameraMain.macamera.In this lesson, you will learn how to set up a camerathat will use an expression to cut between other cameras in thescene.This expression uses a new attribute calledcameraNumber to decide which other camera in the scene to"mimic." Basically cameraMain takes on all the key attributes ofthe chosen camera.This camera is designed to be used in the How to animatecamera cuts lesson.STEP ONESelect Create -> Camera.Rename this camera cameraMain.This is very importantsince the expression you will be writing refers to this cameraname.STEP TWOWith the Camera selected, select Modify -> Add Attribute.Set the following:Attribute name to cameraNumber.Data Type to IntegerClick OK.This new Attribute will be used to determine which camera,cameraMain will be mimicking.Its name is very importantsince the expression uses this attribute name.http://www.aw.sgi.com/assistant_online/entertain/maya/how_tos/rendering/camera_cuts/camera.html (1 of 2) [3/7/2000 14:42:52] Assistant Online - Maya/How Tos/Rendering/Create CameraSTEP THREEWith the Camera selected, select Window -> ExpressionEditor.Create this expression.To understand how the expressionworks, read the script's comments.CONCLUSIONWhen using this camera, it is important that your othercameras are named camera1, camera2 etc.To switchbetween them, you can now set keys on the cameraNumberattribute.For more details on how to use this camera, complete theHow to animate camera cuts lesson.Use of this file confirms your agreement to the Terms and Conditionsset out on the Terms and Conditions page.http://www.aw.sgi.com/assistant_online/entertain/maya/how_tos/rendering/camera_cuts/camera.html (2 of 2) [3/7/2000 14:42:52] http://www.aw.sgi.com/assistant_online/entertain/maya/how_tos/rendering/camera_cuts/img/cut4_lg.gifhttp://www.aw.sgi.com/assistant_online/entertain/maya/how_tos/rendering/camera_cuts/img/cut4_lg.gif [3/7/2000 14:43:01] Assistant Online - Maya/How Tos/Rendering/CloudsAlias|Wavefront / Assistant Online / Maya / How Tos / Rendering / CloudsHOW TO MAKEby Tom KluyskensNATURAL CLOUDSMaya CompleteRenderingIn this lesson youwill learn how tocreate fly-through,shadowable clouds.To achieve thisresult, you willcreate a shadingnetwork using thesampler info node, aPlay Movie (472k)reverse utility nodeand a ramp texture.STEP ONECreate a sphere.Use the E_copy script to randomize some copies of the sphere.Use the settings as shown below.If you are unfamiliar with the use of mel scripts, please see Howto use an Assistant_Online Scripthttp://www.aw.sgi.com/assistant_online/entertain/maya/how_tos/rendering/clouds/ (1 of 6) [3/7/2000 14:43:10] Assistant Online - Maya/How Tos/Rendering/CloudsSTEP TWODelete the original sphere.The result should look likethis.Select all spheres anddisable their double sidedoption in the Window ->Rendering Editors ->Rendering Flags.This will make them more transparent,especially at the borders.Important : The spheres must have a high degree of overlap orthe spheres will be visible.They must NOT be scaled too muchalong one axis or you will see artifacts.Also note that too many spheres will slow down the render time.Use a maximum of 10.http://www.aw.sgi.com/assistant_online/entertain/maya/how_tos/rendering/clouds/ (2 of 6) [3/7/2000 14:43:10] Assistant Online - Maya/How Tos/Rendering/CloudsSTEP THREECreate a Lambert shading group, a ramp texture (withouttexture placement), a cloud texture, a sampler info utility and areverse utility.Assign the Lambert shading group to the spheres.Rename theLambertSG to CloudSG, and the Lambert material to CloudM.Drag the MMB with the cloud texture onto the ambient color ofthe CloudM material node.Scale the Cloud place3Dtexture to 4,4,4.http://www.aw.sgi.com/assistant_online/entertain/maya/how_tos/rendering/clouds/ (3 of 6) [3/7/2000 14:43:11] Assistant Online - Maya/How Tos/Rendering/CloudsSTEP FOURConnect as follows,using the Hypershade.Connect theoutColor of theramp to the inputof the reversenode.Connect thereverse output tothe transparencyof the CloudMnode.We reversethe cloud color,because we wantthe cloudstransparent wherethey are coloredblack.Connect thesampler infofacing ratio to theU Coord of therampSet the type of theramp to URampand change theinterpolation toexponential up.Map the Cloud tothe top tab andconfigure asindicated.(bottomtab just black).The Ramp, usingthe sampler infofacing ratio as anInput, will modifythe Cloud so thatthe borders of thespheres will betransparent (blackbecomes whitethrough thereverse utilitynode, thus totallyhttp://www.aw.sgi.com/assistant_online/entertain/maya/how_tos/rendering/clouds/ (4 of 6) [3/7/2000 14:43:11] Assistant Online - Maya/How Tos/Rendering/Cloudstransparent).If theU Coord(connected to theFacing Ratio inthis example) of aU Type Ramp is 0,the output colorwill be the bottomcolor of the ramp,if it's 1, the top ofthe ramp is theoutput color.Click to view larger versionNote: The Facing Ratio is the degree to which a point on a surface isfacing towards the camera [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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