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. Quick  quick  ! It s all right.Calm down.They re not here yet, we stillhave time. He puts a hand under my elbow, and wipes mymouth with his sleeve. Take it slowly.Don t hurt yourself.The crusaders.We ve got to go.My knees are trembling.Lord Roland.He s been covered up.There s a blanket over his face. You  you   You re standing.You re talking. Aren t wegoing to take him with us?Father Pagan shakes his head.His eyes are still red andswollen, but they re seeing things again. We re on our ownnow, he says.266 I m sorry.I m sorry, Father. No.I m sorry.You ve nothing to be sorry for. It was for me! He was trying to save me   That s because you re worth saving. Suddenly he closeshis eyes, and grabs my hand, and presses it to his cheek.Fora moment it seems as if he s going to cry again.But he doesn t. Can you walk? he asks. Oh yes.I m not dizzy.I ve got a headache, but I mnot dizzy. Then we ll go. Dropping my hand, he puts his armaround my shoulders. Come on.I ll help you.Lean on me,and you ll be fine.It seems to take for ever to cross the room.When wefinally reach the threshold he turns back, looking at the shrouded body  that long, grey shape on the bed  with alook that lays bare his very soul.And he closes the door behind us.267 Epiloguefter occupying Carcassonne, the crusaders slowlymoved through the rest of Languedoc.SomeAtowns were conquered, some surrendered.Everywhere the local lords were deprived of their rightsand lands, which were bestowed on knights from thenorth.Many Cathars were burned at the stake.Thebloodshed lasted for years, surviving the death of PopeInnocent in 1216, and in 1226 King Louis VIII of Francehimself came south, triggering a fresh wave of violence.In1244 the last Cathar stronghold was taken, and in 1249,when the last Count of Toulouse died (leaving no maleheir), the lands traditionally held by him, and by theViscount of Carcassonne and Béziers, became permanentpossessions of the kings of France. Lord Raymond Roger Trencavel died of dysentery soonafter being taken prisoner.Lord Jordan Roucy de Bram alsodied a captive, and his son was killed defending Bramagainst the crusaders.Bram held out for three days, andwhen it surrendered one hundred prisoners had their eyesgouged out, and their noses, lips and ears cut off.They werethen allowed to leave under the guidance of a man who hadbeen blinded in only one eye: he led them to the fortress ofCabaret, which defied the crusaders until 1211.Dominic Guzman remained at Prouille.Three timeshe refused bishoprics, preferring to devote himself to thefoundation of the Order of Friars Preachers (or Dominicans).He died in 1221, and was made a saint in 1234.Isidore Orbus escaped from Carcassonne, and followedPagan Kidrouk to Prouille, and thence to Montpellier,where Pagan spent many years lecturing at the university.269Isidore studied under him at Montpellier, and then movedon to the university of Bologna, where he became a professorof canon law.During this time, the frequency of his epilepticfits diminished greatly.At the age of thirty-nine he wasappointed papal chamberlain.He wrote several books,including A History of Noble Men, Concerning the TheologicalVirtues and a study of papal law.Pagan Kidrouk remained at Montpellier until 1223.That year he went on a pilgrimage to St James of Compostela,and upon returning, retired to a monastery near Marseilles.Here he devoted himself to writing a book on the life ofLord Roland Roucy de Bram, emphasising the Christianlessons that could be learnt from it.He died in 1227, at theage of fifty-six, leaving the book incomplete.Isidore was with him when he died [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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