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.For those who prefer a peek, rather than an impression devicedo this.Pre-fold the paper (as in typical Acidus style) and ask that thecelebrities name be written in the Designated area.Then ask that thisbe placed in the center of the table.While speaking, you pick up thebillet and hand the paper to the officer.You gesture with your finger,to write  Evidence on outside of the paper, while motioning where towrite.Those familiar with any Acidus variations will know this is whenyou get your glimpse.Now just proceed as previously described.Method Two: Determining the witnessHow do you know which person is the witness?It is a code from your assistant.Yes, but what a code it is.You do not look at your accomplice and theynever have to do any acting (or non-acting).Read on.I think this willmake you smile.A code:Your covert assistant (the officer) will code to you which person is thewitness.The clue to this person s identity is hidden in plain sight.Thesecond you turn around, you will instantly know which person it is.The other group members could carefully scrutinize your every actionand find no evidence of your complicity.All you must do is containyour shame for having to work so little and have so much fun. 48 ContemplationsI would first like to say that this idea was inspired by the brilliant workof Timothy Hyde.His Ziplock Psychometry is a wonderful routine (andmethod) which I highly recommend.I had been thinking along thelines of Max Maven s clever routine, Burnt Offerings, when suddenlythe picture of having the evidence put in a bag was all the inspirationI needed.My method is certainly different from Timothy s, but theproverbial light came on after reading his.Part of this method depends on using a certain type of Ziplock bag.You will find that better Ziplock bags will feature a plastic fastener/zipper that moves across the seal, which facilitates closing the bag.Wewill use the fastening zipper s position along the seal to secretly tell youwhich of the group members the witness is.In order to determine the identity of witness, without leaving a clue(sorry, pun intended), you will consider two pieces of informationwhich will instantly reveal the person in question.1.Which side of the bag is facing uppermost2.The position of the plastic fastenerTo perform this effect you must obtain a clear plastic sandwich bagthat has the plastic sliding fastener.Once found, use a permanentmarker and write EVIDENCE on one side only.Now, you have an upposition (writing side up) and a down position (writing side down).Whenyou turn around, you can easily see whether the accomplice has placedthe bag writing side up or down.This gives you half the informationyou need.You can instantly notice this without having to look at itdirectly at the bag.Now the evidence bag s fastener will be used in one of two positions;either completely opened or completely closed.Both of these positionswill seem completely innocuous to your audience.If the fastener is allthe way to the left or to the right, the group will be none the wiser toyour code. Elementary 49When you turn around, you will notice whether the writing is facingup or down and which side of the zippered seal the fastener is resting,far left or far right.With this knowledge, you will know which personis the witness.The code below will tell you how.Writing side up (persons 1 or 2):Person one: Far left fastener, writing side upPerson two: Far right fastener, writing side upWriting side down (persons 3 or 4):Person three: Far left fastener, writing side downPerson four: Far right fastener, writing side downNote:I always have my officer sit or stand to my far left.Then, the otherpeople will be numbered, one through four, from her direction, thoughnever referred to as such out loud.Closest to her will be one, and soon.If you do likewise, your code will also work left (person one) tothe far right (person four).Doing the same thing every time will makethis second nature.This is an easy code that doesn t require your accomplice to act normal.Once learned, there is no pressure on either party and this will be a joyto perform.Thus the entire methodology only requires you to turn around anddiscreetly look at the bag on the table.At once, you can determine theside of the bag which is facing up and then which side of the bag s sealthe fastener/zipper is located.That s it.Then make a mental note of the person the position that matches thecoded value.Then, retrieve the pad from the table and then remove asheet.If you are using the note-pad glimpse or an impression book,justify your peek by taking the pad or book and then write down the 50 Contemplationstwo goals of the demonstration.As you show these written goals,you have justified making your glimpse and now all the dirty work isdone and the routine hasn t even started yet.Nice, isn t it? The rest isenjoying the presentation and helping them to do the same& acting.Filigree:This routine was formed during a creative exercise, which was trying tomake a full presentation from a simple word revelation [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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